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Topic: If we're really quiet, maybe they won't notice that we're talking about ANIME  (Read 188278 times)

chai tea latte

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Yeah, i'm gonna watch a few episodes before i form any real opinions. I like coming-of-age stuff so that's exciting to me but it prob. depends on whether or not there's, like, tortured friendship and growth (i think i ought to be fine)


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is Madoka as good as people tell me it is or are they are overhyping it, tia

really liking Utena so far!
chai tea latte, July 03, 2015, 03:55:10 pm

It's better if you don't know what it is going into it.  Do you like Urobuchi's other works?  Your enjoyment of Madoka is directly tied up with that

chai tea latte

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is Madoka as good as people tell me it is or are they are overhyping it, tia

really liking Utena so far!
chai tea latte, July 03, 2015, 03:55:10 pm

It's better if you don't know what it is going into it.  Do you like Urobuchi's other works?  Your enjoyment of Madoka is directly tied up with that
Smoking Crow, July 03, 2015, 07:10:17 pm
I liked Psycho-Pass! i know that madoka is a magical girl anime and roughly the shape of the twist but everyone's been very kind in that regard

e: also i am on the second episode
e2: fourth episode, enjoying this so far! speaking of fours diamond is unbreakable, woah :swoon:
« Last Edit: July 03, 2015, 08:08:06 pm by chai tea latte »


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is Madoka as good as people tell me it is or are they are overhyping it, tia

really liking Utena so far!
chai tea latte, July 03, 2015, 03:55:10 pm

It's better if you don't know what it is going into it.  Do you like Urobuchi's other works?  Your enjoyment of Madoka is directly tied up with that
Smoking Crow, July 03, 2015, 07:10:17 pm
I liked Psycho-Pass! i know that madoka is a magical girl anime and roughly the shape of the twist but everyone's been very kind in that regard

e: also i am on the second episode
chai tea latte, July 03, 2015, 07:31:18 pm

I think you'll probably like it.  The people who really like it are the ones who thought it was going to be a vanilla magical girl show

Geremy Tibbles

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Was anyone else disappointed with the DIO fight at the end of Stardust Crusaders Season 2?

I'd honestly suggest watching the OVA fight, because it's flow is considerably better.  That and I love the OVA version of DIO way more.

positive stress

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I haven't seen the OVA so I can't compare but that fight was by far my favorite part of Stardust Crusaders


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Hope you don't mind everyone having oddly shaped pentagon heads.
A Meat, July 03, 2015, 04:40:09 pm
Don't you talk shit about wide.


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Okay, so I went and bought some weeb figures while I was on vacation, and I am at a loss because I have no fucking clue how to pose toys. Is there a secret discipline to this that I am missing? Or is my imagination just dead?

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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is Madoka as good as people tell me it is or are they are overhyping it, tia

really liking Utena so far!
chai tea latte, July 03, 2015, 03:55:10 pm
Madoka's pretty good, as long as you go in not knowing all the twists, and don't mind the fact that it gets a little evangelion-esque near the end

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A compilation of all the best moments from Stardust Crusaders

A Meat

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Usually not someone to recommend something before I've watched all of it, but I'm super enjoying Dennou Coil so far. I'm like halfway through, and it's making me want to play Megaman Battle Network again real bad.

I guess I just have a soft spot for preteens solving crimes in cyperspace.


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If you're halfway through Dennou Coil and super enjoying it, make sure to check in once you're finished with it. I watched it a few years ago with a friend and something I respect about Dennou Coil is that it doesn't just spin its wheels - it goes places.

A Meat

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I really really enjoyed Dennou Coil. Once the actual story kicked in the scope got much narrower, but the last episode was really moving and all the subtle thematic touches got wrapped up super nicely, perhaps a bit too neatly for my liking, but I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would, especially since it seemed to me like a weird mix of Megaman Battle Network/Star Force, Persona and SMT: Soul Hackers at first.

Go watch Dennou Coil everybody, it's a good bildungsroman inside of a fun and interesting wrapper. And I kind of liked the message of being able to connect with others only after you connect with yourself and your emotions that is increasingly hammered in throughout the show.

Didn't quite get why Tamako was just Hitomi/Nemissa from Soul Hackers design-wise though.

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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welp, three episodes deep into JoJo right now.


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