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Topic: Completely pointless Thought Of The Day thread  (Read 2020268 times)

Victor Laszlo

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It turns out this is a trick question- Dragon Friend, November 23, 2021, 06:52:24 pm
It most certainly is not, I have no ulterior motive or intention of trickery.  I'm just tipsy and thinking about old movies.  It is surely a question that has no truly correct answer, but not because it's a trick.

A gigawatt is a measure of power, not energy, so you’ll only ever get the heating rate. You need to know for how long the gigawatt of power is applied to the car in order to figure out how much it heats up.
Agreed, at the beginning I assumed one second for the sake of the thought exercise both because a watt is a joule per second so the math is simpler and because it seemed like a reasonable estimate of how long the on-screen time travel stuff took.

edit: it’s worth mentioning that there have been several instances of cars being struck by lightning with the occupants surviving, so even in the case it’s the larger energy estimate it doesn’t necessarily mean that Marty Mc Fly would turn into Marty Mc Fried
The location of the energy is important though.  We all agree that lightning delivered to the outside of the car will affect the occupants differently than lightning delivered to the inside of the car.  The flux capacitor is a machine that is within the passenger cabin, so the heat loss inherent to all machines is applied to the air in the passenger cabin first.

For example, 1.21 GW of power applied for one second would mean a 1.21 gigajoules of energy imparted into the Delorean, which is nearly the energy contained in a typical lightning bolt.  However, if it was applied for say 1 millisecond it’d only be 1.21 megajoules, which is about half the amount of food energy in a big mac. So the period of time the burst of power needs to be supplied to the flux capacitor is what determines whether Marty Mc Fly would be totally raw or well-done.
I'm sorry, did you just say that the energy in a lightning bolt is 2000 Big Macs' worth?

This probably ought to have been (and still ought to be) in the drunk thoughts forum, but I appreciate you all getting on board.  [yay] [ballpit] [yay]
chai tea latte Shell Game
« Last Edit: November 23, 2021, 09:29:25 pm by Victor Laszlo »

Great Joe

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Why would a capacitor take on real power when by its very nature current and voltage are completely out of phase?

Victor Laszlo

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Why would a capacitor take on real power when by its very nature current and voltage are completely out of phase?
Great Joe, November 24, 2021, 02:14:42 am
Not sure I understand the question, my last physics class was 20 years ago.  There is heat loss in charging and discharging a capacitor, pretty sure there are formulas for it.  That heat has to go somewhere and the flux capacitor is clearly not heavily insulated.

Don't just point out the flaws in our drunken reasoning around the workings of a completely fictitious device; get drunk and help! It's Thanksgiving after all!
Shell Game chai tea latte


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This got me thinking:
Somewhere out there is a kid who only saw Ernest Cline's DeLorean and then watched the new ghostbusters movie and was very confused when they used some random old station wagon in the movie.
Seth "Slimy" Rollins xX_sp00ks_Xx

Shell Game

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Michael J. Carfax
chai tea latte jim and the mammograms Salubrious Rex Dr. Buttplug Frank West Immoral Filth

Salubrious Rex

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Freestyle limerick battles.

Salubrious Rex

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A click bait news website with the usual vague but intriguing headlines to draw you in, but once you've clicked through instead of your standard worthless article there's just a picture of a middle finger.

A Meat

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a wizard jailbreaking his orb so he can emulate super nintendo on it

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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a wizard jailbreaking his orb so he can emulate super nintendo on it
A Meat, November 26, 2021, 10:51:15 am

"MerlinzRomz.com was taken down today after multiple lawsuits from Nintendo"
A Meat Great Joe Salubrious Rex Frank West Shell Game


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How much energy is wasted by modern websites being so completely inefficient and resource hogging? Let's make a pointless certification for green websites.


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Are there "piloting a tiny spaceship through the human body" fetishists out there? It was such a common educational-media trope when I was a kid that it seems like it should be a Thing, but I've never seen any. What about transparent anatomical model/Slim Goodbody-type people?

I could probably answer this question by searching on DA, but I don't care to. Goodbye!
Salubrious Rex RoeCocoa

Shell Game

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Are there "piloting a tiny spaceship through the human body" fetishists out there? It was such a common educational-media trope when I was a kid that it seems like it should be a Thing, but I've never seen any. What about transparent anatomical model/Slim Goodbody-type people?

I could probably answer this question by searching on DA, but I don't care to. Goodbye!
Antivehicular, November 27, 2021, 12:32:09 am
i once listened to an old hippie dude perform his poem about how in the future it'll be better because women will be able to breed without men and that in said future the only use men would have would be to be shrunk down in order to climb into a woman's vagina and pleasure her through exploration

that's probably not what you meant, but that weirdo will never leave my brain. nor will the audience of middle class lesbians who found it so delightful and gave him a standing ovation
chai tea latte GirlKisser420 Antivehicular Salubrious Rex Emperor Jack Chick


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remember after avatar came out and there were people who were depressed that they couldn't live on pandora? i'm like that but i want to live in the funny world of the gentle likpas
Spenny, November 04, 2021, 11:50:43 pm


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the iamborghini avenator has a rear-wheel drive layout but the iamborghini urus, being an all-wheel vehicle, ought to be more properly called a spondeeorghini

sign my change.org petition


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i once listened to an old hippie dude perform his poem about how in the future it'll be better because women will be able to breed without men and that in said future the only use men would have would be to be shrunk down in order to climb into a woman's vagina and pleasure her through exploration

that's probably not what you meant, but that weirdo will never leave my brain. nor will the audience of middle class lesbians who found it so delightful and gave him a standing ovation
Shell Game, November 27, 2021, 02:15:44 pm
I'm still thinking about this anecdote, and TBH I'm pretty sure the world described is very close to that of the Likpas, including the idea that what straight women really want in a partner is someone totally helpless and useless except for penetrative sex (and not even very good for that). I am a straight-ish woman and can verify that my ideal partner characteristics include "is of approximately normal human size!"