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Topic: Episode 43: My Fanfics Are Full of Emotion!  (Read 4008 times)


  • IMDb Wizard
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  • Roger Ebert created filmmaking in 1892.
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Episode 43: My Fanfics Are Full of Emotion!
Hope I'm not disturbing the peace with this, I just wanted to say hello on a topic for the episode that I first heard of The F Plus, more than three years ago now. I've also had every friend who wanted to know where I find so much horribleness listen to this episode. If they liked it, I then give them the Frotting episode. If anyone wants, I can explain how I found the site myself.


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Welcome, you're not disturbing anything, and I like a good story so long as it's not the raconteur discovering their fetishes for the first time.


  • IMDb Wizard
  • Paid
  • Roger Ebert created filmmaking in 1892.
  • 2
  • 2
Sure. Back in 2010, Portaxx and John showed up on a charity event, and Portaxx was advertising her website. That night, The F Plus crew rolled in and did some funny things. Portaxx and John explained who yall were, but didn't specify what the podcast was about. I understand why. I looked the show up, and the rest was history. As far as I know, I've listened to every episode of the show. I want to stay around as long as yall keep making stuff.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2014, 05:44:11 pm by portaxx »

Shell Game

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I finally got my friend to listen to the show. I started with this episode. It was not a mistake.


  • Got an A in Chicken Nuggets
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Speaking of this episode, what ever happened to the short of the Charlie Sheen story with Garfield and the Saved By The Bell story.