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Topic: Episode 69: The State of the Micronation is Strong  (Read 34113 times)

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

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Between that, SEX BROOD, and Roosh's Bang series, I feel like you guys could do a pretty strong episode just based around readings from the idiots of previous episodes.
Garbage Dacey, June 11, 2014, 01:48:56 am
I'm into the idea as long as I don't have to read fucking Roosh again.
Lemon, June 14, 2014, 02:20:10 am

"Fucking Roosh" of course being the working title of the Bang series.
montrith Sherman Tank


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One of my favorite things from the SA thread is that the Malatorans planned to get into Sao Tome by convincing the government that the mountains had valuable gems. Then the government would let them waltz in and do all the mining (but then secretly they'd set up their country of cybernetic dragons).
When asked what they'd do to actually provide the gemstones they were sent to mine, the dude in charge said that they'd just create artificial gemstones and that would fool the government.
Driya, June 10, 2014, 09:00:07 pm

This just shows how little research they've done, because a) if there were any diamonds, the Portuguese would've found them and sold them and b) Sao Tome is sitting on about ten billion barrels of oil, and they couldn't care less about the very limited amount of gems those mountains could theoretically contain when those sweet, sweet petrodollars start pouring in.

Also, there is another example of this whole undercurrent of racism that seems to infuse Malatora. "Oh yeah, we'll just fool those dumb natives, they can't compete with our superior Anglo-Nipponese intellect and industry. Just a handful of us will be able to outproduce those lazy natives. Alas, such is the Anglo-Japanese Man's Burden!"

e: "Just as the Dutch bought Manhattan for sixty florin, we too shall purchase this island using these anime DVDs, thus bringing civilization and kawaiianity to these heathen savages in darkest Africa!"
« Last Edit: June 14, 2014, 01:16:38 pm by Psammetichus »


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Alternate title for this episode: The Island of Doctor Moreaun

Yeah it took me 4 years to come up with, get off my case.
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Sherman Tank

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Shell Game Vinny Possum SHAMBA~1.SBB adrenochrome dome

Shell Game

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It Sherman Tankpates with the gentle ballp.its, April 25, 2018, 07:10:06 pm
Someone notify Malatora so they can sue him!!! Also

I dedicate this haiku to Elon Musk.

Also this.
Vinny Possum Bodark Lemon Sherman Tank
« Last Edit: April 25, 2018, 11:35:55 pm by Shell Game »