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Topic: 7 degrees of something  (Read 24658 times)

I Fucking Love Amine

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7 degrees of something

« Last Edit: February 13, 2015, 12:04:54 am by I Fucking Love Amine »

Goose Goose Honk At Me Now

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7 degrees of something #1
I was in a math class with Devon Aoki.

Once we ran into each other while I had a dress rehearsal for "Guys and Dolls" and she told me my Salvation Army General's hat was "dope".

Also my aunt wrote the novelization for a Johnny Depp movie. It was about 100 times better than the movie itself (she said, flaunting her obvious family-oriented bias).
« Last Edit: June 23, 2013, 01:18:27 pm by Cuddlesquid »


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7 degrees of something #2
My supervisor at work used to be a DJ and knew deadmau5 before he hit it bug. My supervisor really doesn't like deadmau5 because he was apparently a complete tool both before and after making it big.


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7 degrees of something #3
My dad knows a lot of people from the top of the Finnish theater world, but it's completely pointless as for the purposes of this thread,  since nobody but Finns care about those people. Heck, even among Finns they're probably famous only in theatrical circles.

Goose Goose Honk At Me Now

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7 degrees of something #4
It sounds like your dad went to...

(puts on sunglasses)


Ansemaru chai tea latte I Fucking Love Amine Runic Lemon Velocirapture


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7 degrees of something #5
I was friends with MC Frontalot before anyone knew who he was, although not by very long.

I went to Highland High School, which is the school that Mike Judge named the one in Beavis and Butthead after. However, Judge actually went to St. Pius X, a private Catholic school, and apparently B&B's "Highland" is modelled after that (it bears no similarity whatsoever to Highland). But one of my teachers at Highland had previously taught at St. Pius, and had a story (I'm not sure how true it was, as he wasn't a very reliable narrator) that Judge was one of his students. It's a pretty stupid story though, and I'm pretty sure he made it up and only told it to try to get "cred." (It didn't work.)

In the mid 80s, Nintendo had a "kids design video games" contest.  My friend Ben had an idea for a mathy edutainment game that was sort of like Flatland.  Our classmate Justin stole it from him and submitted it.  Justin ended up winning the contest and got on the local news and everything.  I don't think Ben ever let that one go.  Ben's apparently a realtor now according to LinkedIn.  I have no idea how that happened.  Or what happened to Justin.  I can't find any information about the game design contest on the Internet anyway.

I had a lasting impact at my high school that nobody even knows about.  In my English class, we read "The Milagro Beanfield War." One of the characters in it is a sad-sack nerd named Herbie Goldfarb.  Being a sad-sack nerd myself, everyone in my class started calling me "Herbie."   Somehow that spread outside of class, and everyone would shout, "Yo, Herbie!" at me whenever they saw me.  Somewhere along the way, it just turned into a weird generic greeting people shouted at each other.  Then a few months later there was a vote for what to name the brand-new on-campus convenience store.  Guess what won.

My dad went to high school with Mandy Patinkin.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2013, 07:28:44 pm by fluffy »


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7 degrees of something #6
I had a lasting impact at my high school that nobody even knows about.

Speaking of which, I hear my history teacher still uses me as an example of a person who's always late. I was a good student, but I was almost always late. That's what living right next to your school does to you.


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7 degrees of something #7
I had a lasting impact at my high school that nobody even knows about.

Speaking of which, I hear my history teacher still uses me as an example of a person who's always late. I was a good student, but I was almost always late. That's what living right next to your school does to you.
montrith, June 30, 2013, 06:26:09 am
My friend Neill is very very famous in certain emulation circles, so much so that every now and then (being primarily in the games industry) he'll work with someone who goes all goo-goo eyed, like, "I'm working with MY IDOL!!!!"  When we were both working at Sony he made it a point to live as close to work as he could afford, with the idea being that it would make his commute less obnoxious.  The actual end result was that he would always wait until the last possible minute to get to work, and was usually late to our daily scrum.  He actually got way more punctual when we moved offices to be further away.

Well, he was still late a lot, but not AS late.


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7 degrees of something #8
I am the second cousin of Joaquin and River Phoenix. My mother has some weird stories about that part of the family.

And Sarah Michelle Geller is some sort of relative of a relative-- all I know is that they used to seat us next to each other at weddings and shit back when I was still attempting to do some child-modeling. Admittedly, that was a good 20-some odd years ago.


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7 degrees of something #9
My dad's long-term girlfriend is friends with Steve Jobs' widow and family. As for my father, he's apparently met Harrison Ford before, and found him to be "really boring"?

He also works at a college where Stephen Lang (who was the villain in Avatar, for clarity) went, and has met him before, since his job means handling various alumni of the school.

I once got a hug from Chelsea Clinton when she gave a speech at in my town, back when her mom was in the primaries.

Uh... oh, right, Peter Dinklage went to the college I used to go to, though he graduated the year I was born, so that barely counts.


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7 degrees of something #10
Oh yeah! My sister's best friend's mom (SFBM) was, for a while, dating former NM governor Gary Johnson, and apparently they'd been dating before his divorce to his first wife.  After the divorce they were very very seriously involved with each other, and I believe they were even considering getting married.  Then something unspecified went sour in that relationship and they broke up.  Now he's engaged to someone else - whom he started dating when he was still together with SBFM.  Wikipedia conveniently glosses over the history (although SFBM was called out by name in that article when they were still together).

Anyway while they were still together I met him at a party at my sister's place, and he ended up giving me a ride home.  He's kind of a scary driver.


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7 degrees of something #11
My aunt played with Frank Sinatra Junior a few years back although I cant remember any of the details.

When I worked at the library my boss's great uncle was Ken Burns but she didn't know him well.

My family is super boring.

Zsa Zsa

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7 degrees of something #12
My dad knows someone called Hugo Hugo Hugo.
Delcat Goose Goose Honk At Me Now


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7 degrees of something #13
My mom went to the same college as Iggy Pop at roughly the time he was attending.  I generally extrapolate this to "yeah my mom almost married Iggy Pop it was a real close thing".

My mom was also in that college during the time Ted Bundy was paying the city (Ann Arbor) a visit.  I try not to think about that being a close thing.


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7 degrees of something #14
one of the guys i went to HS with (essentially my boss on the theatre lighting crew) appeared in an episode of ...Rich Girls i want to say? as arm candy for...someone. i forget who. maybe paris hilton, it was a long time ago. he got teased a lot about it senior year.

also i used to hang out at the home of the world flatpick guitar champ a lot when i was a kid. he had rube goldberg machine vhs tapes and two dogs named beacher and willy. also his wife owned a health food store but i think that was more just a lark for her since they sold it after a while.