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Topic: Just a reminder to get out there and vote today!!!  (Read 13097 times)


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This thread is only for Americans because foreigners ain't people. 

Let's talk about impending doom!!!!
... or Mama June's taste in men.

Edited to add: Joni Ernst castrates pigs, is running for Iowa's senate seat, and hates it when people mix her up with Taylor Swift
« Last Edit: November 04, 2014, 10:06:40 am by Pumpkinbread »


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This thread is only for Americans because foreigners ain't people.
Pumpkinbread, November 04, 2014, 09:46:54 am

I wouldn't have wanted to vote anyway. HMPH.


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I'm going to be over in this corner over here, wake me up when and if America decides to stop being fucking crazy.


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Here's the guy who's going to lose to Al Franken tonight.
“Senator Franken is focused on things like net neutrality and Time Warner mergers,” said McFadden. “You know how many times I’ve been asked about these issues in 16 months on the trail? Zero. Zero times.”

Mr. McFadden says Americans are concerned about bigger threats, such as ebola.

Meanwhile, Keith Ellison has been talking a lot about raising the minimum wage. In tweets. Using emojis.

There's also a ballot initiative to make local elections less interesting by making it more difficult to get on the ballot. I really hope that fails.


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How many [yayvictor] can I get for one hour of minimum wage work?  Also, how many [tits] ?

Ellison doesn't get my vote until he breaks down the math on those issues and those issues alone!!! 

Oh and tell Ellison that if he does do the math then he definitely ain't gettin my vote cuz mathin is fer college elitist fuckers.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2014, 02:50:45 pm by Pumpkinbread »


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I voted! And my sticker says so in three languages, because I live in Liberal-land!


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I voted last Friday! I met a nice person who goes to my college in line to vote as well! I briefly felt a glimmer of hope and then remembered that I live in Georgia so that didn't last long. One of the positions I was voting to fill didn't even have a democrat running for it so I wrote in Eugene V. Debs because I am going to vote for a Socialist for something even if it's one who's been dead for eighty years. Straight up don't give a fuck.


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I live in Georgia so my vote won't even matter!!!!


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Here's the guy who's going to lose to Al Franken tonight.
“Senator Franken is focused on things like net neutrality and Time Warner mergers,” said McFadden. “You know how many times I’ve been asked about these issues in 16 months on the trail? Zero. Zero times.”

Mr. McFadden says Americans are concerned about bigger threats, such as ebola.

Meanwhile, Keith Ellison has been talking a lot about raising the minimum wage. In tweets. Using emojis.

There's also a ballot initiative to make local elections less interesting by making it more difficult to get on the ballot. I really hope that fails.
Lemon, November 04, 2014, 10:57:05 am

It really needs to be free to run; I need even more hippies in my life.

chai tea latte

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also get yr flu shot and maybe do your homework before bed

(for real, get a flu shot if you haven't already, mine was even free because i spend time around elders)

Fatty Bo Batty

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I'm happy because this means I won't have to deal with the non-stop fucking campaign calls and solicitors.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2014, 02:52:25 pm by FattyBoBatty »


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Yesterday was Election Day in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. The election campaigns have been in full swing since April, and nearly every house has a candidate’s sign in front of it. Not coincidentally, the patronage system is alive and well here, and government jobs are the only real ticket for a local to lead a middle-class lifestyle.

Because everyone knows (or is related to) one or more of the candidates, campaign ads rarely list any policy provisions, and negative ads are unheard of. Just your candidate wearing a Hawaiian shirt and smiling—and sometimes not even listing your candidate‘s surname, just his first name or nickname.

Candidates’ families spent yesterday setting up tables near major intersections, blasting reggae over their truck stereos, and waving at passers-by.


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In case you were curious about which celebrity Jon you are better/worse than in regards to patriotism and being a good citizen.

You're probably a better citizen than Jon Stewart
Chris Moody Tweeted:     Jon Stewart says he didn't vote. He recently moved and didn't know where to go. Welp.

And probably a lot shittier of an American than Lil Jon.  He hopped a cross country flight to head back to the ATL from Los Angeles because Georgia wouldn't send him an absentee ballot

Runic, Goombapolice.... I'm lookin at you.  Why the fuck do you hate Lil Jon?!

A Whirring Bone-White Gleech

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I voted last Friday! I met a nice person who goes to my college in line to vote as well! I briefly felt a glimmer of hope and then remembered that I live in Georgia so that didn't last long. One of the positions I was voting to fill didn't even have a democrat running for it so I wrote in Eugene V. Debs because I am going to vote for a Socialist for something even if it's one who's been dead for eighty years. Straight up don't give a fuck.
Runic, November 04, 2014, 12:01:27 pm

I live in Atlanta, so we were probably looking at very similar ballots.  I voted a straight-party ticket pretty much, except right there; I voted for the Republican because better a Republican than a Libertarian.

I was happy that there where a lot of Democratic incumbents, but that's because I live in the electoral district that includes Atlanta.  I was depressed that there where so many Libertarian challengers, because I live in fucking Georgia.


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Yesterday was Election Day in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. The election campaigns have been in full swing since April, and nearly every house has a candidate’s sign in front of it. Not coincidentally, the patronage system is alive and well here, and government jobs are the only real ticket for a local to lead a middle-class lifestyle.

Because everyone knows (or is related to) one or more of the candidates, campaign ads rarely list any policy provisions, and negative ads are unheard of. Just your candidate wearing a Hawaiian shirt and smiling—and sometimes not even listing your candidate‘s surname, just his first name or nickname.

Candidates’ families spent yesterday setting up tables near major intersections, blasting reggae over their truck stereos, and waving at passers-by.
Cheapskate, November 04, 2014, 02:30:01 pm

Your way sounds like a lot more fun than ours. Not the patronage part, but the Hawaiian shirts and music part.