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Topic: Episode 118: My Little Podcast: Fandom Is Tragic  (Read 64054 times)


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At what point does telling someone who is more or less a stranger "I FAP TO YOU" seem like a good idea?  What is the thought process that leads to this conclusion?
Triggerhappy938, December 08, 2013, 08:39:28 pm

After several years of doing all your socializing in front of a monitor, your mind starts going a little wacky from the isolation.
scratchohey, December 08, 2013, 08:44:47 pm

Ha, ha, you think people don't do this in real life!


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Regarding the guy who wrote the letter about marrying Twilight Sparkle, I once found a tumblr that archived a bunch of that guy's facebook postings and stuff about his relationship with... a stuffed child's toy, and generally gave more unfortunate background on the whole issue.  As a special bonus, it actually included pictures of him going out on the town with the doll.  The page has since been removed from tumblr. (but not way back machine)Cleft Uppercut, December 09, 2013, 03:33:05 pm
Yeah, the scary part is that either this guy's entire online life is some sort of elaborate piece of performance art, or he really means all this shit. It is utterly baffling.

There's pagan stuff that speaks to me, especially the reconstructions (I know a couple of people who do reconstructions of pre-Jewish semetic religions that are really cool), but so many people seem to think that it's totally okay to just frolic through the fields of religion, take one thing here, another there, and completely divorce them from their original context.

And then apply them to cartoon ponies because that's not insulting in any way.
sherlockian, December 09, 2013, 04:18:30 pm
The funny part is that some of the same people who do this shit are also social justice tumblr warriors. Apparently cultural appropriation is okay when they're doing it.

So what is the plan for the Ridiculists when they get fans this crazy?
Triggerhappy938, December 09, 2013, 04:09:49 pm
Mass suicide. Let's be honest, there's only really one way this is ever going to end.
Yossarian Odd


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I just remembered I found this thing that is apparently from the officially licensed comics:

I can only assume it was inspired by the fandom...


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E: ^^^ You know that like 30% of the bronies who read that completely missed the point.


Y'know, I've made clear my opinions on this before, but Portaxx's lesson at the end of this episode summed it up perfectly: don't associate with horrible, gross people just because they like the same things as you.

Ha, ha, you think people don't do this in real life!
AlbieQuirky, December 09, 2013, 04:39:38 pm

Oh, I know! It's just that the internet has made it so much easier. Creepers gonna creep, but most of them don't have the guts-slash-instability to actually confront the object of their obsession in real life. The internet gives these people the courage that comes with anonymity, and an entire echo chamber of like-minded creepers telling them that, yeah, it's totally okay to tell someone that you like to masturbate to pictures of them! IRL, you'd probably get punched or arrested; online, you can just go back to the echo chamber and everyone will tell you that it's okay, they're just being mean!
« Last Edit: December 09, 2013, 06:19:25 pm by scratchohey »


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At some point in the episode Portaxx was unable to parse and explain a gratuitous reference to elder chaos gods in the pony fandom.
I believe that was a reference to the MLP character of Discord. A mischievous chaotic god voiced by the guy who is Q from Star Trek TNG.

(Seen here in a HUUUGE 3000x4000 image. Because Bronies can't tolerate anything short of perfect image definition for their obsession)

A character unlikely to appear again because the actor, John de Lancie, was also brutally exposed to the fandom while helping make the documentary "BRONIES: The Extremely Unexpected Adult Fans of My Little Pony." A very strange experience I don't think he walked from feeling too good about.


To the surprise of nobody who has been online for more than an hour on average Bronies are worse than Trekkies.


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I know enough about My Little Pony from contact osmosis (TV Tropes mock threads) that apparently Discord's thing is making people hallucinate horrible things?

I just know about it because TV Tropes took that and said "LITERAL MIND RAPE, NIGHTMARE FUEL, HOW IS THIS FOR KIDS???"

Like imagine how the Fetish Fuel wiki would talk about two characters sharing a scene and how they clearly want to fuck.  That level of sensitivity toward any vague stimuli gets applied to Nightmare Fuel, Crowning Moments, et cetera, and it's ridiculous.

Note that these are all from the Nightmare Fuel page for the show.  Not the page for the disgustingly long and dumb pony fanfics.
Trixie leading The Third Reich, turning Ponyville into a ghetto, and having a fetish for Body Horror.
She deleted Pinkie's mouth from existence. Less than a minute later we see Pinkie trying to eat cupcakes and failing causing her to start silently crying. Now imagine her starving to death because she can't eat anything.

Pay attention at the very end. Pinkie with her mouth returned, breathes in. Which likely means that she was holding her breath that entire time, think that over... that is torment on a diabolical level. It's terrifying not just the implication of suffocation but the fact Trixie knew exactly what she was doing.

On the opposite hand, this also means Pinkie Pie can survive without breathing for a frighteningly long time.
Something that will probably scare the adults more than the kids—Scootaloo falls into a river and almost goes over a waterfall. If RD hadn't been there...
At one point, Discord removes his eyeballs directly from his eye sockets. The way he does it makes that moment even creepier, if for no other reason than how much of a Mind Screw it is. Discord makes a "rolling my eyes" pun and takes out his eyeballs before rolling them like a pair of dice. The eyes fall into a pair of holes in the ground and said holes turn out to be Discord's eye sockets, and the real Discord suddenly materializes on the ground and sits up. The whole scene is a moment of reality warping that would break your brain if you thought about it too much.
Fluttershy losing her mind after getting rejected by the animals. Eep.

    She bit a squirrel!
I feel like I have to remind you that this is supposed to be scary moments, because I had to remind myself what it's supposed to be.

This is also scary, because the cute baby dragon has cute baby dragon lizard eyelids:
This scene is similar to watching someone you know as being as human as you are slowly turn into something not human.

Most of the videos on that page have gotten taken down for copyright violations (shocker) but this one is still up.  Remember.  Scary moments.


The sad thing is that looking at the actual plot points that come up around nerds getting scared of cartoon ponies, it's just a normal kid's show that ended up being the shit magnet of the decade.


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I just know about it because TV Tropes took that and said "LITERAL MIND RAPE, NIGHTMARE FUEL, HOW IS THIS FOR KIDS???"
Like imagine how the Fetish Fuel wiki would talk about two characters sharing a scene and how they clearly want to fuck.  That level of sensitivity toward any vague stimuli gets applied to Nightmare Fuel, Crowning Moments, et cetera, and it's ridiculous.
EYE OF ZA, December 09, 2013, 09:15:36 pm

I think lack of enriching stimuli connects becoming obsessed with boring shit like MLP (that and general manchild-ness) and thinking shit like the stuff you describe is upsetting. These people lack the context and experience to realize how trite and cliché all that shit is, both MLP in general and 'Nightmare Fuel'.
Because Creepypastas are the scariest thing they have experienced they try to exaggerate every abnormal plotpoint, no matter how mundane, into something worthy of having been noticed.
In part because they feel the need to somehow justify liking the shit they like.


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I just know about it because TV Tropes took that and said "LITERAL MIND RAPE, NIGHTMARE FUEL, HOW IS THIS FOR KIDS???"
Like imagine how the Fetish Fuel wiki would talk about two characters sharing a scene and how they clearly want to fuck.  That level of sensitivity toward any vague stimuli gets applied to Nightmare Fuel, Crowning Moments, et cetera, and it's ridiculous.
EYE OF ZA, December 09, 2013, 09:15:36 pm

I think lack of enriching stimuli connects becoming obsessed with boring shit like MLP (that and general manchild-ness) and thinking shit like the stuff you describe is upsetting. These people lack the context and experience to realize how trite and cliché all that shit is, both MLP in general and 'Nightmare Fuel'.
Because Creepypastas are the scariest thing they have experienced they try to exaggerate every abnormal plotpoint, no matter how mundane, into something worthy of having been noticed.
In part because they feel the need to somehow justify liking the shit they like.
Odd, December 09, 2013, 10:35:22 pm
Not to sound like some sort of apologist, but I think this is more an indictment of Tropers than Bronies.


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I think lack of enriching stimuli connects becoming obsessed with boring shit like MLP (that and general manchild-ness) and thinking shit like the stuff you describe is upsetting. These people lack the context and experience to realize how trite and cliché all that shit is, both MLP in general and 'Nightmare Fuel'.
Because Creepypastas are the scariest thing they have experienced they try to exaggerate every abnormal plotpoint, no matter how mundane, into something worthy of having been noticed.
In part because they feel the need to somehow justify liking the shit they like.
Odd, December 09, 2013, 10:35:22 pm
Not to sound like some sort of apologist, but I think this is more an indictment of Tropers than Bronies.
eatenmyeyes, December 09, 2013, 11:31:57 pm

Within the venn diagram of internet nerds, those are not exactly mutually exclusive.


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The venn diagram of emotionally stunted, poorly socialized nerds who are emotionally affected by kids' TV shows.


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At some point in the episode Portaxx was unable to parse and explain a gratuitous reference to elder chaos gods in the pony fandom.
I believe that was a reference to the MLP character of Discord. A mischievous chaotic god voiced by the guy who is Q from Star Trek TNG.

(Seen here in a HUUUGE 3000x4000 image. Because Bronies can't tolerate anything short of perfect image definition for their obsession)

A character unlikely to appear again because the actor, John de Lancie, was also brutally exposed to the fandom while helping make the documentary "BRONIES: The Extremely Unexpected Adult Fans of My Little Pony." A very strange experience I don't think he walked from feeling too good about.


To the surprise of nobody who has been online for more than an hour on average Bronies are worse than Trekkies.
Odd, December 09, 2013, 06:34:03 pm

Ok I'm kinda curious about de Lancie's reaction to the fandom. Do they show this in the documentary or are you referencing some after the fact interviews?


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Ok I'm kinda curious about de Lancie's reaction to the fandom. Do they show this in the documentary or are you referencing some after the fact interviews?
Yossarian, December 10, 2013, 12:31:35 am

Apparently my information is out of date as John de Lancie is still making appearances at Bronycons. He may not have been as disturbed as I was led to believe after the documentary backlash. Ponies must write really good checks.

A Whirring Bone-White Gleech

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Not only is the last third of the episode dedicated to the idea that "sometimes you shouldn't share," but the comments on thefpl.us nicely demonstrate the point again.  That's pretty Meta, you guys.

Psammy and sherlockian taling about Herbrew.

I'm a gentile and I don't know Hebrew, but I did take a biblical history class in college, so I'ma chip in with this: from what I understand, it wasn't always that way.  The oldest Hebrew language was different, and it used a different script (I don't know if it had vowel marks or not).  The modern Hebrew script is actually a derivative of Babylonian script, and was created during one of the periods when the region had been conquered by Babylon and the Babylonians had removed the upper casts of Hebrew society and tried to eradicate their original culture, religion and language.  Which is why people don't know what a lot of those words should be or what vowel marks to use: they're the results of priests trying to recover texts written in a script that had died and transliterate it into another script that didn't have vowel-marks.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2013, 03:06:06 pm by Fizzlebang the Wise »


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Edit: nevermind
« Last Edit: December 10, 2013, 07:26:34 pm by nilvoid »

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

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Ah, it's good to be back!

First off, I know this is going to keep being brought up, so I might as well state it here: Don't worry about why I was gone. Don't get me wrong, I'm not offended that people asked about it. I'm sincerely flattered and touched to see that total strangers were concerned about me during my hiatus. But don't worry too much about it. I'm not dying or anything! So just let me be the sad clown that I am and let me dance for your amusement. I will say that no, I was not mad at anyone in the podcast or vice versa, and no episode topic drove me offline. Your buddy Portaxx is way stronger than that, kids! Just clearing that up since I don't want any arguments consisting of "why'd you go?" "F U DON'T BOTHER HER," heh. I'm back and that's all that matters. Ever. In the whole world.

Secondly, this episode gives me a chance to talk about something I've seriously been wanting to discuss for years but haven't been able to, for reasons that'll become quite apparent in this very post. And what might that be?


Yes, I completely identified with Lauren Faust's plight when she got hassled by creepers in that material. That crap that happened to her happens very Very VERY VERY often. In fact, I've been dealing with it for many years myself. And while I doubt I'll ever get into all gritty details, I figured I should illustrate (har har) what kind of things an artist can go through.


Why, I'm glad you asked, me! Based on my experiences, here's a list of what you can look forward to:

- People asking for porn: In other words, "HI I MASTURBATE TO FAT SHEEP FALLING OFF A CLIFF!! XD WHAT DO YOU CHARGE??": What's that? You have no porn of any kind on your site? You don't even mention porn on your commissions page? That's fine! You'll be asked about it anyway! You may wonder why a person would blurt out their kinks to a total stranger just for the teeny tiny chance of porn when there are so many other artists out there who will gladly fulfill their request or even give it away for free. The answer is: internet. Which brings us to...

- People introducing themselves by telling you their fetish: Or "HI I LOVE YOUR STUFF! I MASTURBATE TO FAT SHEEP FALLING OFF A CLIFF BY THE WAY! ANYWAY GOODBYE!!!!": This happens all the fucking time. People assume that enjoying your work means they are obligated to contact you and give you status updates on their genitals. If I had to guess, I'd say they were folks whose own little internetty social circles introduce themselves this way, and they honestly have no idea that "I'M JERKIN'!" isn't a valid substitute for "hello!"

- Strangers falling in love with you and trying to date you: Or "I've watched your work for years! I dream of the day we can meet! I want to take you out sometime :3" "... who the fuck are you?": I understand this to a degree. Sure, I'm not a real celebrity, but if I'm entertaining someone and I'm well-known to any degree, then it can have the same effect on a person. I've seen harmless versions of this behavior. But I've also seen ultra-mega-stalky-creepy behavior too. I have been asked out on internet dates, and the would-be suitor's preferred location has almost always been a MUCK. I have had people make a long list about all my oh-so-delightful qualities, none of which lined up with reality (seriously, you love how I "only have sweet, kind things to say" to people? Have you SEEN the awful shit I inflict upon the other readers?) I have had strangers fall in love with a version of me that doesn't exist, only to become enraged when they find out I don't match their weird headcanon... and then I somehow find out after the fact. And yes, it's all because I drew some pictures. I know this because it's among the first things these people bring up.

- People demanding porn: or "IF YOU DON'T DRAW THIS I'M GOING TO MAKE YOUR LIFE MISERABLE, BITCH!": Oh well in that case I'll TOTALLY draw all the fat sheep falling off a cliff you want!

- *fucking asterisk actions*: or *FLUFFLES YOUR HAIR AND POUNCEHUGGLES YOU MEEP MEW MEW O_O :3c*: It's never a teenager. The person will be at least 20 years old. And no, they will absolutely not notice that you aren't responding with silly roleplay bullcrap of your own. They'll keep doing it no matter fucking what. And it's always a furry. No, that's not bigotry. It's just scientific fact. If furrykind can get together and pass a law stating that anyone who does this to random folks gets catapulted into the next solar system, I'd be very much obliged.

- People informing you as to which one of your pictures they jerk it to: or "OMG I looove your work! This fat sheep you drew is so sexy! Especially when it's falling off a cliff! I uploaded it to the Yankin' It To Fat Sheep Falling Off A Cliff Mailing List and everyone loved it too! :DDD": Thanks, I'm glad the silly art I did for a friend's birthday aided you in your sexual dysfunction. I'm even more glad that you fucking told me all about it!

- People asking what your friends' fetishes are: or "So it looks like you know This Other Person! Are they into fat sheep falling off a cliff too? Think you could introduce me if so? :)": At this point you may be wondering why I haven't become a serial killer. And at this point, I'm wondering the same thing myself.

- People demanding art for free: or "So like, can you draw my avatar for free? Incidentally his name is IHaveSoManyStupidLittleDetailsIt'dMakeTetsuyaNomuraPukeUpALung!... no? WHY NOT???": Depending on the situation, I'm not at all opposed to giving out free art. I do it a lot, actually. But it depends on who's asking, what they want, and why they want it. I will draw Lemon basically anything he wants, because I know he usually needs it for some project. Plus he once pulled me out of that out-of-control train right before that time bomb's clock hit 0, so y'know. I can't really draw some stranger's goofballicious character for free for no reason. And oh boy, will people ever get mad when they don't get their requests fulfilled. This will happen to you at least once. If it only happens once, then you are the luckiest artist in the world, because holy shit. Similarly, be prepared for random people to ask you to do insane things like "animate an entire 30-minute pilot for my cartoon series" without pay. Because, like, you need to "believe in the project, maaaan." Yeah, I've done free art for projects I believed in, but I had a reason to believe in them, asshole. I've also done my fair share of requesting free work for certain projects, but thanks to stuff like this, I always preface it with about 73 paragraphs of "but if you don't want to, that's fine!!!" I probably end up sounding like the most insecure, neurotic weirdo ever. Which I am, but they don't need to know that.

- People trying to trick you into drawing porn: or "Can you draw a fat sheep falling off a cliff... AS A JOKE??": Holy fucking mother of fucking fuck-hell, I fucking can not stand this. It's creepy as shit. And this happens all the goddamned time. Popular excuses are "oh I'm just fascinated by this stuff!", "I just think it would be fun!", and yes "It's just a funny joke!" Really? REALLY? A cat-man inflating like a balloon is a joke?? What the fuck, do you think I'm going to buy that?! Even if I wasn't in this podcast, my god, a human being can tell the difference between "JOKE" and "NOT A JOKE." What, do you go to open mic night and say "so yeah... WOMEN BEING TURNED INTO SHARKS AND THEY REALLY DON'T LIKE IT!... Amirite??"? Fuck off, you sick bastards. There's something to be said about the kind of person who tries to coyly trick you into participating in their masturbation sessions. Especially if they're doing it because they assume you'd decline if you knew what the situation really was. And ESPECIALLY if they're that goddamned inept at it. Oh, you won't draw their SFW porn? That's cool! They'll just track down your friends and try to trick them instead! Oh, and they'll namedrop you when they do it, too! Even though you turned them away!

- THE BARGAINING, OH MY GOD THE BARGAINING: or "oh my god I just wanted to post art please just end my suffering": Now, say you decline someone's request. Assuming they don't fucking flip out on you and try to ruin your life over it (see below), they will bargain with you. "So, you won't draw a fat sheep falling off a cliff? Okay, how about a chubby goat falling off a pyramid? How about a sheep standing on a cliff and eyeballing a giant cake? How about a sleepwalking sheep visiting the Grand Canyon? How about a cotton ball teetering on the edge of a table?" FUCKING STOP IT. Oh, you work with other artists? Great! Now the creeper can muscle in on your projects and ask THEM about drawing fat sheep falling off a cliff! Hmm? Your friends don't want to even discuss what levels of SFW porn are acceptable because they don't want to talk about SFW porn at all? Hahahhahaha fuck you, if CreepySheepLuvr78 wants to talk about it, he'll make sure it's discussed! But don't you worry, because CreepySheepLuvr78 is also under the impression that the world works as a set of very specific stats. If you say a swear word, he'll graciously remind you that swearing isn't work-safe either and that as a result, you have no excuse to NOT honor his porn request. And at this rate, you'll be fucking swearing every other goddamned word because HOLY SHIT WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE FUCKING INTERNET.


Many times this does work. However, many other times they will not take a hint. And when they don't take a hint, they definitely fucking follow you. Many years ago, there was one particular dude who would pester me about SFW porn (AS A JOKE OF COURSE) and I ignored him. Years went by, and he seriously tracked me down on a completely unrelated website and registered for a fucking account just to talk to me.* After about two sentences swearing that it was all a cuh-razyyy coinky-dink that I happened to be on that site too, he immediately jumped into "... so ready for my commission finally? X3" And that's probably the most tolerable incident. Many times it's much, much worse. All because they saw your art, liked it, and hoped to jerk off to it. Or jerk off to it more, depending on the case.


Ohh, how I wish I could. This could be a post in and of itself. But long story short, denying a person anything online can get you into a shitstack of trouble. I'm talking about threats, stalking, shadowy smear campaigns, OVERT smear campaigns, harassment of your friends, calls to your ISP, baseless accusations, really hilariously stupid attempts at framing you for hacking, and just generally massive clusterfucks. And yes, all of these things have happened to me over the years. It is goddamned unreal how crazy internet people can be, trust me. And that's why you can't even really discuss these things in most places. If I were to post this to a blog, I'd run the risk of getting a huge flamewar and demands for me to apologize for my bigotry. I'd probably hear "but I do that! Are you saying I'm creepy?!" and "but my friends do that all the time and I don't see a problem with it! Ergo you're wrong!" Nothing would change, nobody would learn anything, and suddenly I'd have a massive headache. It's just not worth it. But since I'm now going to try to turn the ballpit into my own personal Tumblr, I figured eh, might as well post this!

So, to recap, this is what being an online artist is like: You post your work online. Lunatics pester you. You can't really tell them to go the fuck away because they might explode Crazy-Aid all over you and your friends, but if you ignore them, they assume they're BFFs with you and will make sure you get a play-by-play of what mischief their sexparts are up to.


* Before you ask, no, it's not this site.
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