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June 02, 2024, 01:02:27 pm

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Topic: Episode 41: Lemon Types in a Title for this Episode  (Read 3856 times)


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re: crossword puzzle and an eight-letter word for humanitarian.

The answer is cannibal, isn't it?

It references that old joke, "If vegetarians are people who eat vegetables, why aren't cannibals called humanitarians?"

And since we're on the subject, would a zombie be considered a cannibal?

Goose Goose Honk At Me Now

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Fun fact: food made with human meat/milk/byproduct, if that byproduct is given with consent, is apparently considered entirely acceptable to eat by some vegans. The consent is the part that makes it vegan.

Citation: spirited discussion by the staff of the vegan bakery I worked at last summer


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Don't you know it takes sixteen pounds of grain to make one pound of human flesh? It's wasteful!