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Topic: A San Francisco Podcast  (Read 34885 times)


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A San Francisco Podcast #15
How to live the raw foodie lifestyle, according to weirdos featured in this episode:

You will need: An iron, lots of disposable income, the sun, a shovel, an industrial food processor, good chakras, fruits and veggies, 1000 expensive earthenware bowls from Burma, Irish moss

1) Set iron to its hottest setting
2) Apply hot iron to tongue to cauterize tastebuds, wrap tongue in gauze to prevent infection
3) Lie in the sun until your skin has the same consistency as a leather purse. Bring along a picture of the Krypt Keeper for comparison
4) Somehow acquire a large amount of money, possibly by practicing homeopathy or reflexology or by having really awesome chakras. Repeating "Wealth. Success." to yourself every night as you fall asleep in order to get filthy rich is a must because of quantum physics
5) Always give a compliment - or advice!
6) Buy exactly a metric ton of exotic fruits and vegetables and throw them into a gigantic food processor along with all the spices in your spice-rack with no regard for how well the ingredients go together. Using shovel, scoop hell-mixture into approx. 1000 expensive earthenware bowls from Burma (these bowls have good chi and will unblock your chakras, but you don't really need them because your chakras are perfect). Preserve bowls in a large space - airplane hangars are preferred - at any temperature. It doesn't matter if they spoil because you look great
7) When the time for a meal comes along, remove the gauze from your tongue and then dump the contents from one of the bowls onto your kitchen counter
8) Form the veggie slop into the shape of the food you used to eat before your spiritual purification
9) Shove the concoction into your leathery maw
10) Repeat steps 7 through 9 for all of eternity, because you will live forever. Serves 1, because seeing your friends and family die throughout the eons will likely force you to seclude yourself from any human interaction, except for the pictures of your food that you put online
11) Irish moss
Nikaer Drekin RoeCocoa

Emperor Jack Chick

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A San Francisco Podcast #16
This is what they serve at Pizza Hut in Canada

Boots Raingear, June 18, 2013, 12:08:53 pm

i like how the bacon one needs 2 types of bacon and alfredo sauce. HOW CAN YOU EAT A BACON PIZZA WITHOUT ALFREDO???


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A San Francisco Podcast #17
This is what they serve at Pizza Hut in Canada

Boots Raingear, June 18, 2013, 12:08:53 pm

i like how the bacon one needs 2 types of bacon and alfredo sauce. HOW CAN YOU EAT A BACON PIZZA WITHOUT ALFREDO???
jack-chick, June 18, 2013, 01:17:10 pm
Yeah, that's fuckin' gross. I don't think the combination of cheddar and mozzarella is advisable either.I imagine you'd have to be really careful with the ratio to keep it from getting oily when melted.


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A San Francisco Podcast #18
i like how the bacon one needs 2 types of bacon and alfredo sauce. HOW CAN YOU EAT A BACON PIZZA WITHOUT ALFREDO???
jack-chick, June 18, 2013, 01:17:10 pm
3 types of bacon.


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A San Francisco Podcast #19
You were visiting my city?  :((( Damn, I would have taken you out to all the best places, too.


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A San Francisco Podcast #20
How to live the raw foodie lifestyle, according to weirdos featured in this episode:

You will need: An iron, lots of disposable income, the sun, a shovel, an industrial food processor, good chakras, fruits and veggies, 1000 expensive earthenware bowls from Burma, Irish moss

1) Set iron to its hottest setting
2) Apply hot iron to tongue to cauterize tastebuds, wrap tongue in gauze to prevent infection
3) Lie in the sun until your skin has the same consistency as a leather purse. Bring along a picture of the Krypt Keeper for comparison
4) Somehow acquire a large amount of money, possibly by practicing homeopathy or reflexology or by having really awesome chakras. Repeating "Wealth. Success." to yourself every night as you fall asleep in order to get filthy rich is a must because of quantum physics
5) Always give a compliment - or advice!
6) Buy exactly a metric ton of exotic fruits and vegetables and throw them into a gigantic food processor along with all the spices in your spice-rack with no regard for how well the ingredients go together. Using shovel, scoop hell-mixture into approx. 1000 expensive earthenware bowls from Burma (these bowls have good chi and will unblock your chakras, but you don't really need them because your chakras are perfect). Preserve bowls in a large space - airplane hangars are preferred - at any temperature. It doesn't matter if they spoil because you look great
7) When the time for a meal comes along, remove the gauze from your tongue and then dump the contents from one of the bowls onto your kitchen counter
8) Form the veggie slop into the shape of the food you used to eat before your spiritual purification
9) Shove the concoction into your leathery maw
10) Repeat steps 7 through 9 for all of eternity, because you will live forever. Serves 1, because seeing your friends and family die throughout the eons will likely force you to seclude yourself from any human interaction, except for the pictures of your food that you put online
11) Irish moss
nilvoid, June 18, 2013, 12:37:24 pm

Where is the step where I get to act all smug about being much more "natural" than other people?


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A San Francisco Podcast #21
Where is the step where I get to act all smug about being much more "natural" than other people?
montrith, June 18, 2013, 02:32:39 pm

That would be step number All Of Them

Emperor Jack Chick

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A San Francisco Podcast #22
You were visiting my city?  :((( Damn, I would have taken you out to all the best places, too.
sherlockian, June 18, 2013, 02:32:17 pm

Are you besmirching myself and Kumquatxop's ability to show the internet a good time?

Lemon - Strips and crumbles are the same goddamned thing and you know it!


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A San Francisco Podcast #23
Are you besmirching myself and Kumquatxop's ability to show the internet a good time?

jack-chick, June 18, 2013, 03:04:10 pm


No no, I'm just sad I missed being able to opine on restaurants and meeting people.

Adam Bozarth

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A San Francisco Podcast #24
I actually designed the cover for Mimi Kirk's book on raw food. The publishers had me airbrush her a bit, which I thought was fairly dishonest if we were going to put her credit as PeTA's Sexiest Vegan over 50 on the cover. I also worked on the cover for "Rawmazing!" as well.

Fun fact: The people who went on raw food diets at my old job eventually went to the hospital with gut problems.

This is definitely a luxurious form of masochism in some respects. It's like Catholic flagellants striking themselves to attone for their immorality. I really don't get it and it seems really unhealthy. The problem is you end up skinny, which people seem to enjoy.
Lemon Emperor Jack Chick transatlanticalien Down10 Sex Bomb Sherman Tank


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A San Francisco Podcast #25
This is what they serve at Pizza Hut in Canada

Boots Raingear, June 18, 2013, 12:08:53 pm

i like how the bacon one needs 2 types of bacon and alfredo sauce. HOW CAN YOU EAT A BACON PIZZA WITHOUT ALFREDO???
jack-chick, June 18, 2013, 01:17:10 pm

I see three types of bacon.


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A San Francisco Podcast #26
How to live the raw foodie lifestyle, according to weirdos featured in this episode:

You will need: An iron, lots of disposable income, the sun, a shovel, an industrial food processor, good chakras, fruits and veggies, 1000 expensive earthenware bowls from Burma, Irish moss

1) Set iron to its hottest setting
2) Apply hot iron to tongue to cauterize tastebuds, wrap tongue in gauze to prevent infection

nilvoid, June 18, 2013, 12:37:24 pm
I'm pretty sure that technically counts as cooking, sorry.


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A San Francisco Podcast #28
That's pretty raw, but not raw in the way these other recipes are.


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A San Francisco Podcast #29

PS: Yes, the actually title of the dish is, in fact, "Doritos Sandwich for kids". I'm not joking.
montrith, June 18, 2013, 04:00:59 am

Do I want to know what the Doritos Sandwich for Adults looks like?

I'm kind of curious as to what these raw food kooks think of pasteurization. On the one hand it's saved countless lives by making things like milk and juice far more consistently safe to drink and has helped lower infant mortality rates at such a drastic rate as to be considered some form of sorcery, on the other hand these people are crazy.

Or maybe they'd consider it a form of dehydrating...