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Topic: Weird local slang  (Read 25229 times)


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Weird local slang #45
In Philly, and we really do call most anything "jawn." i.e. "Hand me that jawn."

See also Rap Snacks, which are also jawns, and which I know exist outside the city but I have not seen.

Personally, otherwise, I don't speak with a philly accent, but there is a very specific way you would say "hoagie" if you were from here, and it's basically "heauxgie."

Subs don't exist.
MilfParade, January 14, 2017, 01:02:41 am

I'm only 40 miles away in the PA boonies and I didn't even know that about subs/sandwhiches/hoagies/meatstuckbetweenbread naming conventions.
Though if you go a few miles then you hear "do you want your pop in a sack?" instead of "would you like your soda in a bag?" (or vice versa).

Is "jawn" just a weird pronunciation of "one"?

Around rural SE PA, people will have your head for saying "water" wrong.

cashmir sweaters

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Weird local slang #46
Maybe it's just my family but we've always called bottle openers "church keys"

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Weird local slang #47
Maybe it's just my family but we've always called bottle openers "church keys"
cashmir sweaters, January 16, 2017, 10:52:43 pm
Not just your family. Traditionally a key for church doors was more ceremonial (or to keep them from blowing open in the wind) than for real security, so they'd often have a large embellished handle (to go with the larger doors and locking mechanism). Take a look at this one and you'll see a pretty obvious resemblance to the thing you and I call a 'church key':
cashmir sweaters Bodark Goose Goose Honk At Me Now Liatai Macho Masc Sangy Savage Ragnarok Boobies Yavuz Runic

cashmir sweaters

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Weird local slang #48
Maybe it's just my family but we've always called bottle openers "church keys"
cashmir sweaters, January 16, 2017, 10:52:43 pm
Not just your family. Traditionally a key for church doors was more ceremonial (or to keep them from blowing open in the wind) than for real security, so they'd often have a large embellished handle (to go with the larger doors and locking mechanism). Take a look at this one and you'll see a pretty obvious resemblance to the thing you and I call a 'church key':

almond chai, January 16, 2017, 11:26:43 pm

Wow thanks!

A Meat

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Weird local slang #49
Around rural SE PA, people will have your head for saying "water" wrong.
sirslarty, January 16, 2017, 09:29:04 pm
what's the correct pronunciation of water? I can think of three discrete ways ways I've heard it said aloud, but I don't know which is that SE PA acceptable one

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Weird local slang #50
Not really local slang, but my dad and I both call overly large belt buckles "Dinner Plates".


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Weird local slang #51
Around rural SE PA, people will have your head for saying "water" wrong.
sirslarty, January 16, 2017, 09:29:04 pm
what's the correct pronunciation of water? I can think of three discrete ways ways I've heard it said aloud, but I don't know which is that SE PA acceptable one
A Meat, January 17, 2017, 03:58:03 am

This is a great question and I'll let you know if I ever find out.


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Weird local slang #52
I've learned that Boston is the only place where you can get a "lahge iced CAWfee with milk and sugah" in the middle of winter and have it not be weird. Also, you can tell the Dunkin' Donuts people to "double cup it" and they'll put a  styrofoam cup over your plastic cup so you can wander around in the snow with iced coffee without your hands getting cold.

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Weird local slang #53
I've learned that Boston is the only place where you can get a "lahge iced CAWfee with milk and sugah" in the middle of winter and have it not be weird. Also, you can tell the Dunkin' Donuts people to "double cup it" and they'll put a  styrofoam cup over your plastic cup so you can wander around in the snow with iced coffee without your hands getting cold.
bigfangirl, February 26, 2017, 11:59:55 pm

oh man that reminds me how you could tell who was from new york cause they'd always pour some of their coffee in the garbage for some random ass reason


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Weird local slang #54
I've learned that Boston is the only place where you can get a "lahge iced CAWfee with milk and sugah" in the middle of winter and have it not be weird. Also, you can tell the Dunkin' Donuts people to "double cup it" and they'll put a  styrofoam cup over your plastic cup so you can wander around in the snow with iced coffee without your hands getting cold.
bigfangirl, February 26, 2017, 11:59:55 pm

oh man that reminds me how you could tell who was from new york cause they'd always pour some of their coffee in the garbage for some random ass reason
jack chick, February 27, 2017, 12:01:02 pm
I'm originally from New York and the reason for that that I've always seen is because coffee shops never leave room for milk in the actual cup so if you're gonna put milk in you need to pour some out first. It's so wasteful feeling though so I always try to ask for them to leave room for milk if possible.

Eider Duck

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Weird local slang #55
Well, I'm Scottish, so there's no way I could fill just one post detailing all the weird slang we have. So instead I'll just talk about cunts.

If you're in Glasgow, it's possible (and somewhat common) to be called a cunt in a complimentary way. It's entirely dependant on context though, as it can also be used as an insult exclusively used towards men. This seems to be much more common in Glasgow than other parts of Scotland though, so I don't recommend calling someone a lovely cunt in Aberdeen, for example, unless you really know the person well.


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Weird local slang #56
Accidentally thinking you know someone well enough to call them a cunt is a bad time. :(
Eider Duck

Eider Duck

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Weird local slang #57
If in doubt, just say that they're "pure braw" or "affy fine". Both mean roughly "pretty great" in English and you don't risk getting a punch for saying them on accident ;)

Ven Malakim

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Weird local slang #58
Well, I'm Scottish, so there's no way I could fill just one post detailing all the weird slang we have. So instead I'll just talk about cunts.

If you're in Glasgow, it's possible (and somewhat common) to be called a cunt in a complimentary way. It's entirely dependant on context though, as it can also be used as an insult exclusively used towards men. This seems to be much more common in Glasgow than other parts of Scotland though, so I don't recommend calling someone a lovely cunt in Aberdeen, for example, unless you really know the person well.
Eider Duck, February 27, 2017, 02:42:19 pm

Speaking as an Australian there is definitely a point during a heated discussion where calling someone a cunt can mean you're siding with them, whereas referring to them as mate indicates you're a hair away from drawing blood.


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Weird local slang #59
Well, I'm Scottish, so there's no way I could fill just one post detailing all the weird slang we have. So instead I'll just talk about cunts.

If you're in Glasgow, it's possible (and somewhat common) to be called a cunt in a complimentary way. It's entirely dependant on context though, as it can also be used as an insult exclusively used towards men. This seems to be much more common in Glasgow than other parts of Scotland though, so I don't recommend calling someone a lovely cunt in Aberdeen, for example, unless you really know the person well.
Eider Duck, February 27, 2017, 02:42:19 pm

Speaking as an Australian there is definitely a point during a heated discussion where calling someone a cunt can mean you're siding with them, whereas referring to them as mate indicates you're a hair away from drawing blood.
A Shark Messiah, March 01, 2017, 01:26:43 am

I always love it when an American guest appears on one of the Australian public broadcaster's radio shows and then asks if they can say a word like shit not realising that, the last time I checked, the only word censored on either RN or Triple J was cunt.