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Topic: Episode 98: Can't Say I Approve Of Your Methods, Mister Holmes  (Read 58805 times)


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Okay this has been bothering me for a while so I'll take this opportunity to ask WHO THE FUCK MAKES CUSTOM HUGPILLOWS



ETA: I want one printed with another pillow for maximum comfiness don't judge
Delcat, April 28, 2013, 10:39:06 pm

I know you can order them from some Korean company but I cant remember the name. I remember a while back some furry was making ones with fully explicit pinups of his characters and it was so creepy. In other news body pillows are the best thing ever.


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No, fully dressed in a pillowcase.  Naked pillows are all gross and sweaty.

...am...am I apillowsexual?
Delcat, April 29, 2013, 12:04:14 am

No, I think that's when you don't use a pillow at all. Possibly you are demipillowsexual, aka you only sleep with pillows you've known for a long time and have a deep emotional connection with.

Alpha Starsquatch

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No, fully dressed in a pillowcase.  Naked pillows are all gross and sweaty.

...am...am I apillowsexual?
Delcat, April 29, 2013, 12:04:14 am

No, I think that's when you don't use a pillow at all. Possibly you are demipillowsexual, aka you only sleep with pillows you've known for a long time and have a deep emotional connection with.
montrith, April 29, 2013, 11:41:23 am

You beat me to the joke.
As for me I am in a strictly queerplatonic aromantic relationship with my pillow.


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I sleep with two or three pillows
I am pillowpoly
We're very happy with our arrangement


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I am only attracted to a pillow if the character's on the cover is super smart. I don't care about the gender, I am sapillowsexual.

i am the lord of lame puns


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toanoradian wins, everyone go home.

I know you can order them from some Korean company but I cant remember the name.
Yossarian, April 29, 2013, 10:29:55 am

For some reason, that makes me feel a little better than the custom-made ones.  I dunno why, maybe because they can apparently be mass-produced instead of artists gritting their teeth over hand-making horrifying commissions, maybe because I'm picturing a bunch of employees hanging around the shop and trading stories of how crazy their last print was.

The real question is, how much do those things cost?  I saw some official hugpillows in an anime specialty shop once that were half my size and went for about $40 each (that concept was fun to explain to my mom, incidentally).  That thing is literally six feet high and at least three across, and it's a one-shot order.  We've got to be talking upwards of two hundred dollars, much more if the manufacturer decided to milk supply-and-demand for all it was worth.

My name is Del and I have a morbid hobby of finding out how much people spend on horrible shit online.
fursuits are FANTASTIC for this game

Geremy Tibbles

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For Toast.
Bunnybread John Toast