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Topic: I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup*  (Read 274150 times)


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who are all these fuckin people . have they always acted like this? i don't remember how humans interact anymore. it all feels gross and tiring

proust writes:

Among the people to whom this sort of marriage appeared ridiculous would have figured, twenty years earlier, Swann himself, the Swarm who had taken endless pains to get himself elected to the Jockey Club, and had reckoned at that time on making a brilliant marriage which, by consolidating his position, would have made him one of the most conspicuous figures in Paris. Only, the visions which a marriage like that suggests to the mind of the interested party need, like all visions, if they are not to fade away and be altogether lost, to receive sustenance from without. If one has lost sight for a score of years of all the people on whose account one would have liked to be elected to the Jockey Club or the Institute, the prospect of becoming a member of one or other of those corporations will have ceased to tempt one. Now fully as much as retirement, ill-health or religious conversion, protracted relations with a woman will substitute fresh visions for the old.

2019 was 20 years ago.

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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i love taylor swift so much
chai tea latte Spenny bubbleuj thelizzerd

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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beethoven? kind of slaps tbh.

i wish i could play tyhe piano
« Last Edit: June 16, 2022, 05:38:08 pm by unregistered hypercum 2 »

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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Mmfwcl friendos
chai tea latte Salubrious Rex thelizzerd

Salubrious Rex

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The difference between canned Guinness and bottled Guinness is like the difference between something good and something bad fuck me dead I'm not coming up with similies for this shit
chai tea latte xX_sp00ks_Xx Great Joe

Salubrious Rex

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I don't miss anything else babout drinking other than being drunk with friends. Or being drunk with friends without a total shitheel being there and making me depressed drunk, or just generally life making me sad. Being drunk watching letsplay videos of drunk people's a pretty good substitute though and I can do it from my ohn home.

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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I just had to walk out of a bar because it was too loud. Is this what getting old is?

Oh actually maybe it's an itsy bitsy teenie weenie  yellow polakdot panic attackeenie?

It was that, kind of still is that. I'm not a people people.

This bar is going to fucking deafen me

Someone post so I dont feel like I'm just having a convo with me myself and i
« Last Edit: July 16, 2022, 05:39:29 pm by unregistered hypercum 2 »


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Bars have been way too fucking loud for all of my life. If it's not a dancing club place or a live band I came to see turn down the fucking volume so I can speak with my friends holy shit!

chai tea latte

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Carl Sagan's Cosmos was so fucking good. is so fucking good. thank you Internet Archive
thelizzerd Boots Raingear

Shell Game

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I wish i had enough guts to just come out to everyone has a trans man irl and it hits me most when I drink.
thelizzerd, August 13, 2022, 11:31:58 pm
As my therapist once said to me (paraphrasing), there will come a time when your fed-uppedness with secrecy will overpower your discomfort with candor. The discomfort is protecting you until that time. It'll relent when you're ready.

Salubrious Rex

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I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup* #820
Sometimes it's nice being the most drunk person in the room I'd nice because you don't have to worry about catch up to anybody.
thelizzerd RoeCocoa xX_sp00ks_Xx Sauce Great Joe Shell Game


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I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup* #821
when you think about it, it's kinda fucked up you know?
thelizzerd Salubrious Rex


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I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup* #822
The metaverse?
Fuck you, it's nopt the metaverse, that's like saying the mmorpg or the fps.
But this is exactly why facebook rebranded into meta so now people think metas horizon worlds is the metaverse!
But it isn't! The metaverse is a dumb fuck term anyway! No one can agree on what the fuck it means! Old muds were metaverse! minecraft is metaverse! Wow? Sure. Second life deffo a metaverse and not even mentioning minecraft which I just mentioned. Wait I meant vrchat. That too. You can rent from a server or something I dunno I dont got it.

But now, decentraland, a metaverse crypto web 3 project is in the news because only 38 active users? People read "metaverse ... 38 active users" and think facebooks shitty vr thing only has 38 active users! funny!
But wrong!
So many things you can make fun of about horizon worlds like looking like ass, not having legs and loosing 100000 players over the past 8 months though, but they it do have more than 38 users!
Fuck the metaverse! as a term. And as a thing. If it's the web3 thing. I think vrchat is mostly cool though?
Also how the fuck they sink 15 billion dollars into horizon worlds?!?
chai tea latte Salubrious Rex


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I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup* #823
i hate that i'm downing a quarter of a forty-ounce of gin and i'm still like, sure i'm tottering about but i'm keeping my balance, and i'm— you seein' this, right? check it out dude, no spelling mistakes, i'm fucking ZONED IN, i'm totally on top of it. I even put an em dash in there instead of a hyphen, that's how on top of it i am. You gotta put in an ALT code for that, dude!!! i'm so lame i can't even get drunk when i'm drunk. haha, i'm kidding i know people hate drunk people, i hate drunk people, if i was drunk to that point i'd hate and be embarrassed of myself but, you know. it'd be nice if ethanol had a better effect on me. sometimes you wanna obliterate yourself, but, i don't really feel that now? If you heard me wish for that you should know i'd be faking it. like ugh, only people who have things to hide from themselves go for that, and, really? i'm fine! i'm okay! and if I wasn't? what? what am i gonna do, down a whole bottle? haha god, wouldn't that be a look? come oon, eww. no alcohol kink shaming or anything but still, ew. whatever, whatever. point of this post is though, you know. i love my online friends. that's all i wanted to say. xoxo, kiss kiss all that crap. i'm going to have a real bad time in the morning getting up at 3 am to work. hahaaaa check on you guys laterrrrrr lmaoo
Salubrious Rex thelizzerd jim and the mammograms


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I'm drunk and have things to say. *hiccup* #824
Eughaugheuggh *more bonequest dicksucking sfx*
Salubrious Rex thelizzerd