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Topic: Is it too soon to ask about F Plus Live 8?  (Read 33337 times)

Shell Game

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I'm just gonna say I think it's only fair to people to try to aim for mid-November, so we all have a chance to have just as much time to be ready as the last few years. :>

Obviously do what works, but I think it would be nicer to have a shot at those cheap plane tickets in that couple month early sweet spot! That's the last I'll say on the subject, promise. <3

Ugly In The Morning

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Is it too soon to ask about F Plus Live 8? #61
Is there going to be an F Plus Live this year? I'd really like to go to one because they sound like fun times.


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Is it too soon to ask about F Plus Live 8? #62
Exciting news to be revealed soon
beelzeboob Ugly In The Morning Macho Masc Sangy Savage chai tea latte JamEngulfer Mix Mr. Hunky Academia Dr. Buttplug Boots Raingear Hux KendrickLobstar KingKalamari

chai tea latte

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Is it too soon to ask about F Plus Live 8? #63
F plus live 8 to be held in Mosul and all listeners to be enlisted in anti Assad militias and given AKs
Wrought blunge Lemon Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop GirlKisser420 Mr. Hunky Academia Boots Raingear Hux KendrickLobstar Vinny Possum KingKalamari


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Is it too soon to ask about F Plus Live 8? #64
Y'all should come have it in London. I know it would be incredibly expensive for everyone, but it would be convenient for me.
moooo566 (taylor's version) Eider Duck

Emperor Jack Chick

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Is it too soon to ask about F Plus Live 8? #65
Y'all should come have it in London. I know it would be incredibly expensive for everyone, but it would be convenient for me.
JamEngulfer, September 11, 2019, 04:01:15 am

the problem is we like to do something related to the area and i don't think we'll come up with anything that involves britain :(
Boots Raingear Turtle beelzeboob chai tea latte Wrought


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Is it too soon to ask about F Plus Live 8? #66
Y'all should come have it in London. I know it would be incredibly expensive for everyone, but it would be convenient for me.
JamEngulfer, September 11, 2019, 04:01:15 am

the problem is we like to do something related to the area and i don't think we'll come up with anything that involves britain :(
jack chick, September 11, 2019, 08:47:31 pm

Jerk off to feet?


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Is it too soon to ask about F Plus Live 8? #67
F Plus Live 8: Finland Strikes Back

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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Is it too soon to ask about F Plus Live 8? #68
Y'all should come have it in London. I know it would be incredibly expensive for everyone, but it would be convenient for me.
JamEngulfer, September 11, 2019, 04:01:15 am

the problem is we like to do something related to the area and i don't think we'll come up with anything that involves britain :(
jack chick, September 11, 2019, 08:47:31 pm

Jerk off to feet?
Lemon, September 11, 2019, 09:36:50 pm

An entire Live reading Tindr/Grindr entries from the area


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Is it too soon to ask about F Plus Live 8? #69
F Plus Live in London: The Gauntlet

As a prelude to the readings, the ridiculists compete in a series of events to determine which of them is The Most British.

Round 1: Exhaust Huffing
Ridiculists spin a wheel depicting different types of automobile. Each ridiculist is then given a gas mask connected to a hose leading to the exhaust pipe of their randomly determined vehicle. Points are earned for the length of time a ridiculist lasts before passing out.

Round 2: Wedgie Royale
All ridiculists are put into a locked room with speakers running a loop of high schoolers performing Monty Python's Dead Parrot Sketch. Each time a ridiculist performs a wedgie on another, they gain 10 points and the victim loses 5. The doors only unlock and the speakers shut down when one ridiculist manages to earn a net gain of 50 points.

Round 3: Chip Butty
Everyone has to eat a chip butty. No points are awarded. Nobody wins.

Round 4: Garbage Sitting
Each ridiculist climbs into a garbage bag which is tied and loaded into a bin; the bins are then left in a field. Ridiculists are allowed to tear their way out of the bag and climb out of the bin at any time, but the longer they stay in, the more points they earn.

Round 5: Accents
Ridiculists must go onto the street and try to converse with a random stranger using only their British accent. The longer a ridiculist can keep the stranger from walking away, the more points they earn.

At the conclusion of all five rounds, the ridiculist with the highest point total becomes next in line for the throne.

(Edit: Second place gets a lifetime supply of Heinz Baked Beans.)
chai tea latte Lemon Hux Wrought Ashto Wyst
« Last Edit: September 12, 2019, 11:12:23 am by Neal »


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Is it too soon to ask about F Plus Live 8? #70
Shit we had an agenda planned out but now I'm thinking we should do this instead
TheCrawlingChaos Mix Wrought Emperor Jack Chick


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Is it too soon to ask about F Plus Live 8? #71
come to florida, we have roller coasters and disney and harry potter world and also hux