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Topic: Stumbling across old F+ subjects in my daily life  (Read 147304 times)


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Could you imagine having the time to care about shit like this

Frank West

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There is a man in front of me right now at the bus stop who is giving an amazing shitty liberal train of thought to a poor commuter. He just said citizens could get together and buy all the oil, and that would force green energy to happen, but "the banks would never allow it." Then he transferred to how black lives matter needed to be an "even more serious movement than the occupy movement" and talked about how Ben Carson would join them if he was good. Then he said that our nation is violent, and the proof is that our two most important sports are violent, football and hockey. This was in about 2 minutes.

Edit: also something about how we're extinct, we'll no we aren't but we going to be, well maybe not but Noam Chomsky says we'll all get nuked.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2015, 09:29:05 am by Frank West »


  • *SQUEAK!*
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Could you imagine having the time to care about shit like this
goombapolice, November 09, 2015, 08:04:18 am

Apparently a lot of folks have that kind of time, because this stupid-ass Starbucks thing has fucking exploded all over youtube, twitter, and facebook, and most likely all over parts of the internet that I don't look at, as well.

Detective Popcorn

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« Last Edit: November 30, 2015, 02:56:01 am by Talon »


  • im baby
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So I was waiting around in the Psychology building of my alma mater and WHAT DO MY EYES SEE BUT


The ad, summarized from its wordy one page:

"Hi, I'm a college student. I'm female, love video games, and I also like pretending to be an adult baby and to wear diapers! If y'all are into that too, hook me up! Hashtag ABDL."

I almost took a picture of it. I should have, I know, but it was ten in the morning and I was afraid of 'being the guy who responded to the ABDL flyer in our building'.

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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Putting this here for lack of a more general thing, I'm watching a documentary about being a man in the UK now, expecting things about being gay and body image and stuff, and there's a segment on MRAs. Who should turn up but Roosh V,  doing a speech.

The presenter goes in thinking it'll just be put stuff and is sitting there being shouted out about how society thinks he's a rapist and women just arent taught to be subservient any more, which of course is wrong.

And now milo yiannopolis is talking about how all here young guys are just worried about their pensions.

Edit: oh apparently it's a series and this is the MRA episode.

« Last Edit: December 14, 2015, 03:31:02 pm by moooo566 »


  • the 49th unbreakable gstring
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My uncle keeps recommending the latest books by a "bigfoot researcher"


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Remember that dumbass from the Hip Forums (ep. 149) who wanted that cyber-jackoff toy?  Someone finally made it.

Or would have, except that it failed to meet its funding goal on IndieGogo. Shine on, you crazy perverts. Enjoy that twenty grand.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2015, 10:10:09 pm by Nyarai »

Vinny Possum

  • Garfield's cosmic love katana.
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Also, put a trigger warning on all pictures of wrists, because that's a real thing I've seen someone request.
Nikaer Drekin, July 28, 2015, 08:21:23 am

I actually kinda get this and have some sympathy for it. My wires are just kinda crossed wrong so both close-up images and the word "wrist" itself conjure up images of self-harm and suicide.

On the other hand, I'm not a gigantic tumblr baby who needs the whole world to cope with my mental illnesses for me, so I see a doctor instead of making it my own personal identity.


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Local Paper Ad:

Penix, November 30, 2015, 02:52:55 am

What newspaper allowed this ad is my question


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The store I work at got remodeled and we hired a bunch of new people. During training, one of them casually mentioned that he's a furry and goes to conventions in a fursuit (but assured me it wasn't a sexual thing at all and that the furry fetishists are a minority in the community). This was prompted by me calling myself a hipster.

He wasn't doing very well at training so my boss told him we wouldn't need him to work on the day of our grand opening. When that day came around, I saw he'd been put back on the schedule and asked why. My boss said he volunteered to be one of the people who would be standing out front in a mascot costume. I said "I guess he would, huh" and he asked what I meant by that. I don't think I've ever awkwardly backpedaled so hard in my life. "What? I don't know. What did I mean by what? I don't know. I'm like half asleep right now. WELL BACK TO WORK"
fruithag, November 03, 2015, 11:07:06 pm

Ooh, something within my realm of expertise.  So, assuming you're still sharing a schedule with this person, I've got a handy list of suggestions you should follow, in this order, to make your employment there go smoothly.
  • Burn the establishment down
  • Turn in a letter of resignation

Fatty Bo Batty

  • Adult Baby Protective Services Officer
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I literally just had a "Thanks for the Ride, Torp" moment with one of my old co-workers. He was showing me his tattoos (because social cues) and he casually said that the dragon claw tattoos on his hands and feet helped his dismorphia.

Knitting Machine

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I don't know if this fits here, but a coworker wrote a romance novel staring herself. The plot? She cheats on her husband with a hot coworker.


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"And then me and Smitting Smashine ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after. Isn't that a great story? Well, I'd better get back to work, Knitting Machine!

... Are you doing anything this weekend?"