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Topic: Stumbling across old F+ subjects in my daily life  (Read 147388 times)


  • Joan Ocean's #1 Fansquatch
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Recently I found out a friend at work is not only a drug dealer but also a believer in the info wars version of 'truth'.
SatanInAZootSuit, February 26, 2016, 10:41:13 am

How the fuck did you find that out? That's not something that just comes up in casual conversation.


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If a person wants to talk about themselves badly enough, they'll find a way to force it into the conversation. I have just the example, but it'll have to wait until said people aren't behind my back reading this.


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How the fuck did you find that out? That's not something that just comes up in casual conversation.
Bodark, February 26, 2016, 11:01:01 am

I guess you don't know many libertarians.


  • Joan Ocean's #1 Fansquatch
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I guess you don't know many libertarians.
Laocius, February 26, 2016, 11:41:45 am

As a matter of fact, no, I don't. I actively avoid them.


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As a matter of fact, no, I don't. I actively avoid them.
Bodark, February 26, 2016, 02:26:23 pm

So do I, but sometimes they corner you at a party and start talking about Bitcoin and Jade Helm and you just kind of have to stand there and nod.


  • This Guy
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That is a question I will not answer. Anyways, I also have a former friend who once told me they were a bigendered angelkin who's pansexual.


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My roommate just shared the story of her graduation, where she encountered a classmate wearing a purple rabbit fursuit beneath her gown


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My roommate just shared the story of her graduation, where she encountered a classmate wearing a purple rabbit fursuit beneath her gown
LINDA, February 29, 2016, 11:13:12 pm
That sounds amazingly uncomfortable. Wearing two layers of clothing is bad enough sometimes, but wearing basically a carpet and a gown has got to be the worst ever, AND everyone's staring at you. For everyone else, it's uncomfortable because someone's wearing a fursuit at graduation. The most embarrassing part about it would be the fact that your name is going to be read out loud to all of your friends, peers, family, and strangers, and you have to go up while you're wearing a fucking fursuit because you make shitty life choices. All that combined and you're now the town joke for the next few years, can't go home for the summer without a disguise, and you can't ever go to school reunions without someone bringing it up.
Gyro chai tea latte Ashto


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Discovered in the wild:

A body pillow... keychain.
Nifty Nif SHAMBA~1.SBB

Guts Going Nutz

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A body pillow... keychain.

Maybe it's like a Snuggie for your dick.


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I'm a bit of a shut-in but I just ran into somebody extolling the virtues of Objectivism and Ayn Rand, and then somebody trying to convince my mom to join an MLM for natural medicine supplements, both in the space of ten minutes. [freakout]

Mango Tango

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Every time I go to a close friend of mine about an F+ subject, she just so happens to have some part in it. That's how I found out she was an asexual otherkin furry with head mates.(bingo!)
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Chupasaurus-Rex SHAMBA~1.SBB


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If a person wants to talk about themselves badly enough, they'll find a way to force it into the conversation. I have just the example, but it'll have to wait until said people aren't behind my back reading this.
Ashto, February 26, 2016, 11:29:42 am

dude can you tell us yet i want to know

Schumin Capote

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I walked by a bank today and there was a weird, lanky older guy standing in front of the ATM in a wide sumo squat who was surreptitiously humping at where the cash came out. He noticed that I saw him, then scurried out of the bank and then awkwardly stood around as I got into my car. I'm about 90% sure that I just witnessed an objectophile fucking an ATM. Good times.
AlbieQuirky cube abuser SHAMBA~1.SBB