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Topic: What squicks you? (Not much, apparently)  (Read 41386 times)


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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #45
Not even for my favourite animal, the cockroaches.
montrith, April 19, 2013, 07:48:06 am
See I knew you wouldn't appreciate my tastes. After all, you have been so corrupted with the stereotype that cockroaches are 'the Enemy' to even consider that these creatures are miracles of evolution, organisms Darwin himself would call divine if he wasn't so preoccupied with goddamn barnacles. 350k years of consistent general anatomy, baby!
toanoradian, April 19, 2013, 09:08:13 pm
Cockroaches are amazing but I also hate that in New Mexico they lurk EVERYWHERE and it's basically impossible to get rid of them once they get into a place.  Every time I changed my bed sheets, there'd be a bunch of cockroaches underneath them, some of them dead, some of them not. Every time I moved a piece of furniture, cockroaches would scatter everywhere.

During the summer they came inside to cool down. During the what-passed-for-winter they came inside to warm up.  Year-round was cockroach breeding season in New Mexico.

Of course in Las Cruces specifically, the cockroach problem was accompanied by a similar problem with black widow spiders. FUN TIMES.


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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #46
Well, thank you for making sure I'll never, ever go to New Mexico. Just reading that post will probably give me nightmares.

Seriously you guys, you have no fucking idea how much I hate those things. No, it's not even hate. I loathe them. I don't want to be on the same continent with them. I don't even want to write their name. I know it's completely irrational and ridiculous, but I can't help myself. Evolution shmevolution, Darwin can stuff it for all I care.


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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #47
Oh did I mention they'd also get into the food?

When I lived there I had a recurring nightmare in which I'd be eating soup and think "why is there shrimp in thOOOOOOHHHHH SHIIIIIIT." But for some reason I'd still be compelled to lick the soup off of their antennae.


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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #48
Holy shit, Fluff, I love all bugs and you're grossing ME out.

It is insane what you can get to deem "normal" because there's no other solution but to adapt, though.  Whenever I see an ant these days, I'm reminded of the infestation my dorm had where I was literally flicking them off my arm every fifteen seconds at the computer and people didn't care if they got into their ramen or whatever.  It's horrifying in retrospect, but if there is absolutely no other way to cope, the brain has a miraculous way of shutting your care-glands down altogether.

Fucking brains.


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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #49
The first of three short films in the compilation "Three Extremes" titled "Dumplings".


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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #50
I guess you wouldn't like the extended movie, then.