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Topic: Episodes you found hard to get through  (Read 35202 times)


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Episodes you found hard to get through #60
It wasn't like, emotionally rough, but I was involuntarily wincing and at one point I made a soft 'eeeeerrrrgggghhh' noise that was probably weird to anyone around me in the grocery store right then.


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Episodes you found hard to get through #61
I still haven't listened to the Sherlock fandom episode for fear of secondhand embarrassment and/or flashbacks to my tumblr feed from 2010.
Frozen cum drops? Bring it on. An eerie likeness of martin freeman with a dog dick screwing an eerie likeness of benedict cumberbatch, but pregnant (or whatever you guys found for the episode) I have been scarred enough already, thank you.

as for "I actually listened to it despite my entire brain screaming in protest", Lou has that honor with the enema episode.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2014, 12:13:15 am by eudo »


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Episodes you found hard to get through #62
So, from what I can gather on the first page of that link, Red Pants Monday is supposed to be some kind of I'm-a-Johnlock-shipper hanky code that ostensibly these Tumblr users would have if they ever had occasion to leave the house.

I've probably got that wrong, because normally a hanky code is formulated around something you wear on an outward-facing layer of clothing, but I've also got the inkling that the folks who conceived this idea forced it to be red underpants because of some direct reference to the show.


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Episodes you found hard to get through #63
You're giving the Sherlock side of tumblr way too much credit, Isfahan. The red pants monday I remember was a weekly fanart tsunami of johnlock porn involving red underpants for reasons I never fully understood. Had jack shit to do with the show, though.

So yeah, eudo, me too.

I have to say, I didn't expect the foot episode to make me genuinely nauseous, but it did. Probably the fetishization of uncleanliness. I listened to the sounding with twist ties with no problem, but you say the words "toe jam" and I want to vomit.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2014, 12:07:42 pm by Navigator »


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Episodes you found hard to get through #64
I feel like there is a reason for red pants specifically that I am far, far better off not knowing. As navigator said, it used to be a weekly deluge of porn (of any sort, so long as it included red underwear) so immense and inescapable that if I recall correctly, a talk show host addressed it with the actors. I need to scrub my brain now.

Tiny Prancer

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Episodes you found hard to get through #65
I think the deal is that someone drew fanart where John was in red underpants, or someone wrote fanfic, and the rest of the fandom went "THIS IS CANON NOW" and so it's now in everything they do because Fandom Says So.


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Episodes you found hard to get through #66
to further derail the thread, the artist who started it has a tag for it (as you can guess, it is nsfw)

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Episodes you found hard to get through #67
I don't like feet. Feet are icky. My neurotic distrust of feet in general made Snoot by the Foot difficult for me to listen to. On the other side of the spectrum of hard to get through, I find that the "Monkey Moms" still make me swear uncontrollably at my laptop. Barely domesticated animals do not make good children.


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Episodes you found hard to get through #68
As stupid as it sounds, I find it hard getting through the ones about metaphysics from sheer secondhand embarrassment and it hitting way too close to home.

In that my mom's really into that kind of thing...not to the point of putting pyramids on her head or trying to quantum jump or anything, but she's definitely into the whole 'cleansing crystals' and has spent way too much time wondering over what rocks and incense to buy. Part of me is terrified she might end up a Joan Ocean counterpart someday in the far-flung future.


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Episodes you found hard to get through #69
I still haven't finished the newest one. Stinky feet have officially replaced dickmaggots as the thing I can deal with the very least.


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Episodes you found hard to get through #70
The drug episodes are hard to get through. They remind me of how my ex was simultaneously crazy and boring on drugs, and the way the posts are written remind me of his texts. It just hits a bit too close to home.

However, I find the gross fetish episodes hilarious. The second episode I listened to was the adult baby one, and I feel that really helped build my resilience against gross internet shit.

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Episodes you found hard to get through #71
So, from what I can gather on the first page of that link, Red Pants Monday is supposed to be some kind of I'm-a-Johnlock-shipper hanky code that ostensibly these Tumblr users would have if they ever had occasion to leave the house.
Isfahan, September 07, 2014, 09:00:53 am
Oh, Isfahan. Bless you for believing that anyone on tumblr is having any sex at all.


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Episodes you found hard to get through #72
Not even that, I just mean "hanky code" insofar as it's a method to recognize one of their own when they look at things that aren't their monitor and people who aren't represented entirely by all-capsed and italicized text.

I mean, juggaloes have the hatchet guy and assholes have Truck Nutz, so naturally Tumblrites need their public symbols too!

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Episodes you found hard to get through #73
Not even that, I just mean "hanky code" insofar as it's a method to recognize one of their own when they look at things that aren't their monitor and people who aren't represented entirely by all-capsed and italicized text.

I mean, juggaloes have the hatchet guy and assholes have Truck Nutz, so naturally Tumblrites need their public symbols too!
Isfahan, September 12, 2014, 03:43:39 pm

Oh, so a Brocktoon, then

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Episodes you found hard to get through #74
Something about the Garbage Fetish episode is the absolute worst to me, and although I contributed a chunk of the content to the Multiples episode I still have a hard time getting through it without being furious.