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Topic: Episode 118: My Little Podcast: Fandom Is Tragic  (Read 63105 times)


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Ok I'm kinda curious about de Lancie's reaction to the fandom. Do they show this in the documentary or are you referencing some after the fact interviews?
Yossarian, December 10, 2013, 12:31:35 am

Apparently my information is out of date as John de Lancie is still making appearances at Bronycons. He may not have been as disturbed as I was led to believe after the documentary backlash. Ponies must write really good checks.
Odd, December 10, 2013, 12:55:03 am

His character's also in the latest season so either A) really good paychecks, B) really solid contract or C) the VA's and other people working on MLP are actually not going to throw a shitfit and run away screaming just because of crazy fans.

And besides, de Lancie used to be on Star Trek, which for a long time pretty much set the gold standard for "insane fandom," if crazy fans were enough to scare him away, dude would be living a Unabomber-like existence in a hut on the fringes of nowhere right now.
PurpleXVI, December 11, 2013, 11:30:23 pm

Seriously. There's no way he went over two decades of dealing with Star Trek fans without someone presenting him with their wonderful artwork of Q fucking Picard / Troi / a shuttlecraft / etc. Probably a lot of someones, unfortunately.


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It's sad how Bronies have made Trekkies look comparatively well-adjusted.

Oh, Portaxx, that rant was brilliant. I want to call it "The Lamentations of Portaxx" and add it to my bible.

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

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Runic - I agree that it's pretty terrible, to be honest. And that is indeed without a doubt THE creepiest aspect of Kit n' Kay Boodle. Just all the raunchy sex talk with all the "derple doo hurr hurr imma singin' fox!" characters. Just... ugh. I think the reason weirdos gravitate towards my art is that they clearly see the Mario/Mega Man influence and see that I like drawing little dinosaur-monsters and well, boom, recipe for disaster. These are the kinds of people who, upon hearing that Yoshi's my favorite cartoon character, would tell me "omg I know right? The best vore character out there! Not to mention the egg-laying ;)" These are the types of sleazeballs we're dealing with, so it's very gross yet unsurprising that they approach me about this shit.

Zamza - Don't you worry none. Judging from my cartoon thread, I've got a lot of catching up to do.

eatenmyeyes - At first I was surprised you even knew who those two were, then I remembered you've been on Poetv, haha. I can totally swing that, actually. It'll be a few days but still!

Jack - I still watch every Youtube video you send me \m/

Healslime - Yeah, you politely asking for art for educational purposes is totally fine, especially compared to death threats for porn, hahaha. You'd have to kick up the crazy by about 9999999999999999999999999999% before you could even begin to bother me, guy! Plus FYI: your requests are amongst the most fulfilling, since I know they're being used for a very good cause. Jus' sayin'.


See, I've been doing this stuff forever. It's not like one horrible instance drove me to feel this passionately about it. In my experience, it's always a cycle of crazy. You start off with a nut, the nut eventually leaves, and a new nut comes in to take its place. This can make things very stressful.

In all, posting art in and of itself isn't nightmarishly bad. And like I said a lot of the time, ignoring people does in fact work. Really the real trouble doesn't begin until you get stuck as "friends" with people like that. They message you, you choose to ignore their strangeness because you don't know what'll set people off, and then the fun begins. It's such a precarious position to be in, because then you've got someone messaging you and they really, really can not keep their weirdness to themselves. I mean stuff like "I have built my entire persona around masturbating to fat sheep falling off a cliff! XD" So you get someone talking to you and your not-goofy friends, and the little internetling can't stop talking about their jerkoff material because hey! Thaaaaat's the guy! That's that Fat Sheep Falling Off A Cliff Guy! Ohh boy, isn't it so quirky and fun and wacky that he pleasures himself to such strange material! Ha ha, oh what a card! Your normal friends start to get uncomfortable, meanwhile you feel like an ass because hey, the creeper showed up because of you.

What do you do at that point? I mean, you can't tell your friends "hey, STOP feeling uncomfortable around these folks! I mean sure they keep talking about their sexual quirks, but you have no right to feel upset about it!" Oh sure, that's what internet people will say to you, but you know better because you don't live under a rock buried beneath 500 copies of Sonic Adventure. Yeah maybe you can tell that explosive freak parade to stop it, but who knows, maybe they won't even listen to you. And maybe turning them away will start a saga of stalking and threats! Who's to say! It's the fucking internet and everyone is a lunatic!

It starts to affect the way you think. Yeah, these days you guys might know me as Portaxx, The Friendly Nerdy Ridiculist Who Makes A Stupid Whine Noise Every Time Lemon Interrupts Her Oh-So-Hilarious Final Fantasy Jokes (And They Are ALWAYS Hilarious), but I went through a time when I was super-aggravated with anyone who even thought about asking me for art or collaboration. You start to feel like you're in The Thing. You think "okay, which one of you will turn out to be a slobbering nightmare creature hellbent on my destruction? C'mon, I know one of you'll transform, so just get to it right quick and we can get this over with." You don't want to take a request because you assume it's for some gross mailing list. You don't want to collaborate with someone because you figure you'll be tied to some crazyporn gallery. You don't want to give a shout-out to a new artist because they haven't yet proven whether or not they'll be a maniacal stalker. No, I never shut myself into a panic room and jabbered about how the creepers were gonna get me, but I did spend quite some time being very, very cynical. Even when someone would politely leave a nice message about my art, in the back of my mind I'd think "uhhuh, and what's THIS asshole's story, hmm?" I've let go of some of that cynicism, though I am definitely not naive.

Personally, I have in fact refused to post art of certain characters or worlds just because I don't want that kind of trouble. It's not simply that "oh, someone out there will beat off to it." That's just an unfortunate fact you have to accept. Rather, it's that you have to worry about people thinking it's a nod to their community, because then you can get into that terrible cycle I just described. Those guys saying "Tolkien wrote about mud once... do you think he's a mud fetishist like us??" are commonplace online. But trust me, they don't simply sit around and wonder about different authors and artists. If they see your work and have a way to contact you, they will directly ask you "hey, you drew a picture of mud once!... are YOU a mud fetishist like me??" Then they of course pry open the screen door and holler for all their sinky friends to barge on in. Then what? Everything you do is seen as a clever little acknowledgement and whether you like it or not, you risk being lumped in with them. And since you're clearly SUCH good buddies with them, they will definitely come hassle your actual friends too. And then you're left wondering if you should ever post a picture of mud again, because who knows what the fuck trouble that'll cause.

Then you've got the ubercrazies. The stalkers, the conspiracy theorists, the people who over-monster cockyze your every move because everything you do is a sign that you're actually 30 Lucifers and a Hitler wearing an elaborate "regular human being going about their own goddamned business" costume.  At this point you may be wondering if I'm even still talking about posting art online. The hell of it is yes, yes I am.  It's not simply a matter of turning away commissions. If you post a picture people don't like, or you criticize someone's work, or you don't want to work with someone, you can get ten tons of trouble heaped upon you. Then months later you find out that ohhhh fun! The person you pissed off has actually been stalking you ever since! And then you get to hear the absolutely fucking crazy rumors about you. I've been called everything from a fatass to a murderer to a sociopathic manipulator, and in the end it's all come down to "ART MADE A PERSON MAD."

Now, the stalking is intensely creepy, but eventually it tends to fizzle out because I always find out about it at some point, regardless of which crazy person is trying to do it. The maniac du jeur is always out to "ruin you for the unforgivable sin of hurting my feelings," but the lovely part about it is they either have to keep it entirely to themselves (which means they failed just because an unspread rumor isn't particularly effective) or somewhere down the line, they end up talking to someone with an ounce of sense. It's like a fucking cartoon. Someone either realizes how absurd this is, or that the loonball's overreacting, or that there's no substantial evidence that proves I'm pure evil. Then the dissenter comes to me to get some, you know, facts, and I find out everything. In the comments for the multiples episode, I said that a phony's power diminishes as more people find out about their lies, and I know this because I've seen it firsthand. As soon as a stalker finds out I know everything and can prove them dead wrong, they whimper and slink off to lick their wounds while their echo chamber assures them that acting like an utter fucking mesmerizingly, fantastically, horrifically broken psychopath over goddamned internet art was totally the right move all along.

My point in all this isn't that these things will definitely happen to you. I'm sure a lot of people have only had nice experiences in posting artwork. Rather, these are the kinds of incidents you need to at least be mentally prepared for, because it can happen. The internet gives everyone a voice, and unfortunately for you, that means imbecilic shut-ins with no real human interaction and all the time in the world (in between frequent Tumblr breaks of course) have the power to worm their way into your life. You don't have to hide in a bomb shelter, but by god, be motherfucking ready.
Calariene Nook NotHelpingMatters SHAMBA~1.SBB
« Last Edit: December 12, 2013, 05:14:42 am by portaxx »


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I have never been so happy that I cannot draw.
NotHelpingMatters SHAMBA~1.SBB


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- *fucking asterisk actions*: or *FLUFFLES YOUR HAIR AND POUNCEHUGGLES YOU MEEP MEW MEW O_O :3c*: It's never a teenager. The person will be at least 20 years old.
portaxx, December 11, 2013, 03:57:24 pm
Just the right age to have discovered the internet in some degree of its current weirdness during their formative years! And probably at that peri- or post-college stage where they haven't quite figured out their fully three-dimensional personality yet!

(As a side note, Portaxx, "fat sheep falling off a cliff" always makes me think of the claymation sheep from the Wallace and Gromit shorts.)
Cuddlekrampus, December 11, 2013, 05:12:21 pm

Oh my god I'm having flashbacks to the goddamn furry group..This one dude started PMing me one day after like 5 minutes talking about a game I was playing and decided to drag me off to bed to be his 'pillow'. Saying no does not work, so I finally just told him to go to hell. He started going around talking shit about me for months after that. Wow I forgot how fucking mad that group would make me every day. Excuse me while I go kick a hole in my wall.

this is supposed to be one of those subliminal messages nobody notice this

His character's also in the latest season so either A) really good paychecks, B) really solid contract or C) the VA's and other people working on MLP are actually not going to throw a shitfit and run away screaming just because of crazy fans.

And besides, de Lancie used to be on Star Trek, which for a long time pretty much set the gold standard for "insane fandom," if crazy fans were enough to scare him away, dude would be living a Unabomber-like existence in a hut on the fringes of nowhere right now.
PurpleXVI, December 11, 2013, 11:30:23 pm

eatenmyeyes, December 11, 2013, 11:53:32 pm

Hey man at least Star Trek inspired a lot of scientists. MLP inspired some shithead to theorize on the physics of a cartoon horse hoof. I don't see bronies going into space.
 edit - I should probably work on my Trekkie doc soon
« Last Edit: December 12, 2013, 09:55:36 am by Yossarian »


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Hey man at least Star Trek inspired a lot of scientists. MLP inspired some shithead to theorize on the physics of a cartoon horse hoof. I don't see bronies going into space.
 edit - I should probably work on my Trekkie doc soon
Yossarian, December 12, 2013, 09:53:01 am

Come on now, don't be negative! Maybe if the Trekkies build a space elevator, it'll be economical to fire all of the crazy MLP fans, the crazy Doctor Who fans and all of the Homestuck fans into the sun.


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His character's also in the latest season so either A) really good paychecks, B) really solid contract or C) the VA's and other people working on MLP are actually not going to throw a shitfit and run away screaming just because of crazy fans.

And besides, de Lancie used to be on Star Trek, which for a long time pretty much set the gold standard for "insane fandom," if crazy fans were enough to scare him away, dude would be living a Unabomber-like existence in a hut on the fringes of nowhere right now.
PurpleXVI, December 11, 2013, 11:30:23 pm

eatenmyeyes, December 11, 2013, 11:53:32 pm

Hey man at least Star Trek inspired a lot of scientists. MLP inspired some shithead to theorize on the physics of a cartoon horse hoof. I don't see bronies going into space.
 edit - I should probably work on my Trekkie doc soon
Yossarian, December 12, 2013, 09:53:01 am
You might not be waiting too much longer.  One of them attached a Rainbow Dash figure to a weather balloon.

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

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Also stupid factoids because I am an attentionwhore:

- The "summon Portaxx" sound effect is Twilight Sparkle's magical teleportation sound effect from the show. Because why not tie it all together?
- There is a fanfiction based on "Rainbow Factory." It is about pegasus ponies making rainbows out of MURDERED PONIES YOU GUYS OMG!!!! SCARY!!!!! I considered throwing it into the doc, but it's not even hilariously bad, just poorly-written and boring.
- For anyone saying "the 'elder god with a sexy voice' must be Discord," I'm really not sure if that's the case. The troper wrote "literal Nightmare fetishist," and the capitalization makes me think maybe he meant Nightmare Moon, the main villain from the series premiere. But that character wasn't an "elder god" so again, I have no goddamned clue.
- It was decided that I'd come back during a brony episode because Boots and Lemon suggested "either a cartoony episode, a broken internet community only you could explain, or just something really, horribly gross." It took all of two seconds to realize there was a topic that actually fit all three themes simultaneously.
- If you want the worst brony song ever, look up "This is Why I Clop" on Youtube. Uuuuuuggggghhhhhhh.
NotHelpingMatters SHAMBA~1.SBB

Goose Goose Honk At Me Now

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- There is a fanfiction based on "Rainbow Factory." It is about pegasus ponies making rainbows out of MURDERED PONIES YOU GUYS OMG!!!!
portaxx, December 13, 2013, 03:01:38 am
Okay, here's a question. "Rainbow Factory" isn't a horrible piece of music, if you take out the lyrics. Why the fuck would anyone write a song and then a fanfiction based on the idea that rainbows come from cartoon ponies killing each other? (Moreover: "friendship is magic", it's RIGHT THERE IN THE TITLE OF THE SHOW, why aren't rainbows just powered by ponies being buddies? What the fuck.)


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- For anyone saying "the 'elder god with a sexy voice' must be Discord," I'm really not sure if that's the case. The troper wrote "literal Nightmare fetishist," and the capitalization makes me think maybe he meant Nightmare Moon, the main villain from the series premiere. But that character wasn't an "elder god" so again, I have no goddamned clue.
portaxx, December 13, 2013, 03:01:38 am

My theory is he's describing Queen Chrysalis. Only because she's the most like an elder god in the traditional sense. Yours is the more likely case though.

Okay, here's a question. "Rainbow Factory" isn't a horrible piece of music, if you take out the lyrics. Why the fuck would anyone write a song and then a fanfiction based on the idea that rainbows come from cartoon ponies killing each other? (Moreover: "friendship is magic", it's RIGHT THERE IN THE TITLE OF THE SHOW, why aren't rainbows just powered by ponies being buddies? What the fuck.)
Cuddlekrampus, December 13, 2013, 07:25:30 am

Because they like to grimdark it up for some absurd reason. Maybe they can't stand the fact that a cartoon is bright, cheery, and optimistic. This is the community that made Fallout: Equestria after all.


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Because they like to grimdark it up for some absurd reason. Maybe they can't stand the fact that a cartoon is bright, cheery, and optimistic. This is the community that made Fallout: Equestria after all.
MicroMistletoe, December 13, 2013, 08:17:55 am

The only good result of these shitty grimdark fics is the guy who made a joke out of animated videos of riffs on these things, where the storyteller is an incompetent and easily distracted MLP character who usually gets the first act or so of the story relatively right but then lets things take a swing for the goofy. Probably not everyone's idea of a fun time, but I usually get a laugh out of them.

(Rainbow Dash Presents, if anyone cares, it's on YouTube.)

I still don't get the GRIMDARK crowd, though. If you want Grimdark, why watch MLP at all? Read fucking, I don't know, Rob Liefeld comics or play Warhammer 40k or something.

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I think you're both missing the point. They enjoy watching a show aimed at young girls, but they're also misogynists and view ~girl stuff~ as strictly lesser than ~boy stuff~, so they rationalize their conflicting worldview by saying it's DARK and COMPLEX and ACTUALLY A BOY THING. For more of the same, look at masculine names like "brony" or "/co/lt" and the continuous rambling about how it's secretly SO DEEP, because if it was actually just a silly cartoon made so little girls would buy specific plastic toy horses from Hasbro then they would look really silly. And since being a brony is such a part of their identity, they ~reject reality and substitute their own~.

It's not because they can't stand flowers and sunshine. It's because they hate women.1

1: they also hate gays2
2: and brown people3
3: and muslims



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Their rampant misogyny and conservative ethics is the crux of the brony movement. Some sort of irony I suppose. That being said Friendship is Magic does have a modicum of universal appeal. Just not in any of the ways bronies seem to think.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2013, 12:08:13 pm by MicroMistletoe »

Goose Goose Honk At Me Now

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It's becoming very weird to see MLP stuff in its proper context. I work across from a Five Below, and they have some merchandise, and the other day I found myself looking at a stuffed Rainbow Dash and thinking, "That's fucking adorable. I would have loved this as a little girl, because rainbows and magic and friends sticking together."

And then I remembered this episode and thought, "What the fuck is wrong with all those dudes?"


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did someone say grimdark


"I like to feel smart because I play a game based off an incredibly complex soviet novel but I forgot that the games depth is so easily ignored and the game itself is hardly more than a shooter unless you read the book... but PONIES MAKE EVERYTHING BETTER RIGHT GUYS THE SOVIETS LOVED PONIES"