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Topic: My attempt to use Fplus as a political weapon  (Read 5045 times)


  • a muscular, cum producing MONSTER
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I live in a small city in Georgia, and there's still tons of people who ride trucks with giant ass confederate flags flying on the back of them. Sometimes, a handful of them gather together at the back part of the parking lot at Walmart to have "rallies".

I was listening to Fplus in my car, and instead of just driving away from the store, I skipped to the Big Daddy Rhino part in the F-list episode, rolled my window down, turned the volume up, and drove by them reeeeeeaaaaaaaalllllll slowly. Then I took a lap, and did it again.

Wish I could STDH it and say they were screaming and shouting in offense and were aghast. In reality though, a few of them just looked at me funny, especially on the second lap.

Welp that's my story.


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Now by"rallies", do you mean that they're meeting together for some sort of purpose, or is "rally" the technical term for three or more hicks in a Wal-Mart parking?


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Now by"rallies", do you mean that they're meeting together for some sort of purpose, or is "rally" the technical term for three or more hicks in a Wal-Mart parking?
Lemon, August 01, 2015, 04:16:47 pm

In my neck of the woods, at Saturday on Midnights at the Walmart, the 'Stoners for Pizza' party has a rally to show up/be already stoned and buy Digornos.


  • a muscular, cum producing MONSTER
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Three or more hicks in a walmart parking lot. They didn't have bullhorns or anything like that. I would have gone home and gotten my camera if they were making speeches.

See, what they do is they all get together at Walmart, and then they drive down the highway in a "parade" of Confederate/US/Gadsden flag decked out cars to the next walmart about twenty minutes away.

Then they hang out for a bit, drive around the parking lot in circles, and then presumably go home, or maybe another walmart???

Fatty Bo Batty

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The rednecks meet up at Taco Bell here.

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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The rednecks meet up at Taco Bell here.
FattyBoBatty, August 01, 2015, 05:28:27 pm
Our taco bell is next to the Walmart so...

Achilles' Heelies

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Now by"rallies", do you mean that they're meeting together for some sort of purpose, or is "rally" the technical term for three or more hicks in a Wal-Mart parking?
Lemon, August 01, 2015, 04:16:47 pm
By that logic, Wal-Mart is constantly a rally.

Emperor Jack Chick

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