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Topic: Why do People want to be Polyamorous/in an Open Relationship?  (Read 10859 times)


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Apparently this is a thing?  I don't understand it.  I'm a jealous bastard as it is, I don't need any competition.  Another thing is the country mentality in me.  If my younger sister told me that her boyfriend asked for an open relationship/polyamory, me and my dad would pack up and beat the shit out of this dude.  Some people, however, love it and think it's the only way to treat your partner like an adult.  What do you think?  Is it good, bad or in between?  Why would someone agree to it?
Smoking Crow, May 11, 2014, 09:22:35 pm

That's great for you? Maybe not so great for your sister, if she, you know, has a different perspective on how relationships might work then you, though.  I mean, you saying that you'd beat up someone who suggested an alternative relationship structure makes me feel really uncomfortable, and I'm not even in a poly relationship (my partner and I both have too many relationship issues and no motivation to try it out.)

In my experience people who put in the work to make a poly thing work out are people who don't necessarily think the two-person structure is the only right way to have a relationship, enjoy being sexual and romantic with multiple people, and care enough about their partners to have multiple verbal, intense discussions to make sure that everyone in the relationship is getting out of it what they want to get out of it.  Obviously, it doesn't always work and I've seen a ton of poly relationships crash and burn for different reasons-- but honestly it's about the same spread of issues I see in monogamous relationships.

If you're a jealous person, you don't have to be in a polyamourous relationship, but don't project your own personal hangups about relationships on everyone. And ffs, don'ts threaten violence over non-normative relationships, especially ones you're not in. I don't know your sister, and I'm sure she's not interested in a poly relationship, but acting super-macho and patriarchal as though she can't make up her own mind about a relationship that she wants to have definitely pings me in the not-good-situations-friends-have-been-in place.
Mister Smalls Lady Frenzy TheCrawlingChaos Cat Planet


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The thing we're heard about the most on the podcast relating to this is probably the same exact bs I saw several friends fall into doing. A lot of what I saw was inexperienced, and immature teens and younger who would go online and do the murry purry shit to the extreme and then 'fall in love' with their mate. Give it a few weeks or months and a third of the time another partner gets added on because the role play is soooo much hotter with a third person. Yes role play, because your polyamorous relationship is a long distance, rock solid bastion of integrity. 

As for real life if you want to fuck around with two or three other people then have at it, its not my place to judge what or who you want to do. (Until you broadcast it all over the internet) For myself I don't really have a favorable experience with it and I do think that part of being in a committed relationship is keeping it 1 on 1 by default. If whoever I'm in a serious relationship with wants to add someone else the communication is the word. I don't think that starting with 3 is the best way to develop a serious relationship, its not wrong though.  An seriously open relationship does not sound like something I'd ever be interested in.


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Cause they dig it, I guess. I don't need to get it. Personally it sounds like too much of a fucking hassle to me. I can barely manage my relationship with myself.