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Topic: Episode 118: My Little Podcast: Fandom Is Tragic  (Read 73113 times)


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At what point does telling someone who is more or less a stranger "I FAP TO YOU" seem like a good idea?  What is the thought process that leads to this conclusion?
Triggerhappy938, December 08, 2013, 08:39:28 pm

After several years of doing all your socializing in front of a monitor, your mind starts going a little wacky from the isolation.
scratchohey, December 08, 2013, 08:44:47 pm

Why can't the wacky fetishes be more innocuous? Like say, a fetish for wing chairs? Or Roy Orbison in clingfilm?


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I remember the first time I found a Tulpa thread while dredging the bottom of the internet. It must have been one of the earliest ones too because it was around early 2011. After that first one there was a flurry of activity, people posting logs of their progress. Some of them were spending so much time on that fucking visualization shit the OP and a few others were either really into it or great at bullshitting. They had some kind of exercise regime for people to use and some people were clocking in over a hundred hours within the first week or two. A few people were dismissive of it and tried to disprove it and mentioned it was stuff ripped from Buddhism and the waste bin but it still caught on. Desperation at its finest.


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Yay, Portaxx is back and she is the podcast fairy. Thanks for that forray into the worst of the brony fandom. Truly, nobody has ever done justice to MLD like you did. I think that voice was even creepier than the illustrations.


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I am all for the return of Portaxx, especially if she keeps bringing gems like these with her.

chai tea latte

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Also, maybe this is just me, but I feel like the music choices could have been fun to listen to if they weren't about cartoon horses. There's some surprising talent in the brony world and it just seems...wasted.


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The person talking about removing all the vowels and reducing a word to just three or four consonants was somehow semi-correct in describing Hebrew.

In the Semitic languages (including Arabic, Hebrew, some Ethiopic languages, and Aramaic, the language Jesus Christ probably spoke) you have "stems". Take, for example, the Arabic stem k-t-b, meaning write. Now, from this stem, vowels are added as diacritic marks; the Semitic languages don't have particular characters for vowels. So the k-t-b stem could mean kitab "book", kutub "books", katib "writer", kuttab "writers", kataba "he wrote", yaktubu "he writes", etc., depending on how one places the vowels. So, for example, in this Hebrew paragraph the letters are consonants and the dots and dashes above/below them are the vowel markers.

Hebrew wasn't always like this, however. Originally, the earliest Hebrews easily read the Torah without any problem, since they knew the stories by heart. But later generations, as Hebrew became more a literary language and Jews spoke Aramaic or Greek, they started having problems remembering the vowels. For example, if I say my favorite podcast is Th F Pls, I would know the missing vowels and understand The F Pls to be The F Plus. But my great-great-great-great-grandchildren might not know this, and Th F Pls could be read as Thou Fee Pulse or whatever. (It's a dumb example, whatever.) So later Hebrews went through the text and added the vowel markers.

Knowing this, one can make sense of some otherwise seemingly bizarre or incorrect passages from the Bible. For example, during David's fight against Goliath, the latter was wearing armor and a helmet, while David only had a sling. The text says David slung a stone at Goliath and hit Goliath in his metzach, or forehead. But there's a problem here. Goliath's helmet would have had a strip of metal covering his brow and extending down his nose, not unlike this Greek (Corinthian) helmet. How could David had hit Goliath in his forehead if Goliath was wearing such a helmet? Well, with different vowel placements, metzach is extremely similar to mitzchah, the word meaning greaves, his leg armor. (Both words come from the step m-tz-ch.) Now, this makes more sense! If David had hurled the stone into Goliath's greaves, between the armor itself and his flesh, he would not have been able to bend his knee and would have been knocked off balance due to the weight of his amor, giving David the opportunity to draw Goliath's sword and behead him, as David does in the Biblical narrative. So this was likely the earliest version of the story, but the later Hebrews misplaced the diacritic vowel markers, and changed the meaning of the word and a key detail of the story.

Sorry for the linguistic/Biblical derail, but I thought others would find this as interesting as I do.
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The person talking about removing all the vowels and reducing a word to just three or four consonants was somehow semi-correct in describing Hebrew.

In the Semitic languages (including Arabic, Hebrew, some Ethiopic languages, and Aramaic, the language Jesus Christ probably spoke) you have "stems". Take, for example, the Arabic stem k-t-b, meaning write. Now, from this stem, vowels are added as diacritic marks; the Semitic languages don't have particular characters for vowels. So the k-t-b stem could mean kitab "book", kutub "books", katib "writer", kuttab "writers", kataba "he wrote", yaktubu "he writes", etc., depending on how one places the vowels. So, for example, in this Hebrew paragraph the letters are consonants and the dots and dashes above/below them are the vowel markers.

Hebrew wasn't always like this, however. Originally, the earliest Hebrews easily read the Torah without any problem, since they knew the stories by heart. But later generations, as Hebrew became more a literary language and Jews spoke Aramaic or Greek, they started having problems remembering the vowels. For example, if I say my favorite podcast is Th F Pls, I would know the missing vowels and understand The F Pls to be The F Plus. But my great-great-great-great-grandchildren might not know this, and Th F Pls could be read as Thou Fee Pulse or whatever. (It's a dumb example, whatever.) So later Hebrews went through the text and added the vowel markers.

Knowing this, one can make sense of some otherwise seemingly bizarre or incorrect passages from the Bible. For example, during David's fight against Goliath, the latter was wearing armor and a helmet, while David only had a sling. The text says David slung a stone at Goliath and hit Goliath in his metzach, or forehead. But there's a problem here. Goliath's helmet would have had a strip of metal covering his brow and extending down his nose, not unlike this Greek (Corinthian) helmet. How could David had hit Goliath in his forehead if Goliath was wearing such a helmet? Well, with different vowel placements, metzach is extremely similar to mitzchah, the word meaning greaves, his leg armor. (Both words come from the step m-tz-ch.) Now, this makes more sense! If David had hurled the stone into Goliath's greaves, between the armor itself and his flesh, he would not have been able to bend his knee and would have been knocked off balance due to the weight of his amor, giving David the opportunity to draw Goliath's sword and behead him, as David does in the Biblical narrative. So this was likely the earliest version of the story, but the later Hebrews misplaced the diacritic vowel markers, and changed the meaning of the word and a key detail of the story.

Sorry for the linguistic/Biblical derail, but I thought others would find this as interesting as I do.
Psammetichus, December 09, 2013, 02:30:44 pm

That was me.  "Somehow" nothing-- I know how Hebrew works.  I deleted the post because I wrote it at stupid o'clock and was high on cold meds and afterwards realized that no one else would be interested in my grumping about how removing vowels when you're transliterating something into Hebrew is not actually as weird as it sounds.

And also that Hebrew is not all "k"s, it's all "ch"s (as in that throat-clearing phlegm sound that Yiddish and Hebrew speakers do).

Modern Hebrew also drops vowels-- it's not an old-fashioned thing.  Most written Hebrew intended for adults is written without the nikud/diacritic marks.  Anyone trying to learn how to read Hebrew texts (ancient or modern), is going to be confronted with the fact that it's mostly vowelless and reliant on context.

Which is not to say that the original poster was right in any way-- root words are three consonant letters, not four, so she was just making up culturally appropriative nonsense words.  But I'm used to asshole pagans coopting bits of my religion at this point.


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That was me.  "Somehow" nothing-- I know how Hebrew works.  I deleted the post because I wrote it at stupid o'clock and was high on cold meds and afterwards realized that no one else would be interested in my grumping about how removing vowels when you're transliterating something into Hebrew is not actually as weird as it sounds. sherlockian, December 09, 2013, 02:44:38 pm

Oh, no, I was talking about the pagan in the episode who took English words, removed all the vowels, and removed consonants until they had three letters. I didn't see your post at all and didn't mean to question your knowledge of Hebrew.

Modern Hebrew also drops vowels-- it's not an old-fashioned thing.  Most written Hebrew intended for adults is written without the nikud/diacritic marks.  Anyone trying to learn how to read Hebrew texts (ancient or modern), is going to be confronted with the fact that it's mostly vowelless and reliant on context.

This is fascinating, I didn't know Hebrew still dropped the vowels at times. Hebrew seems like a very compact language, I guess that's why. But I definitely defer to you in all matters re: Hebrew, I only speak English and have a passing interest in other languages.

Which is not to say that the original poster was right in any way-- root words are three consonant letters, not four, so she was just making up culturally appropriative nonsense words.  But I'm used to asshole pagans coopting bits of my religion at this point.

I'm not sure if there are any pagans on ballp.it, but paganism (or neo-paganism, whatever) seems to be complete BS. At least Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Shinto, Taoism, Confucianism, et al. have time and a long history on their side.

« Last Edit: December 09, 2013, 03:09:40 pm by Psammetichus »

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That section about the 'I'm gonna masturbate to Lauren Faust as a pony no matter what' comment reminded me of some joke Lemon made in an earlier episode along the lines of 'I'm going to masturbate to you no matter what you do'.  Don't remember the context, though.
EYE OF ZA, December 08, 2013, 09:26:48 pm
It was Bunnybread in the Supernatural episode and I hate/love that his voice is burned into my memory screaming "I'M GONNA JIZZ NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO"
count_actuala NotHelpingMatters

Cleft Uppercut

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Regarding the guy who wrote the letter about marrying Twilight Sparkle, I once found a tumblr that archived a bunch of that guy's facebook postings and stuff about his relationship with... a stuffed child's toy, and generally gave more unfortunate background on the whole issue.  As a special bonus, it actually included pictures of him going out on the town with the doll.  The page has since been removed from tumblr. (but not way back machine)

Nevermind, I did the work myself instead of asking someone else to do it.  Here's a wayback machine link to the tumblr archiving the events of that idiot: http://web.archive.org/web/20130623101156/http://engagementoftwilight.tumblr.com
« Last Edit: December 09, 2013, 03:38:28 pm by Cleft Uppercut »


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I can't picture what it must be like to have creepy fans following you around just because you made something they happened to like and how that's suddenly a license for them to start stalking you and how dare you say anything bad about that.

On a completely unrelated topic, yay for Portaxx showing up again!
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Cleft Uppercut

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Oh also this screenshot of his facebook after he and twilight sparkle got married:


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So what is the plan for the Ridiculists when they get fans this crazy?


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Oh, no, I was talking about the pagan in the episode who took English words, removed all the vowels, and removed consonants until they had three letters. I didn't see your post at all and didn't mean to question your knowledge of Hebrew.Psammetichus, December 09, 2013, 03:07:55 pm

Oh, oops. Sorry! 

This is fascinating, I didn't know Hebrew still dropped the vowels at times. Hebrew seems like a very compact language, I guess that's why. But I definitely defer to you in all matters re: Hebrew, I only speak English and have a passing interest in other languages.

I'm not sure if there are any pagans on ballp.it, but paganism (or neo-paganism, whatever) seems to be complete BS. At least Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Shinto, Taoism, Confucianism, et al. have time and a long history on their side.
Psammetichus, December 09, 2013, 03:07:55 pm

Yeah, Hebrew is a fascinating language.  There are rules for spelling things without the vowels in modern Hebrew to make things somewhat less confusing. But the rules change and not everyone follows them, so.

There's pagan stuff that speaks to me, especially the reconstructions (I know a couple of people who do reconstructions of pre-Jewish semetic religions that are really cool), but so many people seem to think that it's totally okay to just frolic through the fields of religion, take one thing here, another there, and completely divorce them from their original context.

And then apply them to cartoon ponies because that's not insulting in any way.

Cleft Uppercut

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So what is the plan for the Ridiculists when they get fans this crazy?
Triggerhappy938, December 09, 2013, 04:09:49 pm

They made a forum for us.