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June 02, 2024, 04:53:40 am

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Topic: CTRL+V and post it  (Read 503920 times)

Vinny Possum

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CTRL+V and post it #480
Perhatosan: INSTALL fonta Sundanese Unicode


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CTRL+V and post it #481
people who dont even care about language: how can you just CHANGE grammar??? add new wORds?? unacceptable!!! language must never change!!!!!11 kids these days cant even spell!!

people who study language: ANARCHY!! ANARCHY!!!! LANGUAGE IS FLUID AND WORDS AREN'T REAL!! change! the! grammar! rules!! burn a dictionary!!! NO ONE CARES!!!!!
Vinny Possum Gyro


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CTRL+V and post it #482
Fat kitties are an important resource.


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CTRL+V and post it #483
7/20/2016, 12:29:07 AM
stanthemanrocks123 : Where u live
sodaaccident : i live in fucksville county
stanthemanrocks123 : The truth sod be told
sodaaccident : i am full of sod, i buy it from walmart and shove entire handfuls into my mouth
stanthemanrocks123 : Bye
stanthemanrocks123 : Ass hole
New Whispers
sodaaccident : no, i am a soda accident
stanthemanrocks123 : Pisoff
sodaaccident : who's that

Gyro chai tea latte A Meat A Whirring Bone-White Gleech Nifty Nif


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CTRL+V and post it #485
The far more likely scenario will be that when they realize that he won't win, certain factions among Trump supporters will feel aggrieved and will initiate open hostilities. When such an event happens, the targets of violence will have a right to defend themselves through the systematic identification, infiltration and neutralization of the belligerents.

Eventually, I'll surrender to Den Haag.  If you send a care package, please remember that I have a peanut allergy.

chai tea latte

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CTRL+V and post it #486
I think it’s very stereotypical for you to think all twinks are gay. In the same way I know several women who are butches and are not lesbians. My father is a bear and he is not gay. Those are just words about personal style, not related to sexual orientation.


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CTRL+V and post it #487
is he………you know…….*makes football throwing motion*….straight?


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CTRL+V and post it #488
reasons to vote for donald trump

1. Jeb Bush is gay
2. Hillary Clinton should be in the kitchen not in an election
3. Trumpets are cool and mr skeltal plays a trumpet
4. Donald Trump is a cool cat
5. Jeb Bush and Hilary Clinton want to legalize forced dick mutilation
6. Donald Trump is good with the children
7. Donald Trump will end world hunger by increasing the production of trumpets

chai tea latte

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CTRL+V and post it #489
Ok…so, I’m a 🔞16 year old🔞 💋👫👭bisexual female👭👫💋. Lets just establish that. It’s important f👂o👂r👂 my 💭story💭. But a few years ago⬅️⬅️🕙, I wasn’t 💋👫👭Bisexual👫👭💋. I was, what I thought to be at the time anyway, a young 🚮👫Heterosexual👫. But I still loved and supported the 🌈LGBT community☮, as we are 🔙now🔜 taught in school these days that being 🌈LGBT+🌈 is totally fine and 🆒🆒normal🆒🆒. So yes, I have supported the 🌈☮community☮🌈 for ⤴️most of my life. I didn’t choose to be 💋👫👭Bisexual👭👫💋. I just realised it one day🆕, and then got on with my life as usual🔂🔂. Nothing was different, everything was good🆗. Before I realised I was Bisexual, I had a 💅boyfriend I had been with for 1 year💅, and we were in a healthy, stable, and loving 👫Heterosexual relationship👫. He is, and happily identifies as, a 👫Heterosexual👫 🍆male🍆. He does and has always supported the 🌈LGBT community☮ greatly✅, but he is ❌not❌ queer. Now, I have a big problem that I need to adress right now🔜🔜. One that has troubled me for a while🔙🔙. The problem is some of the opinions a portion of other LGBT people have of 👫Heterosexuals👫. I see posts every day on Tumblr 😜joking😂 like “haha straight guys are so gross”, “man 👫Hets👫 need to get their priorities 👫straight👫”, “nobody cares about your 💬opinion💤, straightie”🆒 all made by members of the LGBT community. At least, I 🙏hope💭 they were joking. But even so, what brought on this kind of 🙈🙉🙊hatred💔? Not even towards ⏹Homophobic⏹ or ⏹⏹Transphobic⏹⏹ 👫straight people👫, but towards the 👰💃general 👫straight population👫? Firstly, I get that 🌈LGBT🌈 people were originally and continue to be 😈demonised😈 by 🗑Homophobic/transphobic 👫heterosexual people👫🗑. I really do understand how 🌡defensive you are about your 🌈sexuality/gender identity🌈 and how 🆘important it is🆘. But does that really mean you can go around 💩shitting💩 on anyone and everyone who may be 💝straight🔩? Really😰? Even though there is only ⤵️a 🙈minority🙉 of 🙅Homophobic people🙅 amongst them⁉️? You could have 👶children👶 read your insults. 👶👶Children👶👶. 👶Children👶 aged 1⃣2⃣ - 1⃣6⃣ who are 👫straight👫, or in a 👫straight relationship👫 with someone. How 💩SHIT💩 do you think that makes them feel☢, just for ✌️loving someone of the opposite gender✌️, or 💅💄identifying as🏈🚬, what is 🔊considered by many🔉, to be the norm🔈. I am ❌NOT SAYING❌ that being 👫straight👫 is the 🆒default sexuality🆕. ⏪⏪⏪Far from it. But most 👫straight people👫 do seem to 🛀🎨identify as🍺🎣 🍆straight🍑 from an early age. Those 👫straight children👶, who are 🆕nowadays🆕 taught in 👶school👶 that they should ❣️support and accept🆗 the 🌈LGBT community☮, are reading your 🛂hate-filled jokes✈️ and 🔪insults🔫 towards ☹️them☹️ and wondering💭💭 “what did I do to deserve this?”. 👫Straight people👫 have ❎🆒fucked up in the past🔙. There have been ⏫so many⏫ violent hate crimes, 📜discriminatory laws📓 and protests against 🌍us LGBT🌎 folk🌏 that were and still are led by 🚮homophobic Straight people🚮. 📉Those people📉 are scum. Disgusting, horrible, hate filled people that say awful things like “haha Gay people are so gross”, “man, Bisexuals should get their priorities straight”, “nobody cares about your opinion, faggot”. Thats pretty fucked up, right❓❓ But it sounds somehow 🆕familiar⏪. ✅Yeah✅. ↩️You’re spewing the ♻️same kind of hate♻️ at 🚼young Heterosexuals🚸 that 🚮Homophobes🚮 once gave to 🔄you🔂. You’re 🆘hurting🆘 the 🚻Heterosexuals🍆🍑 that 🔧support you and your identity🆗. Ones that may even, 🔜at a later date🔜, discover that they are ❎not❎ 🍫straight🎱 at all. 🔮How do you think🔮 that 😈hatred😈 towards them makes them feel👎. Even if it’s a 🙌joke🙌, even if it’s 🙊“meant for someone else”🙊, it still 📍hurts🎈. It hurts ⏫so much⏫. It hurt me, ⏪way back when🔙. It 📍hurts🎈 me 🔛now🔛, because it targets 👫my boyfriend💚, who I love and trust, and who supports you all👌. I feel 💫betrayed😧. We’ve spent ⏭so many years fighting for equality✖️➕➖➗. We as a 👩‍👩‍👧‍👧community👨‍👨‍👦‍👦.
And we are 🔃still fighting🔃.
And there are ⏫many⏫ 🔑straight people🔑 fighting with us.
So instead of 💯writing hate comments on the internet💯 targeted towards 💗💔innocent 👗straight people👔 who are also fighting for your 🔥equality🔥, 👫join hands👪 with them and continue to fight together. 🤘United🤘. Don’t 🔫shoot down⬇️ your own ⚔soldiers⚔.

chai tea latte

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CTRL+V and post it #490

He tells her that the Earth is flat—
He knows the facts, and that is that.
In altercations fierce and long
She tries her best to prove him wrong.
But he has learned to argue well.
He calls her arguments unsound
And often asks her not to yell.
She cannot win. He stands his ground.
The planet goes on being round.
Bodark Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Gyro Frank West Down10


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CTRL+V and post it #491
there's a new internet of things enabled george foreman grill but how can i use it to harass women on the internet????

Guts Going Nutz

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CTRL+V and post it #492
A rat's.... anus!?
« Last Edit: August 02, 2016, 03:38:18 pm by Guts Going Nutz »

Vinny Possum

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CTRL+V and post it #493

chai tea latte

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CTRL+V and post it #494
And sorry if this doesn’t have anything to do with the tags I’m putting but this goes for ALL fandoms. You guys need to stop saying shit about her. If you are a real Skrillex fan then you know not to be a prick and actually respect what other people fucking say. Yes she did stuff she shouldn’t of done but that doesn’t make Sonny innocent! He is turning into a selfish asshole who doesn’t care about his fans. Don’t you see? This whole fandom is falling apart because of this drama. Things are only going to get worse if we don’t do anything about it! We need to stop fighting with each other and work together to make a change. We need to stop this drama and actually try to understand and think about what the other person is saying. Just stop attacking them and if you disagree be respectful about it. Like you guys always say that you’re trying to make people happy and trying to spread positivity then you guys go and do this shit. This fandom is splitting up into two different sides and it’s only getting worse. We need to work together and let Sonny know what he is doing wrong and why some people are getting mad. This is going to sound cliche but Sonny has gotten me into music and I looked up to him. He inspired me to actually do something with my life and it hurts to just see someone you loved just go away and you didn’t even get to say goodbye. Just please try to understand what I’m saying and don’t attack me for this. I don’t want to start any drama I just want to end it.