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Topic: Episode 95: Why Crush A Bug When You can Ruin It Emotionally?  (Read 43677 times)


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It was definitely a fictional story, but the way it was presented made it seem like the author was trying to pass it off as an actual thing that happened. That's why we kept pointing out the stuff that gave its fictional nature away.


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Sorry, just had to get that out of my system.

Having actually seen a real-life honest-to-God video of a centipede crawling out of a man's urethra, I figured I'd be pretty okay with this ep, and I was right.  I think I'd probably feel differently if I had a cock, though.  As it was, pure schadenfreude.  Sorry guys, but Montrith is a beautiful creature and brought me great joy with this.

I did get upset at the idea of someone being grody enough to not notice maggots on food until jerking off with it, but felt better when I realized it was fiction.  Still kinda skeeves me that someone would fantasize about that level of filth, though, I've watched too much Hoarders to parse someone feeling anything but disgust at that kind of environment.

The dorms in Hawaii were terminally infested with ants.  Seriously.  They were everywhere.  I got to a point where I was literally flicking ants off of my hand while at the computer every ten seconds and somehow parsing it as normal (I was under a LOT of stress that semester).  I still sometimes realize out of the blue that I lived like that for months and try to figure out how the hell it didn't bother me, but I guess it would have been fucking Nirvana to these people.


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Shit, sorry, you're right.  Fuck, I'm usually good with bugs too.


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real-life honest-to-God video of a centipede crawling out of a man's urethraDelcat, March 06, 2013, 12:32:36 pm

That's a millipede, dummy. Jeez.
Psammetichus, March 06, 2013, 12:38:46 pm

Uhhh, no.  That's pretty clearly a urethra, not a millipede.  Dummy.
KingKalamari Goodfellow Sherman Tank Wrought


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Hey, don't sweat about me, this is the first fanart I've ever had made after me! Granted, it's telling me to fuck myself, but I'll take what I can get on my way to Internet Stardom.

Also, I know it's not really an insect thing, but you should have done frog-in-a-pussy. Everyone, go read the doc and find the bit about frog-in-a-pussy.
montrith, March 05, 2013, 12:19:47 am

There is a part of me that wants to do my own reading of this, just to that it will exist.

fruit power

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Took four breaks for me to get through this one.

Reminds me of this childhood classic about a bug disco where the bugs are dancin' and romancin'.


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If you're looking for motivation to clean your apartment, this is a spectacular episode to listen to - you'll be too scared of maggots to ever leave any food sitting out ever again, even for like half an hour.


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I killed a wasp at work today while cleaning the laundry room. My skin was crawling for about an hour after. Thanks for that.


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Had to necromance this thread because of something in this otherwise unremarkable clickbait listicle one of my Facebook friends shared:

5. He purposely stung his dick with bees.

I dunno if it counts because we did not even get to the sex. But he brought … bees … into foreplay.

Yes, bees. He kept honeybees in the backyard. I’m sure they made delicious honey but he had them sting his dick for harder long-lasting super-erections. He said he got the idea from the Kama Sutra. His penis looked like a red cucumber and I think my vagina shriveled like a prune.

I am allergic to bee stings anyway so I swallowed my horror down that I nearly fucked my allergy and politely let him know it wouldn’t work out. But he was a nice guy otherwise!

Sherman Tank

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Bumping this because this episode makes a wonderful hunger suppressant. I missed breakfast and lunch today, but now I'm not hungry any more!


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this episode made my fucking computer bluescreen.
chai tea latte Mix

Sherman Tank

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Did anyone ever check to see if the maggot story ended with "The Aristocrats"?