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June 02, 2024, 08:28:20 am

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Topic: An MRA tried to fight me on Twitter  (Read 12508 times)


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An MRA tried to fight me on Twitter
Boy, it seems like even MRAs don't like our "friend" Roosh. I posted the following tweet recently, and apparently someone got really mad because "Roosh is a PUA not an MRA"

In case you needed a good laugh today, turd in human shape Roosh V is telling his fellow MRAs not to sleep with women who don't like Trump.

I knew they were a classy guy from that response alone, but then they proved to be an even better person by replying to my old tweets suggesting I "buy a gun, problem solved!". I knew at this point we were dealing with a true Winner, so I blocked them, barely having the time to catch a glimpse of "idiot feminist" before I did so.

Congratulate me, this is my first actual encounter with an MRA on Twitter and I lived to tell the tale!
Sherman Tank Amelia Blank nuffkins, of all people, NutshellGulag Achilles' Heelies Bodark Frank West STOG Yavuz xX_sp00ks_Xx eldritchhat Nifty Nif Fanzay Chupasaurus-Rex A Dork Heathen

Frank West

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An MRA tried to fight me on Twitter #1
Wow, you managed to walk through his iron-clad man-logic and come out the other side with your opinions unchanged, how did you do it?

Emperor Jack Chick

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An MRA tried to fight me on Twitter #2
Wow, you managed to walk through his iron-clad man-logic and come out the other side with your opinions unchanged, how did you do it?
Frank West, June 29, 2016, 10:57:46 am

by being a hysterical woman, obviously.

Amelia Blank

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An MRA tried to fight me on Twitter #3
I wanna know how you interacted with a MRA on Twitter without him direct messaging you and begging for sex!


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An MRA tried to fight me on Twitter #4
I wanna know how you interacted with a MRA on Twitter without him direct messaging you and DEMANDING sex!
Ms.Blank, June 29, 2016, 12:36:43 pm

I thought that this is how it would actually go for these guys but I have even less experience with PUAMRAs than Montrith.


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An MRA tried to fight me on Twitter #5
I wanna know how you interacted with a MRA on Twitter without him direct messaging you and begging for sex!
Ms.Blank, June 29, 2016, 12:36:43 pm

Well, obviously since I'm a stupid feminist I'm also too ugly and fat for him to want to have sex with me, duh!
Amelia Blank


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An MRA tried to fight me on Twitter #6
I wanna know how you interacted with a MRA on Twitter without him direct messaging you and DEMANDING sex!
Ms.Blank, June 29, 2016, 12:36:43 pm

I thought that this is how it would actually go for these guys but I have even less experience with PUAMRAs than Montrith.
Bunnybread, June 29, 2016, 12:45:32 pm

Puam Ra! The second most evil villain on Thundercats!
Nifty Nif Fanzay Chupasaurus-Rex Runic

Achilles' Heelies

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An MRA tried to fight me on Twitter #7
I wanna know how you interacted with a MRA on Twitter without him direct messaging you and DEMANDING sex!
Ms.Blank, June 29, 2016, 12:36:43 pm

I thought that this is how it would actually go for these guys but I have even less experience with PUAMRAs than Montrith.
Bunnybread, June 29, 2016, 12:45:32 pm

Puam Ra! The second most evil villain on Thundercats!
NutshellGulag, June 29, 2016, 04:52:23 pm
Cheetara, it's cute how your nose wrinkles when you try to defy me!
Amelia Blank Lemon Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Bodark Fanzay Runic

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An MRA tried to fight me on Twitter #8
I wanna know how you interacted with a MRA on Twitter without him direct messaging you and DEMANDING sex!
Ms.Blank, June 29, 2016, 12:36:43 pm

I thought that this is how it would actually go for these guys but I have even less experience with PUAMRAs than Montrith.
Bunnybread, June 29, 2016, 12:45:32 pm

Puam Ra! The second most evil villain on Thundercats!
NutshellGulag, June 29, 2016, 04:52:23 pm
Cheetara, it's cute how your nose wrinkles when you try to defy me!
Achilles' Heelies, June 29, 2016, 04:56:25 pm

It's cute how your nose wrinkles when you try to defy me, it takes the focus away from your bad skin
Bodark Runic

Sherman Tank

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An MRA tried to fight me on Twitter #9
What the fuck is happening in this thread? Are y'all secret furries or something?

Amelia Blank

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An MRA tried to fight me on Twitter #10



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An MRA tried to fight me on Twitter #11
Can we just put a disclaimer when people sign up to ballp.it or some shit? 'The frequent posters of ballp.it are there for a reason. That reason is probably they are really weird in private. Please acknowledge that in advance by observing this randomized image from our pictures thread.'
bubbleuj Chupasaurus-Rex Runic A Whirring Bone-White Gleech Vinny Possum

positive stress

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An MRA tried to fight me on Twitter #12
Keep in mind this entire community shares one thing in common which is that we all listen to a podcast in which people talk about dickbugs and cummies and jiggling Skyrim balls, nobody's going to come here and go "wait a minute... these people are all fucking weirdos??"


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An MRA tried to fight me on Twitter #13
Thundercats destroys another thread, when will the reign of feline leotard terror end

A Meat

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An MRA tried to fight me on Twitter #14
Thundercats destroys another thread, when will the reign of feline leotard terror end
EYE OF ZA, June 30, 2016, 01:29:35 pm

you missed the opportunity to write leotard leopard
Ashto Amelia Blank Fanzay