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Topic: 253: Heal Yourself With Crystals  (Read 24503 times)

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253: Heal Yourself With Crystals #15
(also with that dark-type joke is Ironicus the replacement Portaxx)
RADICAL SANDWICH ANARCHY, June 10, 2017, 07:10:43 pm

I love that it came out so quickly, that quip was REFLEX for him.
Cleretic, June 11, 2017, 02:47:30 am
That was my favorite part about it! Just BAM! Type nullification joke.


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253: Heal Yourself With Crystals #16
fun fact I paused the podcast for the night in the middle of the uses for Lemon list, and I just unpaused it again, and immediately was greeted by 'CLEANSES THE BLOOD'


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253: Heal Yourself With Crystals #17
I was expecting way more jokes about "Steven Universe," but since Portaxx was absent, there was no hope.
Also, has Nutshell ever considered doing ASMR in her Coachella voice?

lazzer grardaion?

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253: Heal Yourself With Crystals #18
I'd be curious to see the number of these crystal healers that also have heavy metal poisoning from cooking with their crystals, because it's not like rocks can have other things in them like oh say Gallium, Mercury, Lead, Arsenic, or a boatload of other stuff you shouldn't ingest.
Ragnarok Boobies, June 11, 2017, 12:03:19 pm

There was actually a crystal/herb shop in my hometown, and the owner got in a heap of trouble because he was selling asbestos.

EDIT: Apparently this is not an uncommon phenomenon!
Ragnarok Boobies
« Last Edit: June 11, 2017, 03:21:20 pm by LancashireMcGee »


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253: Heal Yourself With Crystals #19
When I listened to the episode this morning, I tried to mentally picture Lemon himself doing all of those things on that list, and it was very amusing.
Achilles' Heelies


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253: Heal Yourself With Crystals #20
When do we get the "404 WAS AN INSIDE JOB" stickers?

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253: Heal Yourself With Crystals #21
I was expecting way more jokes about "Steven Universe," but since Portaxx was absent, there was no hope.
Also, has Nutshell ever considered doing ASMR in her Coachella voice?
CaptainLaserPants, June 11, 2017, 02:59:17 pm

I think I am a much bigger fan of Steven Universe than portaxx is but I told myself to only allow one and Ironicus beat me to it.
znarf Peartee

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253: Heal Yourself With Crystals #22
This was a great episode.
I hate this episode.
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Achilles' Heelies

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253: Heal Yourself With Crystals #23
When I listened to the episode this morning, I tried to mentally picture Lemon himself doing all of those things on that list, and it was very amusing.
Yavuz Sultan Selim, June 11, 2017, 03:36:11 pm
I want this video.


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253: Heal Yourself With Crystals #24
Also, has Nutshell ever considered doing ASMR in her Coachella voice?
CaptainLaserPants, June 11, 2017, 02:59:17 pm

Sherman Tank Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Shell Game CaptainLaserPants


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253: Heal Yourself With Crystals #25
I was expecting way more jokes about "Steven Universe," but since Portaxx was absent, there was no hope.
Also, has Nutshell ever considered doing ASMR in her Coachella voice?
CaptainLaserPants, June 11, 2017, 02:59:17 pm
Are you new here? I'm putting you on notice.


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253: Heal Yourself With Crystals #26
Since Lemon and Ironicus have never been on the podcast at the same time, I'm going to assume they're the same person.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop


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253: Heal Yourself With Crystals #27
Since Lemon and Ironicus have never been on the podcast at the same time, I'm going to assume they're the same person.
Spacebat, June 12, 2017, 01:18:56 am
Are their wives in on this?


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253: Heal Yourself With Crystals #28
For context on Nutshell's Goop refererence early in...

Goop: Jade Eggs For Your Yoni (mildly NSFW header image)

Q: What are the benefits?
A: Jade eggs can help cultivate sexual energy, increase orgasm, balance the cycle, stimulate key reflexology around vaginal walls, tighten and tone, prevent uterine prolapse, increase control of the whole perineum and bladder, develop and clear chi pathways in the body, intensify feminine energy, and invigorate our life force. To name a few!

The jade creates kidney strength—it’s known as jing in Chinese energy, and it’s all about sexual potency, and even beauty—if your hormones are balanced, your skin will look better. It’s a holistic combination of things, where one benefit builds to another. Jade also takes away negativity and cleanses—it’s a very heavy material, very powerful.Goop
Ragnarok Boobies

Ragnarok Boobies

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253: Heal Yourself With Crystals #29

—it’s known as jing in Chinese energy, and it’s all about sexual potency...
Specifically Chinese energy? Like I have to travel to Hong Kong in order for this to work, or can I get some energy sent to me in the mail? Do I need to find a j.o. buddy specifically of Chinese descent to help charge my rock? Maybe my djinn knows an energy fulfillment wish I can make.

Seriously though, I wonder how much of these people's knowledge base comes from popular culture and movies like The Golden Child.