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Topic: Revisiting  (Read 40266 times)


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Revisiting #15
Facebook Portal (or whatever that one from "The Antisocial Network" was called)

Sadly, Open Book was shut down in July due to "legal reasons".I have absolutely no idea what those reasons would be, since the site used Facebook's own API to point out the sites's disregard for privacy, but maybe giving Facebook bad press became a crime after they went public?

As it happens, with the bing/Facebook partnership, bing has something called bing social, but it should surprise nobody to learn that it does a really terrible job.


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Revisiting #16
Are you sure? Because I went to this website that did blind comparisons of searches between Bing and Google, and it told me that I liked Bing better, so, proven.


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Revisiting #17
Thirding TV Tropes, maybe with a foray into the Fetish Fuel wiki that they broke off from the site proper when they were trying to fix their image problem.

I'd like to see more creepypasta, maybe with a focus on gaming creepypasta.  There's tons of shitty Pokemon stuff I can dig up.

Always up for more fundies and how-to sites.  Yahoo! Answers never fails for material.


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Revisiting #18
I'd be interested in any NWO stuff, it cant be hard to find. I also don't think you ever fully covered chemtrails just mentioned it now and then.


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Revisiting #19
Well, Outlawroad - one of the people featured in The Ace And Cakes - recently self-published (on the internet, of course) her first "novella". It's about detectives investigated murdered sex workers in LA (totally original plot there!) and, uh, not having sex, I guess. Seems ripe for a dramatic reading of some kind. Also it's called "Sex Brood", how can you go wrong?

John Toast

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Revisiting #20
I'd like to revisit the Facebook portal or something similar to that. We tend to read writing from a certain type of people (read: nerds, perverts, or pervert nerds) and it was fun to read some salt-of-the-earth idiocy and shitty thinking/writing.

I also loved the fanfic bites, where we would read small fanfics or just nonsense sections from fanfics. Those are fun. It's like F Plus popcorn.


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Revisiting #21
I have to vote for the bad fanfiction/scripts. I love every one that featured stuff like that, and the ones that exclusively had them (Lemon Types in a Title for this Episode, The Ship Vas Crash Like Boom, My Fanfics are Full of Emotion, Transformers Radio Variety Hour...) put me in stitches, even after listening to them multiple times.

Now...I wonder if that guy ever finished that CSI script...


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Revisiting #22
Before I add to the pile of suggestions of more bad fanfiction/screenplays, I'll speak up for disgusting recipies. Those episodes open a portal into a world where beige food is king. What's not to like? Also AARON TANK...

I would like to hear more literary stuff too, like Rebelais and James Joyce. Not necessarily more of their work specifically, but a bit of centuries old filth that has aged badly and sounds hilarious to modern ears.


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Revisiting #23
I would like to hear more literary stuff too, like Rebelais and James Joyce. Not necessarily more of their work specifically, but a bit of centuries old filth that has aged badly and sounds hilarious to modern ears.
Celebeast, February 18, 2013, 08:41:02 am

How about Catulus then? Isn't something like half his stuff about buttfucking? That and the fact he has dozens of poems dedicated to "Lesbia".

EDIT: I also recently sent Lemon and bunch of bad fanscripts from my archives, so hopefully he finds something he can use. If not, there's plenty more where that came from.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2013, 09:06:13 am by montrith »