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Topic: Episode 97 - Who Do They Think They're Kidding?  (Read 6682 times)

Shell Game

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Mix marxcarl


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I love this episode about the Tom Hanks movie Big.
Shell Game Penultimatum chai tea latte Salubrious Rex

Secret Gaygent 69

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I shouldn't have tried listening to this episode before an interview. This topic is incredibly cursed.


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but what if his....podcast....gets in the way?

it won't.
Great Joe Penultimatum Shell Game Secret Gaygent 69 chai tea latte Blergh

Great Joe

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I love this episode about the Tom Hanks movie Big.
THE LESBIATHAN, July 17, 2020, 11:05:44 am
and here I thought it was the Robin Williams movie Jack.


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becoming carertoriel's permanent baby, foreverially babyized and loving it


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Hey yall just wanted to let you know that I hated every moment of this episode and will never be able to forget the things that I heard!

Keep doing the good work guys!
chai tea latte Secret Gaygent 69


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  • ridin' high in my supervan
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I really just can't get over how creepy the "carer" blogs are. Age regression as a coping mechanism seems pretty unhealthy, and obviously the stutter-typing and the low-level obsession with being the cutesiest fake child imaginable are off-putting, but there's just something really uncomfortable to me about these people setting up open-submission blogs offering unconditional instant emotional intimacy with any Tumblr rando, often while roleplaying as Tumblr-popular cartoon maternal figures. Maybe they're just dumb kids trying to be helpful and/or be popular, but "accept me as a parental figure, vulnerable people! I will love and protect you!" seems rife with potential for exploitation, and there's no way this can possibly end well.
Secret Gaygent 69 chai tea latte

Secret Gaygent 69

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I generally find multiple systems are utterly baffling. I just don't understand why people want to do it. But, the littles actually made sense to me. It seems like they want to be able to reclaim lost innocence. Hence the person who thought their little couldn't be a child if exposed to scary things. I can relate to the wish for innocence and their issues with anxiety, but these are very unhealthy ways to deal with them.

I really just can't get over how creepy the "carer" blogs are. Age regression as a coping mechanism seems pretty unhealthy, and obviously the stutter-typing and the low-level obsession with being the cutesiest fake child imaginable are off-putting, but there's just something really uncomfortable to me about these people setting up open-submission blogs offering unconditional instant emotional intimacy with any Tumblr rando, often while roleplaying as Tumblr-popular cartoon maternal figures. Maybe they're just dumb kids trying to be helpful and/or be popular, but "accept me as a parental figure, vulnerable people! I will love and protect you!" seems rife with potential for exploitation, and there's no way this can possibly end well.
Antivehicular, July 21, 2020, 05:05:14 am

Yeah, I've got to agree with this. It's a super unhealthy relationship. Honetly kinda worried for the person carertoriel picked as a permanent baby, since there is no way that is going to work well. I really hope the little system people get actual therapists, instead of just internet moms.

Thanks for the episode! Especially thanks to mix for making the doc and still being in the episode. I enjoyed the episode a lot.


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I audibly gasped in the car when our narrator backslid.
vaMpiresoftWare Shell Game