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Topic: EC1: Christmas In July  (Read 18381 times)


  • im baby
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EC1: Christmas In July
This is like an episode of The F Plus, but with fans!

How this all started:

I asked if people were interested in participating in a project. The project was to replace audio for one of the grossest F Plus episodes of all time (#221: Specialty Wankers). The plan didn't go through (Djeser's masterful editing saved the day in the end), but people were interested in participating nonetheless. People wanted this. People wanted to participate in the act of reading gross shit from the Internet, like a David Cronenberg movie, but with much less stakes and visual oddities. So we all threw random ingredients into a pot, let it cook, and then we made each other taste it. The good news is, no one died!

So I helped Amelia Blank put this together. She did most of the work, I told people how to record. I also edited the episode. Basically I kicked the back of Ms. Blank's seat while she drove.

ART BY: Dr. Activisionary

READERS: Amelia Blank, STOG, Ashto, Ganymede, Detective Slowpoke.


1: Building Your Alpha Male Life
2: Bodybuilders trying to summon some demons
3: A Wikihow on how to be a diaper lover
4: SoFurry.com.
5: Conspiracy Poetry.
6: ShakespeareHemmingway's "A Garfield Story".

Share and enjoy!

The doc we read from.
Sherman Tank Ashto dractivisionary Amelia Blank Emperor Jack Chick Ganymede Argyle Funk Bodark xX_sp00ks_Xx Positronic eldritchhat Yavuz Gyro SirSlarty chai tea latte Liatai Eider Duck Maxine Headroom Grassdragon Cyberventurer AlbieQuirky nuffkins, of all people, Nifty Nif Really_Quite_Nice SHAMBA~1.SBB
« Last Edit: August 08, 2016, 09:29:24 am by Lemon »


  • Paid
  • 239
  • 115
In case anyone wanted to see the art here:
Sherman Tank Amelia Blank Ashto Bodark Ganymede znarf AlbieQuirky Really_Quite_Nice Moistenedbinch

Amelia Blank

  • Giant Woman
  • Paid
  • Secretly seven cats in a human-shaped bag
  • 166
  • 19
Ballp.it's Extra Credit
I am so happy everything came together and we made this show! <3 I love you all! Thank you STOG for guiding us and editing! Dr. A your art is great! I am so  excited to keep making more of this silly show! ^ ^
Ashto znarf Liatai Grassdragon Really_Quite_Nice


  • Guest
Ballp.it's Extra Credit
Thanks STOG, Ms. Blank, and everyone else who made this amazing episode!
I couldn't make it to the recording unfortunately, but I was 'lucky' enough to provide the content for "Making Your Alpha Male Life", and hearing it read by the fine people in this episode made me laugh my guts off despite knowing the content already - so kudos!

I'd be remiss though if I didn't share my favorite part of the doc that never made it to air: It's titled "Alpha Males can’t marry" and it's a really long and dumb manifesto (and that's after I edited out the info dumps) about how women control the justice system and will take away your children and your freedom by claiming you beat them just to take all your money or something, and it ends with this gem:

But in the situation of marriage your wife has the legal power of the divorce court and the police that isn’t a 357 magnum…that is a nuclear bomb!

Safety because someone choices to let you live isn’t safety!

The Swiss knew this. Switzerland has been neutral since 1815. However in 1942 The Swiss were watching Hitler with concern. If he invaded Switzerland, he could move his troops through Europe more effectively.

Did Switzerland just hope Hitler wouldn’t ever invade?

No, even though Switzerland is neutral they built a complex series of bunkers in the Alps (some were entire underground cities!) Two of the biggest forts were directly above 2 sets of train tracks that the Nazis had use of and needed desperately.

The Swiss made it very clear.

“One German soldier sets foot in Switzerland and we blow up the railroads and defend them to the last man!”

Hitler never invaded.
STOG Amelia Blank Ganymede Ashto chai tea latte

Emperor Jack Chick

  • he/him
  • Ridiculist
  • Metal tyrant from hell
  • 3,193
  • 666
Ballp.it's Extra Credit
you guys did a good job with this!
Amelia Blank

A Meat

  • Artificial Man Pop Seasoning
  • Paid
  • filled with delicious dude meat
  • 4,705
  • 132
Ballp.it's Extra Credit
STOG, you messed up! You could have used FFS 'Collaborations Don't Work' as the opening music!

Also, fun podcast, this was fun!


  • Guest
Ballp.it's Extra Credit
Bodark Sherman Tank

A Meat

  • Artificial Man Pop Seasoning
  • Paid
  • filled with delicious dude meat
  • 4,705
  • 132
Ballp.it's Extra Credit
The furry who just couldn't admit they're into dudes annoys me so much, it's not like being bi changes your tax bracket or anything, sexuality is flexible, you can be mostly into ladies and also a bit into dudes, there's nothing wrong with admitting that! As with whatever you call yourself? what the fuck does it matter anyways, one man's heterosexuality is different from an others'.
eldritchhat Really_Quite_Nice


  • Paid
  • aka Ludwig von Bangthoven
  • 153
  • 8
Ballp.it's Extra Credit
Glaucoma Diapers, for when you can't see shit
Amelia Blank Liatai DetectiveSlowpoke

Amelia Blank

  • Giant Woman
  • Paid
  • Secretly seven cats in a human-shaped bag
  • 166
  • 19
Ballp.it's Extra Credit
I am so lame. I'm totally gonna make my mom and aunt listen to the first episode. ><


  • Larval Gambino
  • Paid
  • 69
  • 20
Ballp.it's Extra Credit
I am so lame. I'm totally gonna make my mom and aunt listen to the first episode. ><
Ms.Blank, July 31, 2016, 01:23:11 am

I'm sharing it with my family too, it's not like their opinion of me can get lower.  ;p
Amelia Blank Sherman Tank Really_Quite_Nice


  • Guest
Ballp.it's Extra Credit
I'm gonna send it to the MRA dude in my Uni who tried to recruit me to the man-o-sphere in the first place :-P
Ganymede Amelia Blank Really_Quite_Nice


  • touched fuzzy, got dizzy
  • Paid
  • 830
  • 55
Ballp.it's Extra Credit
Ashto DetectiveSlowpoke

Eider Duck

  • Eats nothing but mussels
  • Paid
  • And has weird corkscrew genitals
  • 383
  • 20
Ballp.it's Extra Credit
I absolutely loved the reading of the Garfield story at the end. I mean, the rest of the episode was really great, but the fanfic reading had me in stitches.

Everyone involved with this is wonderful.
Amelia Blank DetectiveSlowpoke Ganymede


  • Paid
  • 239
  • 115
Ballp.it's Extra Credit
Here is the iTunes link in case anyone cares:
and the basic feed is:
Just plug that into your preferred rss reader/podcast app and away you go.