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Topic: What squicks you? (Not much, apparently)  (Read 46815 times)


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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #30
Okay, I'm gonna have to make a list:

-Anything relating to vomiting
-Anything related to mold and decay. I'm in the same boat as Ansemaru on this one)
-Raw meat: This is probably my biggest one. My dislike of raw meat (Especially raw chicken) in real life actually spills over into phobia territory.
-The previously mentioned mind control fetish stuff, especially stuff that relates to reducing people's intelligence or modifying their personality. It's like fetishizing brain trauma, usually with som added misogyny thrown in.

Also as far as tit-fucking goes (A phrase I didn't think I'd find myself saying) isn't that entire fetish sort of born out of a rather comical misunderstanding of how nipples work? I mean I'm no nipple-ologist but human nipples don't have like an actual hole in them you could theoretically stick something in, they're porous rather than set up like a nozzle.


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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #31
Body-modification-induced body horror, such as people getting eyeball tattoos/implants, tooth filing/implants, and, oddly enough, just thinking about uvula splitting/removal/etc. gets me REALLY freaked out (argh why did I have to think about it)

Strangely enough it's only things like eyes, fingernails, and uvulas (uvulae?) that bug me to that extent.  People doing limb amputation, implants, tattoos, and so on don't bother me at all.  But even THINK about pulling off a toenail, and I'm having a bad time (argh why did I have to think about it)


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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #32
Also as far as tit-fucking goes (A phrase I didn't think I'd find myself saying) isn't that entire fetish sort of born out of a rather comical misunderstanding of how nipples work? I mean I'm no nipple-ologist but human nipples don't have like an actual hole in them you could theoretically stick something in, they're porous rather than set up like a nozzle.
KingKalamari, March 06, 2013, 06:56:42 pm

Absolutely anatomically correct!  That's just never stopped hentai before.

I would list my non-sexual phobias but it'd take a really long time.  Elephant phobia is probably my weirdest, though.  I like elephants, I think they're cute as babies and noble and intelligent as adults...which is why they terrify me, because I go straight to elephants being in pain or mistreated when I think about them.  Same with corvids.  I've never pictured myself inside a dead corvid's chest cavity and having it collapse in on me and suffocating inside a cold, dead creature, though.  I blame the X-Files for that one.


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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #33
I would list my non-sexual phobias but it'd take a really long time.  Elephant phobia is probably my weirdest, though.  I like elephants, I think they're cute as babies and noble and intelligent as adults...which is why they terrify me, because I go straight to elephants being in pain or mistreated when I think about them.  Same with corvids.  I've never pictured myself inside a dead corvid's chest cavity and having it collapse in on me and suffocating inside a cold, dead creature, though.  I blame the X-Files for that one.
Delcat, March 07, 2013, 09:24:41 am
About a year ago was the peak of my panic attacks, and I happened to also be remodeling my kitchen at the time (which didn't help any). At one point my microwave was on the floor, and my cat was sniffing around at it, and my mind immediately jumped to the thought of people putting cats in microwaves and I had a really bad panic attack as a result of thinking of Werner being microwaved, even though there was absolutely no plausible way in which it could happen.  I ended up moving the microwave off the floor.

I used to have a really bad fear of dogs due to some bad experiences as a kid (the sort where GIANT DOG was ATTACKING me and the owners would go "Oh he's just PLAYING with you, calm down! screaming only gets him agitated!") but in grad school I had some neighbors who helped me to finally get over it.

Similarly, I also used to have a fear of mallard ducks because when I was 4 or 5 I went to the local college duck pond and one of the mallards got agitated at me for something which probably made it think I was going to attack its children or something and it chased me around a bunch. I probably deserved it, but it was pretty traumatic.  I outgrew that one pretty quickly, though, probably around the same time that I realized I was much, much bigger than a typical duck.


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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #34
Not so much "squicks me", more "Makes me really upset and I have to leave the room" but any all-too-realistic depiction of a car accident will upset me. Having been a survivor of a car accident that resulted in the death of my brother, any time a car safety advert comes on I have to get out of there otherwise I start getting upset.

Most notable incident recently was the 2012 E3 expo. The trailer for the game WATCH_DOGS was pretty cool, and I was getting into it, I liked the idea of being able to hack various things in his surroundings... until the player character hacked some traffic lights at a 4-way intersection to make them all green, resulting in a 4-way pileup, just so he could get to one guy in one car. Hearing the general panic of bystanders and the people in the cars was pretty offputting, especially with one guy trapped in a car pleading to his wife to just wake up.

Like I said, not quite nausea fuel, but definitely trauma/anxiety fuel for me.


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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #35
The word "cummies" from the adult baby episode really got under my skin the first time I listened to it.  It's the only time I actually got annoyed and angry while listening to the podcast.

Also, when people were hinting about how horrible the bug episode was going to be, I instantly thought of bug chasers instead.  There was one Lou Reads episode about it, and near the end there's a story one guy wrote about how he would puncture little holes in his condoms because he wanted to infect his sexual partners with HIV while they thought they were safe, and got off to their panic when they tested positive.

I hope the F Plus never goes that far when reading terrible things.


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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #36
Also, when people were hinting about how horrible the bug episode was going to be, I instantly thought of bug chasers instead.  There was one Lou Reads episode about it, and near the end there's a story one guy wrote about how he would puncture little holes in his condoms because he wanted to infect his sexual partners with HIV while they thought they were safe, and got off to their panic when they tested positive.
Cyberventurer, March 11, 2013, 07:13:58 am
Holy shit. That's, like, the exact opposite of bug-chasing, and about infinity times more pathological.


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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #37
Also, when people were hinting about how horrible the bug episode was going to be, I instantly thought of bug chasers instead.
Cyberventurer, March 11, 2013, 07:13:58 am

Ehe, same here.  "Oh God, I don't know if I can deal with this...wait, it's actual bugs on dicks?  Oh, carry on."


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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #38
Any piercings except for women's earlobes weirds me out.

Anything to do with reproduction in the Insecta class. And perhaps the Arthropod phylum. No exceptions. Not even for my favourite animal, the cockroaches. I thought the 'bug fuckers' episode was going to be about people getting off at the process of bug mating, like someone saying "I personally find my masturbation most...euphoric...at the moment the male bed bug stab the other male." or "having to be so very careful just so the female won't eat my heads off is why I nominate Graphic Albums of Praying Mantis Reproduction the Hottest Book of the Year."


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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #39
To be fair, mantids only eat each other under periods of high stress, which is why scientists only found out that's the case recently--apparently mantids don't like being stuffed in a tiny cage without any cover and watched by giant predators while fucking.

This is the face I made when I read about how earthworms sex, though.


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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #40
movie kissing noises.
i mean jesus christ that's not what a smooch sounds like, movie smooch sounds are like someone trying to get off in a tub of jello


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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #41
Not even for my favourite animal, the cockroaches.


movie kissing noises.

For me it's movie kissing where it doesn't actually look like kissing, but more like two people competing to eat each other's face.


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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #42

EDIT: I forgot dorks.  Dorks too.
bunnybread, March 06, 2013, 12:21:02 pm
This and geeks.


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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #43
movie kissing noises.
i mean jesus christ that's not what a smooch sounds like, movie smooch sounds are like someone trying to get off in a tub of jello
icarus, April 19, 2013, 07:39:44 am

Oh thank God, it's not just me.  It's always the exact same stock sound effect, too.  It doesn't gross me out, per se, but it grates straight down my spine.


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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #44
EDIT: I forgot dorks.  Dorks too.
bunnybread, March 06, 2013, 12:21:02 pm
This and geeks.
Juice Unlimited, April 19, 2013, 06:59:56 pm

What? I find this quite offensive to gerks! Yes, gerks! All the knowledge in things both trivial and crucial, with triple the social ineptitude and far more snobbishness.

that's not what a smooch sounds like,
icarus, April 19, 2013, 07:39:44 am


I've talked to other gerks and none of them (even the one with the Canadian girlfriend) talked about this! Blasphemy. That's why anime have different sound effects!

Not even for my favourite animal, the cockroaches.
montrith, April 19, 2013, 07:48:06 am
See I knew you wouldn't appreciate my tastes. After all, you have been so corrupted with the stereotype that cockroaches are 'the Enemy' to even consider that these creatures are miracles of evolution, organisms Darwin himself would call divine if he wasn't so preoccupied with goddamn barnacles. 350k years of consistent general anatomy, baby!