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Topic: Found- What Should I Do? UPDATE  (Read 21832 times)


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Found- What Should I Do?
She already got a fat reward for finding the tennis bracelet: a tennis bracelet.


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Found- What Should I Do?
For those interested in the sweetness of the bracelet, it looks pretty much exactly like this:

except less shiny.


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Found- What Should I Do?

So I decided to keep it after my attempts to reunite it with the owner went absolutely nowhere. I took it to a jeweler today to have it resized, basically to remove the link with the missing diamond. He said it's worth $200 in gold alone, but that he'd sell it for about $600. And I did a little more googling today and found the actual bracelet, from Kay's. So, yep, I found a $600 piece of jewelry.

And I kinda love it now, so I'm pretty happy. I'd never, ever be able to rationalize such an expensive thing for myself. I'm having a hard time spending $50 to have it resized and cleaned.

But it needs a better story than I just found it. Something that me and Lemon can tell our kid(s) about Mommy's diamond bracelet. Anyone want to create a fiction for it?

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Found- What Should I Do?
Anyone want to create a fiction for it?
squiddy, August 13, 2013, 07:41:08 pm

Mommy and Daddy met a water nymph who got stuck in the ice. Using awesome teamwork they freed her and as a reward she gave them a diamond bracelet that shows everyone how beautiful Mommy is on the inside. Daddy's reward was never having to eat a Doritos Sandwich For Kids again.


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Found- What Should I Do? UPDATE #19
I like the beautiful on the inside part! I wish all my inner beauty would manifest itself as wearable diamonds. How not-inner-beautiful of me...

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Found- What Should I Do? UPDATE #20
It's very, very special magic. Water nymphs aren't allowed to share the secret most of the time, so when they do it's only for people who are brave and awesome and understand teamwork.

If kidlet is more into Action Fairy Tales, maybe the water nymph got attacked by a rampaging t-rex from another dimension. Did you know Daddy's car has a dinosaur-capturing net? The reason you don't see it on the back bumper is because he used it capturing the t-rex.