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Topic: CTRL+V and post it  (Read 599996 times)

chai tea latte

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CTRL+V and post it #750
hahahaha i'm imagining Jordan Peterson getting upset about holding shift too long and getting StickyKeys
Sherman Tank bubbleuj

Guts Going Nutz

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CTRL+V and post it #751
well-deserved, yiff in hell

Corn Syrup

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CTRL+V and post it #752
Tale as old as time/Song as old as rhyme/Dog with human faaaaace
Frank West, March 12, 2018, 09:42:42 am

Shell Game Frank West


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CTRL+V and post it #753
FRIENDS 😲 ROMANS 🤣 COUNTRYMEN 👏‼️ LEND 🤙 ME YOUR 👵🏼 EARS 👂🏼🙏 You Know 🎓📚 What 🤔 Today 📆 Is ⁉️ BEWARE ⚠️🙅🏽‍♂️ the IDES ✅ OF MARCH ‼️‼️ RIP 😇😢 To My Man 👨🏽 JULIUS CAESAR 🌿😔😭 Today 📆 you must 😾👍 RIP 💨THAT JUULius 😂😩 in the 👏 name of CAESAR 🌿😂‼️ Send this to 1️⃣5️⃣ ANCIENT ROMANS ‼️ for unlimited 👏🔂 RIPS 💨 of that JUULius 🙏🌿


chai tea latte bubbleuj


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CTRL+V and post it #754
HI, i checked this forum the word "massiveness" in the hope to find some clues about the 3d engine. I dont write c , but do some asm.

falling trough walls etc means the measurement in distance was actualy to far but the "if statement" or "do while" was not exclusive enough to fetch the difference.

once BEHIND the wall there might no definition at all. hence my little "through the wall in a darkhole" moment.

I red a artical about 3d pixel clouding, i dont know were, its some years ago.

the clue was that the most nearby pixels are drawn at first and thus those drawn pixels will block the sight in that straight line.

if you jump in reality you might not see where to jump. but you will bounce if there is any obstacle.

just from this perspective i would say that every thing you DONT see is always massive....until proven its Not.

then probably, in my simple mind, it is by condition IMposible to fall through a wall.

you will have to find a "open pixel space" before the calculation is allowed...or something alike.

i have NO experience with 3d engines eccept for playing around. i just mebemer the artical and i was thinking about "massiveness"

Seth "Slimy" Rollins

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CTRL+V and post it #755
Solar-flaring orgasms of Celestia!
Luna shitting moon rocks!
Fuck me with Celestia's forehooves!
Fuck me with the sun!
Fuck me with the moon!
Oh fuck me with the moon. Moon, sun, both of them. Rape me hard.
Celestia clop my clit with a hooffull of sunfire!
Luna rape them with Her horn!
Celestia's solar-flaring mareheat!
Luna's tidal mareheat!
Luna clop me with Her wings.
Luna-eclipsing orgasms!
Celestia rape your cunt with the burning sun if I can’t even take simple instruction from myself! Do I have no fucking self control?
Oh no. No. Celestia rape me with a solar flare, no.
By the ballsacks of a thousand star-devils
Celestia lick me like she loves me!
Luna spank my withers!
Luna shove my cunt full of moonrocks and call me home.

Seth "Slimy" Rollins

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CTRL+V and post it #756
Hello [my writing webhandle] I like to commission from you. Recently the person I was commission to write chapters for my story had to stop because of health issues. So Im looking for someone to continued writing my story ideas. My story is Rick and Morty New Drama Adventures, a Total Drama series + Rick and Morty Crossover on fan fiction.net, this is going to be a full time story, meaning that ever mouth I,ll commission a chapter from you, you did not list Rick and Morty or Total Drama series on your fandoms list, if you feel you can,t write this story I understand, but if you are interested then google Rick and Morty New Drama Adventures and read the first 9 chapters so you can get a feel of this story.
Shell Game Dr. Buttplug

chai tea latte

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CTRL+V and post it #757
Migraines can be caused in many different ways and it’s not specific to one certain neurotransmitter. There is a drug that after ingesting a few micrograms can relieve almost any headache/migraine and even cluster headache (the most painful) in about 30 minutes. It’s called LSD ;)) it’s illegal and many people need access to it so there are attempts being made to make a non psychoactive cluster headache medication.

chai tea latte

  • TheftBot is, simply put, a fully sentient robot for stealing automatic teller machines
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CTRL+V and post it #758
If, 😵 according 🔛🔛 to Kanye West, one good ‼ girl 👩 is worth a 👌❌ thousand bitches, and 💦➕ if, 🅱 according 🔛🔛 to Lil 🚺🅱 Wayne, 🙋♀ bitches come 😩💦 a 😾 dime a 👏 dozen, 🌹 does that 💰 mean 💰 one good 👍🚟 girl is worth 🌐💸 $8.33? ✊ Well, ✌ $8.35 ✖ in 😛 Canada. In 😩 Thailand, $8.33 ✊ is 😩😈 about 💦💦 275 Baht. 275 Baht will 😜💰 get 👏 you a 👌❔ skanky hooker in 🔥 a 👏 Thai brothel. If 👏🙄 you ✈🏻 want a really good hooker, it'll cost 💸 you 👈 at least 💯🔥 2000 Baht, or 💁💦 about ✨💦 $61.00. So 👅 in 🎁👏 Thailand a 💻🍆 good 🌕 woman 👧👱 is 🙏 worth $61.00 or 💰 $732 a 😾🅰 dozen. 🌹🌹 Yes. However 🖐💯 to 👏 further 🔙 this, 😢 according to 2Pac Mo' 🙈🙈 Money= 😮 Mo' 🙈🅱 Bitches If 👏😂 you 👏🤙 divide out Mo', 🙈 you 🍆 will 📃😜 see 🙈👁 that 👨☝ money=bitches Therefore, 🎉👏 1000 moneys= 💷💷 one 👌😤 good 💘 girl. 💗🏻 To 🅱 extrapolate further, 🤔 diving with respect ✔ to "money" 🤑 yields 1 money 💵 = $0.00833 ➕ This 👈 changes 💰 everything, 💯 because 🤔✅ money isn't worth 🌐 hardly 👄👄 anything. 🏻🍑 True. 😯 A 👌💰 linear 💨💨 relationship ⬅👅 between 🏻 money 💵 and 🍏👏 bitches means 👨😏 the 👄🔯 equation relating money 💰💰 to 💦 bitches 🍑 is 😳😤 in 🔙👉 the form of 💻 y=ax+b, 🔥🤕 where 🏿🏿 x is 🙈🖍 money and y 🅾 is 🙀 bitches. ♀🏽 Consulting the 👏☝ Lil Wayne ♀ theorem, 😾 if 🤥👏 12 🤓 bitches 👜👜 is worth 💵🌐 $0.10, then 😧👋 one bitch 🏿✖ is 💁 $0.0083. 😲❕ Therefore 🔥 we 👩😱 know 🏼🙈 that 🚟🅱 the 🙆👏 equation 1=a(.0083)+b must hold 👀 true and so 👉 must 🔒 12=a(.1)+b. 🤓😎 To ✌👮 find the equation relating money 🤑 to bitches must have "a" and 🍆💰 "b" 💦 values which 👏 satisfy the two 💘 previous equations. Since 💦 "Mo'" implies a positive linear 💨💨 relation, we 👩 know 🤔🅱 "a" 💰 must be 📖 positive. I 👉👩 have 👏🈶 done 😂 the math 🏫 for you 👏 and 👽🚨 found that 🅱 a=119.96 👌 and b=.0043. So, (Bitches)=119.96(Money) + .0043. To 👶 find 👁🚪 the 👏 number of 💦♂ good 👼💯 girls 👭 you get 🍌🎣 from an 💸👹 amount 📉🔢 of 🏻🚋 money, simply 😡😡 divide the 🛣📺 number of 💦 bitches 👅 by 🍭 1000 (because ☝ of 🌈🥜 the Kanye West Theorem). 😾😾 No but 🍑🍑 biggie said 🏿 mo' 🙈🅱 money= 🤑 mo' problems so 💒 money=problems and 👏😏 since mo' 🙈🅱 money 🤑💰 mo' 🅱 bitches, we can 🔫🔫 see 👀👁 that 👣 bitches=problems 👧 Well 👀🤷 one ☝☝ must first consult the "50 👏 Cent Law": 📝⚖ "Mo' 🙈 Money, Mo' 🅱 Problems". Here ↙ we 👦 see 👀 that ☃ the 👏 amount 🔢📉 of 💰💯 money is 💦🔥 proportionate to 💦👆 the ⏲👏 number of 💰💦 problems. Then 😂 one 🏼 must factor ❌❌ one ☝ of the basic rules of 💦🏻 the ✝ "The Carter Theorem" : "I got 🏟 99 ♂ problem 👨🏻 but a 😯💰 bitch ain't one". 🏻😤 Here we 🚟🏃 see that 😐 without a ➡ "bitch" 💁 the 🍆🎁 average 💰 person 🤞 will 👄🍑 have 😭😝 exactly 😉 99 problems. Therefore 👏 the 👏 formula must 😾👍 be 👬 applied: (current 😤😤 amount 📉🔢 of money) 💱🤑 (8.33) 🅱 / ln[(Problems100-1 ) * (current 🤕 amount 📉🔢 of 🎆 money)]bitches = worth of bitch 🐩💁 Unfortunately this 👏😢 formula only tells 🗣 us the 👏 value 💵💵 "a 💰👤 bitch" 😂 which as we 👨 know 👧 is 🔥 only 🏦🏦 worth one monies Therefore 👉 you must 🔒 apply 😤🤔 [(worth 💵💸 of bitch) ♀ * (problems) * (money-8.33)] + 1 ♂ / 1000 = The 🏻👏 value 👇 of 🗜💦 a good girl 😍 Hope this 📣🤖 helps 🆘 Yeah. 🤷 No. 😧 That's 😯👉 not 🚫🚫 how 🤔 math ✖ works. 👔💦 2pac was 👏⏱ merely stating that 😐💀 the 🎊 derivative of 🍳💦 Money in terms of 💦 Bitches 🐶♀ is 💦💦 strictly positive. More-over, he 🙎 skipped a lot of 😎 steps 🚶🚶 in 👏 his 🤔 proof 📊📊 and never ❌🚫 formally published 🤓 the 🎁👏 full version. I 💕 bet you 🅱💦 believed Fermat's margins really were 👌 too small as 💰 well, 🍆😋 right? ✔ Imperial bitches is 🏻🙀 actually a 👌 unit ♂ of 👩💦 weight. An 🤗 imperial bitch is 😇 ~111.1111111112 pounds. Theres 🤙 one fundamental 💑 law 🌍⚖ of math that Lil'Wayne forgot to 💴 include 😠😠 in 🅱 his calculations. 📊 We have 😂 to 😂 follow 👣👣 the 🌌 law 📝⚖ of 🌈 "bitches ain't shit" 👌 theorized by 🏳 doctor 🏥 dre 🅰🅰 himself. ❌🚨 With that 🐑😐 principal included we 👨 can 🍆 work 🏢👨 out 🍆 that 🍆 if 🤷🔎 bitches 🍑🌲 aint shit, 💩👻 and a 🅰🎁 good girl 💁👩 is 🌇 worth 🌐💸 1,000 bitches, 🍑👧 a 🅰💯 good girl 😍 is 👐 still 😽📞 not 🙅 worth 💸 shit. 📅🍕 You're ☠ forgetting that ➡ Jay-Z published 🤓 his paper 🤓 on 🏽 the "Money Ain't A 🔵 Thang" ✂✂ theory. Therefore 👏👏 if 👏👏 bitches 🏻 aren't worth shit 👌 then ⏰➡ bitches 👱💋 aren't money 💶💵 and so 😖 therefore 👉🎉 they 👥👧 ARE, 👏 in fact, a "Thang". Is 🐠 that the 🕵 transitive property of bitches? 🏽🍑 Is 😤 it 🙅👏 possible 🔝🔝 that for 🍆🍆 every bitch, there 👌👌 is 🍅📅 an 🔥 equal and 🗣 opposite 🔄 good girl? That ⚠ doesn't make 🖌💰 sense 💰 though because 😏😏 kanye said a ⏰👌 good 👀👍 girl 👩 is 🗓 worth 💸💵 one thousand bitches. The 🗣🏼 economics don't 🚫🚫 make sense. 🙏💰 Newton or 🙅 kanye is wrong. They cannot both apply 🤔 their 🏻 laws 🚨 to 👏 bitches 🐕🍑 I 😎👁 think the 👏 important ❌ part 🏻 here ⛄ is, 👐🗓 are 😎 we 👨🙋 assuming that 👑 there is 💡💦 1 🔙 good 👌😀 girl 🎮👱 for 🍆 every 🏦 1000 bitches. 🍑👅 This is 😢😄 a 🙃🏼 very 💎 scary 😱😭 thought. 1/1000 females 👸☠ is 💦💦 a 🤴🔫 good 👌 girl and 💦 the 🚗😂 other 💰 999 are 🏃👴 bitches. 🏽 To 💰🎉 me this would 💭 make 📣 my $8.33 a 👌💰 very 😔 good 👏 investment. 🔝🔝 I paid 💸💰 at 💯🍆 least 👏🔥 $3000 for 🌍 my wife's 💍👩 wedding 👰 ring. 💍💍 Could 🤔 I have 👏😩 bought 💲💲 360 good 😊🏿 girls 👧👧 in stead of 1 🐁💪 good 🐸🙆 girl? 👧 B/c ♂😇 I 💰 can't 🔫🛢 help 💁👷 but 🍑🍑 feel like 👌💟 I 👦 have 😋🚟 overpaid for 👏 my 😘 good 🐸 girl 💑 according 🔛🔛 to the 👏 genius 😝 of 👱 Kanye West and Little 🍑 Weezy F. Baby. 👶 Don't get me 😭💁 wrong, 🚫♂ I 😂👀 love 🏩 my 💵 good 😂 girl wife, but I feel duped knowing 💭🤔 she ♀👩 may 🐝 have only been 🙂💫 worth 🌐 8 bucks 💸 instead 👽👽 of 3000 It actually 👀😜 depends on 🔛 they type ⌨📝 of 💦 women. If 😳 it is 🔁 a bakers daughter 👩👧 it is 🚋😩 less 👎 since 💦 the sample size 🌟 is 😩 actually 🤔 larger I.E. a 🍆 bakers dozen (13) 😏 so: 👀 (.10/13)x1000=$7.69 🔟😰 ...0r $9.69 ♓ Canadian (not counting the 🏥 maple syrup) 🍯 How ❓😤 much candy 🍬 you 😵 can 🔫💑 buy 💵 for $8.33? We ❌ can 🔭 conclude 🎓🎓 that 😐😧 1 bitch 😠 is 💰 worth 🌐💰 approximately ⭕ 0.83c, but 🍑☹ since bitches 💋 are 🍑 of negative 👏 value 👇💵 it's 💋 actually 😬 -0.83c. This means 😏👨 that ➕😐 in 🍆 order 🎁📑 to 🤔💰 get the correct ✅ positive value 💵💵 of a 🏻 good 👀 girl 👧 there ✔ needs to 💦💦 be 🐝☮ an 👹😤 exponential factor ❌❌ involved here. 👇 In 👏👉 order 📑🤜 to 👏♻ evaluate the amount of good 🏻 girls 🙎☁ needed to ♂ offset the 😂 bitches 💋 you use 👏🎮 the 😫 simple formula -0.0083B2 = G. This 🏻👈 intuitively makes 💢 sense 🎥 when 😤 you 💯👧 think 💭 about how the 🚦 more ⚱ bitches you 👈😤 have around 🔃 you 👆👏 the 👌 exponentially higher ✅ value 💵 even 🤤♀ a 🏻 single 🚫⏱ good girl ♀ has. 👏 So when 😩🍑 B=1000 💦 we get: 🔟🉐 G 💰 = -0.0083(1000)2 😊 = $68.89 Interestingly enough, if 🎅 the 🕰🍆 entire 🌳 female 🚺🚺 population 👥 of the 👦🚟 US, let's say 🗣🗣 150 million 💯 for 🍆 simplicity, were 🍑 bitches, ♀ the 🔚🤕 worth of 👉🏻 one good 👍💘 girl 👸 would ❓😎 then 🏿 be $1,550,025,000,000 which 🐱🙌 is just 🍆 over the 🅱 total 💯👌 USD ❎ currently ⌚ in 👏👏 circulation.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Mix Yavuz bubbleuj


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CTRL+V and post it #759
I am a right wing, hardcore, fundamentalist Christian that believes the bible to be the literal Word of God and takes it as ultimate truth.

I also am a headbanging, energetic, zealous for life Biker who also happens to wear diapers.

My God and faith in Him define who I am and what I do, without exception, and I have no personal conflict with any of these things.

Are you confused yet?

If you are the perhaps there is hope that you can see God and his people as multifaceted creatures.

We push people here to see the person behind their interest in diapers, yet many here are more than willing to label and categorize others. Being a fundamentalist or conservative follower of Christ does not mean that you are intolerant and closed minded, it just means that your mind is formed by other than corporal means. That you seek to conform your mind to that of the God of Issac and Jacob who sent Jeshua (Jesus for those who do not know that he was not called by a Greek name in Galilee) to be born, live as an example for all people, and to die for those same multitudes as well as those yet to be born as a redeeming sacrifice and later send his spirit to indwell the hearts of His believers.
Wrought bubbleuj


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CTRL+V and post it #760

Sherman Tank

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chai tea latte

  • TheftBot is, simply put, a fully sentient robot for stealing automatic teller machines
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CTRL+V and post it #762
Let's not kid ourselves. Iran is supporting a secular tyrant known as Bashar Assad, a mass-murderer of Sunni Muslims.

Iran contains all sorts of bida and haram things--to many to name

However, Mohammad Bin Salman basically hates Iran for the things they do RIGHT (like having an Islamic state under Sharia law).

Vinny Possum

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CTRL+V and post it #763
Let's not kid ourselves. Iran is supporting a secular tyrant known as Bashar Assad, a mass-murderer of Sunni Muslims.

Iran contains all sorts of bida and haram things--to many to name

However, Mohammad Bin Salman basically hates Iran for the things they do RIGHT (like having an Islamic state under Sharia law).
chai tea latte, April 06, 2018, 01:23:10 am

So... is this the Islamic alt-right?

chai tea latte

  • TheftBot is, simply put, a fully sentient robot for stealing automatic teller machines
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CTRL+V and post it #764
Let's not kid ourselves. Iran is supporting a secular tyrant known as Bashar Assad, a mass-murderer of Sunni Muslims.

Iran contains all sorts of bida and haram things--to many to name

However, Mohammad Bin Salman basically hates Iran for the things they do RIGHT (like having an Islamic state under Sharia law).
chai tea latte, April 06, 2018, 01:23:10 am

So... is this the Islamic alt-right?
Vinny Possum, April 08, 2018, 11:24:17 am
meme page actually