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Topic: Soooooo....  (Read 5704 times)

Vinny Possum

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Nikaer Drekin

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Soooooo.... #1
I kinda liked James Franco until now.
Vinny Possum, September 08, 2016, 06:48:39 am

I liked him pretty well until he started trying to bang 17 year olds, but this is a pretty valid reason, too!

The only way this COULD work is if it was sort of like The Wolf of Wall Street and showed its main subject as a broken, shitty person, but (a) people would still be glorifying it and (b) it means that the author of The Game got paid for the movie rights, which is disgusting on multiple levels.

A Meat

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Soooooo.... #2
next you'll tell me Jim Belushi isn't a huge misogynistic shitbag
Yavuz Lemon Really_Quite_Nice

Vinny Possum

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Soooooo.... #3
To be fair, I don't really pay much attention to the personal lives of actors, so I might have just not known he was a huge shitbag already.

But I did like his work, but now it's all gonna feel gross.


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Soooooo.... #4
I always find it amusing that it took some random weirdo womanizing "guru" to get this Neil Strauss character involved with women.  Isn't he the same guy the ghost wrote Marilyn Manson and Jenna Jameson's "autobiographies". 

I'd watch this movie if Pat Morita was Mystery.


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Soooooo.... #5
To be fair, I don't really pay much attention to the personal lives of actors, so I might have just not known he was a huge shitbag already.

But I did like his work, but now it's all gonna feel gross.
温尼负鼠, September 08, 2016, 05:27:24 pm

I'm still furious about his and Rogen's involvement in the Disaster Artist adaptation

In the hands of a legit director it could have been an incredible character study exploring the hardships of cultural assimilation and buying your way into a grotesque distortion of the American Dream, but no, now it's gonna be some WICKED DICK JOKES and cheap sentimentality courtesy of the screenwriters of 500 Days of Summer and the Fault in Our Stars

I'm still going to grin like an idiot when they inevitably re-enact the tuxedo football scene.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2016, 06:48:51 pm by BARK RANGER »


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Soooooo.... #6
Isn't that actual point of The Game that he's a broken shitty person, but terrible nerds just saw him getting lots of pussy and thought it was a guidebook?

like Don Draper


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