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Topic: Stumbling across old F+ subjects in my daily life  (Read 171122 times)

Dr. Buttplug

  • Formerly Jackal Flapnasty
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Had a friend (we'll call him SadClown) who was super nice and was dating another friend (we'll call Janice), but as things went along trickles of clopping obsession and a loli fetish started to leak through. I was ready to cut him off right there but my business partner said he had in roads into the local anime community so I tried really hard not to burn that bridge. After failing to organize an anime convention, which SadClown refused to allow us to promote our anime parody at, he descended further into a loli, pony, and body pillow hole, irking Janice. Then things went nuclear. Janice had gone through a difficult time with breast cancer and had received implants. Soon this SadClown began to prefer the company of his body pillows and figurines even going as far as taking up a waifu. When confronted about it he said he didn't think of Janice as a woman anymore after her surgery and dumped her in an unpleasant fashion. Mind you the relationship had lasted nearly a decade and he managed to stand by her during her battle with cancer but he let his waifu come between them. He ended up moving out to the west coast and some further creepiness ensued.

I could also go on with stories about some Alt conservative paranoids that I meet at my job as a security guard.

chai tea latte

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What a gross creep. Please go on.

Dr. Buttplug

  • Formerly Jackal Flapnasty
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There isn't much else to the story. He had a wife and kids before dating Janice who live on the west coast. He also had a long distance GF who probably wasn't real but her facebook profile pick definitely looked Japanese. He figured for some reason it would be cool to move out there, with no plans for a job, ensconce himself in creepy loli bullshit, date some Asian woman who was probably an secret Asian dude, and try and reconnect with his daughters. Last I heard his ex-wife filed a restraining order or something against him. I haven't cared to keep up since.


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Had a friend (we'll call him SadClown) who was super nice and was dating another friend (we'll call Janice), but as things went along trickles of clopping obsession and a loli fetish started to leak through. I was ready to cut him off right there but my business partner said he had in roads into the local anime community so I tried really hard not to burn that bridge. After failing to organize an anime convention, which SadClown refused to allow us to promote our anime parody at, he descended further into a loli, pony, and body pillow hole, irking Janice. Then things went nuclear. Janice had gone through a difficult time with breast cancer and had received implants. Soon this SadClown began to prefer the company of his body pillows and figurines even going as far as taking up a waifu. When confronted about it he said he didn't think of Janice as a woman anymore after her surgery and dumped her in an unpleasant fashion. Mind you the relationship had lasted nearly a decade and he managed to stand by her during her battle with cancer but he let his waifu come between them. He ended up moving out to the west coast and some further creepiness ensued.
Jackal Flapnasty, July 28, 2016, 08:45:54 pm

He had a wife and kids before dating JaniceJackal Flapnasty, July 28, 2016, 09:05:15 pm

...How old was this guy when the cancer-dumping anime withdrawal took place?

I'm imagining a 55-year-old pony fetishist and it's not pretty.

Dr. Buttplug

  • Formerly Jackal Flapnasty
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I'm pretty sure he's in his forties. I had to go to SadClown's facebook to try and get an exact number but he keeps his birth date and age private. I also got to find out he is a Bernie or Bust moron and the gal he moved to date looks nothing like her profile photo did.

I didn't need more reasons to hate this man!


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When I was backpacking through Japan, I was hanging out in the hostel common room, tilted my head to read the title of the book a girl I'd been talking with was reading, I don't remember the title but it definitely sounded new-agey. She noticed me doing this, and then started to tell me about how she was learning about astral projection.

Knitting Machine

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I mentioned this is another thread, but my brother recently went out with a woman who was really into cuddle parties.

He decided to end it after one date, and admitted to me it was mostly because of her "weird boundary issues"
Bodark Amelia Blank nuffkins, of all people, Sherman Tank Ashto SirSlarty znarf Really_Quite_Nice Yavuz SHAMBA~1.SBB

Vocal Minority

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My encounter with the internet invading real life happened during my college psych 101 course. My Professor was Dr. Patrick Edwards. At the beginning of our course he said that he was currently in the middle of an ongoing study. He wouldn't reveal what it was until after we were done with the syllabus, but he did say its focus may shock us. "Pffftt" I thought, "I've listened to the adult baby episode a dozen times, nothing can shock me". Once we were done with the syllabus, Dr. Edwards went on to introduce himself. He went through his military career, his work as a psychiatrist, his movement towards teaching. Then finally he got to his study. He said that he had first found out about this when his son told him. You see, his son had a particular "interest", one that he confided into his father. When Dr. Edwards first heard what his son said he was shocked. Why would my son be interested in that? He then went to his computer, he said "This was his interest.", and when I saw what was being projected onto our classroom whiteboard, I was shocked. It was My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. Dr. Edwards had a brony son, and he wanted to understand why an adult man would be interested in My Little Pony. So he got a few colleagues and got to work on "The Brony Study". For the rest of the semester he would continue to reference his study and even have our class take a survey. Dr. Edwards ended up being my favorite professor in that semester, and I even found his study's website. I'll post it here for those of you interested in their results. http://www.bronystudy.com
And here's his personal blog, where you can see him drawn as a pony. http://bronystudy.com/bronymeetupadmingroup/
chai tea latte Liatai Dr. Buttplug xX_sp00ks_Xx Schumin Capote Gyro Cirr DetectiveSlowpoke Corn Syrup znarf Really_Quite_Nice Yavuz SHAMBA~1.SBB

Nikaer Drekin

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I mentioned this is another thread, but my brother recently went out with a woman who was really into cuddle parties.

He decided to end it after one date, and admitted to me it was mostly because of her "weird boundary issues"
Knitting Machine, July 31, 2016, 09:56:43 am

But how could cuddle party people have boundary issues?? They talk constantly about boundaries, so clearly there can't be any problems there.

Anyway, my mom had mentioned a few times that she wanted me to meet the daughter of one of her friends, saying that we've got a lot of the same interests and would probably get along. Once I met her, we ended up talking about My Immortal and Legolas By Laura, so now I guess I have a new "Weird Internet" Friend!
Gyro Dr. Buttplug Corn Syrup znarf Really_Quite_Nice SHAMBA~1.SBB
« Last Edit: September 05, 2016, 04:47:03 pm by Nikaer Drekin »


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I have a friend with fairly questionable tastes. She's someone who was like a sister to me growing up, so it puts me in the difficult position of "I don't want to cut you out of my life but I'm tired of hearing about your dd/lg relationship, how much you want your daddy's 'yummy cummies,' and about your various furry fetishes." She has no filter.

Back before I had realized just how far down the fetish smorgasbord rabbit hole she had fallen, she took it upon herself to introduce a single friend of her then-boyfriend's to me, and I--with a bit of apprehension I couldn't explain at the time, but ultimately shrugged away as my being silly--agreed.

His name was Draven. He wore a top hat, a hot topic trenchcoat, and walked with one of those shitty canes you get at Spencer's. The kind with the dragon heads on top? Grabbed my hand awkwardly and kissed it messily. Refused to let it go.

"Tell me about yourself," he demanded. He spoke with an odd affected accent I couldn't even describe, and was never consistent.

I told him I was 19 and in college. And, without prompting, he interrupted me with an "I'm 33. Did [friend's name] tell you about our coven? You have a wonderful energy and I'd love for you to join us."

Yes. Eight years ago, I met a Real Vampire at a nightclub.

He followed me around for the next hour, making awkward small talk, and word-vomiting information about his "diet" and other such "I'm totally a vampire Avian look at all this vampire information I have about vampires!!" things before I managed to duck into a bathroom and hide out there for a bit. It was then that my presumably well-meaning friend gave him my phone number.

For the roughly three months it took him to finally understand that I wanted nothing to do with him, he constantly texted me and called me at odd hours. "No you don't understand!! I have to call you around 2-3am that's when I wake up!!!!"

Also he slept with a knife under his pillow and liked to talk about that a lot.

chai tea latte

  • TheftBot is, simply put, a fully sentient robot for stealing automatic teller machines
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I have a friend with fairly questionable tastes. She's someone who was like a sister to me growing up, so it puts me in the difficult position of "I don't want to cut you out of my life but I'm tired of hearing about your dd/lg relationship, how much you want your daddy's 'yummy cummies,' and about your various furry fetishes." She has no filter.
Yes. Eight years ago, I met a Real Vampire at a nightclub.
Avian, October 02, 2016, 07:07:32 pm
Part of growing up is changing your boundaries and enforcing them. If you've explained to her that her fetish is objectively gross, she needs to be able to filter herself in order to exist politely in public, and you don't want to join her coven to the exclusion of all other social contact, and she can't respect that and ease the fuck off, it's not you that's betraying your relationship, it's her. You're holding onto something because of what she once meant to you, and that's okay. But ultimately it's your choice whether that means she's still in your life as a gross kinkster or someone from your past who was like a sister to you.

PS: anyone who introduces a 33-year-old to a teenager as a romantic prospect is fucked up in the head. That's incredibly uncool, even if it sounds like Draven was a teenager emotionally.

NutshellGulag Ashto Gyro Eider Duck One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes Avian Really_Quite_Nice SHAMBA~1.SBB

Dr. Buttplug

  • Formerly Jackal Flapnasty
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"Tell me about yourself," he demanded. He spoke with an odd affected accent I couldn't even describe, and was never consistent.

I told him I was 19 and in college. And, without prompting, he interrupted me with an "I'm 33. Did [friend's name] tell you about our coven? You have a wonderful energy and I'd love for you to join us."

Yes. Eight years ago, I met a Real Vampire at a nightclub.

He followed me around for the next hour, making awkward small talk, and word-vomiting information about his "diet" and other such "I'm totally a vampire Avian look at all this vampire information I have about vampires!!" things before I managed to duck into a bathroom and hide out there for a bit. It was then that my presumably well-meaning friend gave him my phone number.

For the roughly three months it took him to finally understand that I wanted nothing to do with him, he constantly texted me and called me at odd hours. "No you don't understand!! I have to call you around 2-3am that's when I wake up!!!!"
Avian, October 02, 2016, 07:07:32 pm

Man sounds like you missed out on what could have been the second worst threesome ever conceived! Honestly though I've been in your situation before and I made the  same choice. I've also made differing choices. Like that time I dated a suicidal Juggalette, or the weird parties I go to for the sake of research only to be creeped out by the "Draven" at the party. So yeah in these situations it's best to abide by the prime directive. Observe this woman's facebook and report. Post some of the grosser stuff on the Curse Images thread.

Fatty Bo Batty

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A friend I made on an old forum has completed the metamorphosis from "ironic, anti-PC MRA" to "Full Shitheel."

He blames Stephen Universe for his inability to pitch a cartoon, or get an animation job, period.


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I have a friend with fairly questionable tastes. She's someone who was like a sister to me growing up, so it puts me in the difficult position of "I don't want to cut you out of my life but I'm tired of hearing about your dd/lg relationship, how much you want your daddy's 'yummy cummies,' and about your various furry fetishes." She has no filter.
Yes. Eight years ago, I met a Real Vampire at a nightclub.
Avian, October 02, 2016, 07:07:32 pm
Part of growing up is changing your boundaries and enforcing them. If you've explained to her that her fetish is objectively gross, she needs to be able to filter herself in order to exist politely in public, and you don't want to join her coven to the exclusion of all other social contact, and she can't respect that and ease the fuck off, it's not you that's betraying your relationship, it's her. You're holding onto something because of what she once meant to you, and that's okay. But ultimately it's your choice whether that means she's still in your life as a gross kinkster or someone from your past who was like a sister to you.

PS: anyone who introduces a 33-year-old to a teenager as a romantic prospect is fucked up in the head. That's incredibly uncool, even if it sounds like Draven was a teenager emotionally.
pumpkin spice latte, October 02, 2016, 08:42:00 pm

Thank you for that. Really.

You're right. I've mostly managed to cut our relationship down to "I know you're still alive because I see you posting on facebook" since she moved out of state a few years ago, so she's not nearly as much of a presence in my life as she once was.

Yeah, it was really gross and I definitely sat her down and explained to her why I thought it was fucked up. But this is the same girl that jumped on a plane when she was 18 to move in with a 40something y/o guy she'd only talked to on a kink forum, so it kinda just ended at "well Avian I understand that it's not what you're into. I thought you would be. Sorry"

"Fucked up in the head" is, frankly, a little too polite for the way she thinks about this sort-of shit
Bodark Liatai

Knitting Machine

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A close friend of mine came out to me as a furry and honestly I'm just thrilled she's not Otherkin.
Eider Duck Ragnarok Boobies nuffkins, of all people, Gyro Really_Quite_Nice Yavuz SHAMBA~1.SBB Hux