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Topic: Avatars!  (Read 45456 times)


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Avatars! #15
Now, if you'd ask me about my SKYPE avatar...montrith, April 28, 2013, 11:36:33 am

Yeah, thanks for making your voice come out of a nightmarish probably-shitty-on-purpose My Little Pony costume while we're playing D&D.
Isfahan, April 28, 2013, 11:38:47 am

Is it this thing?


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Avatars! #16
Now, if you'd ask me about my SKYPE avatar...montrith, April 28, 2013, 11:36:33 am

Yeah, thanks for making your voice come out of a nightmarish probably-shitty-on-purpose My Little Pony costume while we're playing D&D.
Isfahan, April 28, 2013, 11:38:47 am
I think it puts us in the right mood to battle horrible demonic creatures from the furthest depths of the abyss.

Goose Goose Honk At Me Now

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Avatars! #17
Isfahan, every time I look at your rack (obligatory rimshot) I'm reminded of the one trip I took to West Point. We had a sort of tour guide, and near the end of the tour my younger sister asked him what his meant.

He calmly explained, "Well, this one's cause I killed a guy, and this one's cause I ate him..."

The look of pure terror on her face was a thing of beauty.


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Avatars! #18
Is it this thing?
PurpleXVI, April 28, 2013, 12:16:22 pm

Nope, that one's bad on accident, and so it is more funny than horrifying.

I just went into Skype and took a snapshot of it. Here.

Isfahan, every time I look at your rack (obligatory rimshot) I'm reminded of the one trip I took to West Point. We had a sort of tour guide, and near the end of the tour my younger sister asked him what his meant.Cuddlesquid, April 28, 2013, 02:09:51 pm

He must have been either cadre or prior enlisted if he had decorations on his uniform. So far as I know, cadets don't earn proper military decorations while in academy.


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Avatars! #19
It's Jake Blues from The Blues Brothers. Somewhere out there, my younger brother has the matching Elwood avatar.


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Avatars! #20
I got this thing because AO made it for me like, ye olde ages ago. I seem to recall he wanted some goofy advertisements to slap on his car, and this was gonna be the logo for a radioactive soft drink.
PurpleXVI, April 28, 2013, 09:50:16 am

It was in the spirit of those "energy" drinks that are really popular amongst the more "radical" brosef motorsports, such as US rallycross or Formula D(rift).  Purple 16 Nuclear Drink:  NUKE YOUR THIRST.

I had made logos for a handful of buddies.  I'd opened it up to the membership here but nobody except Bunnybread took me up on it.


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Avatars! #21
Oh no, now I had to look at both of the MLP nightmare cosplays in this thread. THANKS MONTRITH.


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Avatars! #22
It was in the spirit of those "energy" drinks that are really popular amongst the more "radical" brosef motorsports, such as US rallycross or Formula D(rift).  Purple 16 Nuclear Drink:  NUKE YOUR THIRST.Acierocolotl, April 28, 2013, 03:38:14 pm


I had made logos for a handful of buddies.  I'd opened it up to the membership here but nobody except Bunnybread took me up on it.

Oh snap, I didn't realise you were doing those! I must have missed a post somewhere, otherwise I'd have totally taken you up on that offer!


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Avatars! #23
Mine's just a crop from this old comic.

Once upon a time Portaxx made a really cute avatar icon for me out of the blue. I should use that instead.  I still have it around here somewhere.


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Avatars! #24

I tried to make a clever pun of 'crocodile' and 'waffles', but gave up.

chai tea latte

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Avatars! #25
I asked a while back when heart/punching became a thing if one could be punched multiple times per post. It turned out to be possible, so I was sitting at about -8 or so. Then I decided to just stick with it as a minor identifier.

Being punched is not actually a fetish of mine. Just thought I'd clear that up.


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Avatars! #26
Never mind, I actually like this one better
« Last Edit: April 28, 2013, 08:03:35 pm by portaxx »


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Avatars! #27
It was in the spirit of those "energy" drinks that are really popular amongst the more "radical" brosef motorsports, such as US rallycross or Formula D(rift).  Purple 16 Nuclear Drink:  NUKE YOUR THIRST.Acierocolotl, April 28, 2013, 03:38:14 pm


I had made logos for a handful of buddies.  I'd opened it up to the membership here but nobody except Bunnybread took me up on it.

Oh snap, I didn't realise you were doing those! I must have missed a post somewhere, otherwise I'd have totally taken you up on that offer!
Chaz, April 28, 2013, 05:58:05 pm

Posts get missed, ain't no thang.  My current two cars are essentially plastered at this point, though there's room for a couple 75x25 and 50x50 logos that will likely be rendered with a lot of antialiasing.   There's ample room on my next two cars as I haven't gotten to the stage where I can race them competitively.


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Avatars! #28
Okay, cool :D I'll wait until your next two cars are ready then!

A Whirring Bone-White Gleech

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Avatars! #29
Okay, cool :D I'll wait until your next two cars are ready then!
Chaz, April 29, 2013, 12:45:12 am

I won't!  Uncle the Canadas, may I please queue up to have an icon on your next car?