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Topic: Episodes you found hard to get through  (Read 35201 times)

Mister Smalls

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Episodes you found hard to get through #30
I don't know enough about hyper-boners to know if they're gross or not, but I definitely understand the idea of maggots crawling up your dick, and I do not like it. No sir. That's a one-listen episode right there.
Runic, May 06, 2014, 05:44:44 pm
On a sort of related note, I'm going to put this out here and see if anyone agrees: I have never listened to an episode of Lou Reads The Internet more than once.  Can't do it.  Not a one.


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Episodes you found hard to get through #31
I've listened to the butthole destruction one more than once because destroying buttholes is the funniest thing to me

A Meat

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Episodes you found hard to get through #32
I've listened to the butthole destruction one more than once because destroying buttholes is the funniest thing to me
Smoking Crow, May 06, 2014, 06:00:49 pm

I think I've listened to  the drug trip report episodes of his more than once, and maybe some others, the only one of his I had to stop in the middle of was the defense of bestiality one, oddly not because it was gross, but because I was really annoyed at how insufferable and dumb the arguments in favor of bestiality were.

Back on topic, I only listened to the Asexuals episode once, because I didn't find it funny, I might give it another try, but I just didn't like it.


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Episodes you found hard to get through #33
The couple of conspiracy ones that you do tick some paranoia thing in the back of my mind that unsettles me.  The situations are inherently preposterous, but I end up quietly thinking to myself 'what if I'm being gangstalked', and so I don't like to listen to them as much.  At least not when it's dark out.


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Episodes you found hard to get through #34
All of them all the episodes I hate this fuckiong podcast its shit

Serious answer: the Men's Rights episode, even though it was pretty funny. Usually when the subject is dumb political stuff I can just laugh past certain views and focus on the comedy, but with that episode I found myself arguing with the readings all the way through and I couldn't just sit back and enjoy it. I guess it's because I find myself arguing so much with these idiots so often that this episode felt like one big argument to me, which was surprisingly stressful for a comedy podcast. The pain was lessened a bit by hearing the readers' audible groans at the worst of the men's rights garbage.

Adult babies? No problem. Dickbugs? Bring em' on. Angry men with fedoras? Woahwoahwoah hold on, let's not get too hasty here


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Episodes you found hard to get through #35
I love most of the (Point to Schlong) episode, but the two or three points where people are bragging about literally raping women are horrible to listen to and I sincerely hope it was just a product of their broken little heads.


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Episodes you found hard to get through #36
I'm personally good with the awfulness to date (although the half-assed Twin Peak wedding has me gritting my teeth every time I listen to it), but two friends have two separate ones they can't handle.

Introducing one friend to the F Plus: after one of the recipe ones, the mistake was made of queuing up the anti-vac/unschooling episode. This friend being a new mother, someone with anti-vac relatives, and a teacher. It was like the perfect storm of everything nightmarish for her. I don't think she made it halfway.

Another friend who's a regular listener won't listen to one with the glasses' fetishists. She doesn't wear glasses at all, but has blind grandparents and one side of her family with serious eyesight degradation leading to blindness. The thought of someone fetishizing something she's so familiar with is too much, even with the promise of STOG singing.

I, like a couple other people in the thread, definitely had to tap out in a couple Lou Reads, though, which keeps me humble. Humble about listening to gross podcasts.
advancedclass, May 06, 2014, 05:12:20 pm

Oh god, I forgot about the Offbeat Bride episode until you mentioned it. I think it actually makes me cringe more than any of the other nerd episodes combined.


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Episodes you found hard to get through #37
I found the "Let's Hit Each Other" episode about the straight man from Oslo going to a gay bar the most painful for a number of reasons. A) I live in Oslo. B) I have some former friends who could be that guy and one of them probably is that guy. I had heard the story before, except not quite as embellished. So yeah.

Other than that, the plushie fuckers was a one-time listen for me. Eurgh!


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Episodes you found hard to get through #38
I can't make it through Roosh.  He's so much of an asshole that it ceases to be funny to me.

Also, thanks Lou, for making me look up what a meatotomy looks like


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Episodes you found hard to get through #39
Back on topic, I only listened to the Asexuals episode once, because I didn't find it funny, I might give it another try, but I just didn't like it.
A Meat, May 06, 2014, 06:09:36 pm
Not to piss off portaxx, but you really ought to, just to hear the story of someone pretending they don't know what a penis is.

Personally, I can't get through the Christian discipline one - I have relatives that do that shit, and it's just sad.


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Episodes you found hard to get through #40
Tried to listen to the YouTube shorts the other day and had to stop it. The audio's just too shitty.


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Episodes you found hard to get through #41
Tried to listen to the YouTube shorts the other day and had to stop it. The audio's just too shitty.
Lemon, May 09, 2014, 09:22:59 am
Oh, well la~ dee~ da~!

(I have the same problem listening to them.)


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Episodes you found hard to get through #42
Tried to listen to the YouTube shorts the other day and had to stop it. The audio's just too shitty.
Lemon, May 09, 2014, 09:22:59 am

dude just pretend it's on vinyl and other people don't get it
count_actuala Sherman Tank


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Episodes you found hard to get through #43
It wasn't a whole episode, but I've noticed that whenever someone is talking about how kids are exposed to sex too early, the author always sounds like a barely disguised pedophile. "I'm disgusted with these seven-year-olds shaking their butts on TV, and middle schoolers talking about gangbangs, I mean, not that I'm invested in it or anything..."

Mister Smalls

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Episodes you found hard to get through #44
I feel as though that's how it is in general, not just with F Plus subjects.

If it bothers them that much, they're probably noticing it more than the average person, for one reason or another.