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Topic: 334: Doing The Robot  (Read 20875 times)

chai tea latte

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334: Doing The Robot #15
this forum must be old because I kept expecting a post about 2B from automata but it didn't come up. maybe that game came out and they all jacked themselves to death
Seth "Slimy" Rollins, September 09, 2020, 03:50:55 pm
look it takes a REAL man to instead be fetishistically attracted to Pascal from the machine village
GirlKisser420 Penultimatum

Deep 13

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334: Doing The Robot #16
Had to try to draw the bombass robot and sexy gundam.

Wish I knew how to animate, because that animated short of Lemon and Frank West as the makers of the bombass robot NEEDS to exist.
Puppy Time Secret Gaygent 69 adrenochrome dome chai tea latte Frank West Seth "Slimy" Rollins three cats in a self-driving car Antivehicular GirlKisser420 Dr. Buttplug Yavuz Salubrious Rex Corn Syrup

adrenochrome dome

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334: Doing The Robot #17
I can't figure out if these people would love or hate the new Battlestar Galactica. Sexy lady robots, but they're identical to humans on the cellular level. You get some robot tropes, but none of the machine parts.

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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334: Doing The Robot #18
the new Battlestar Galactica.
adrenochrome dome, September 09, 2020, 08:40:52 pm
The one that started over 15 years ago?
adrenochrome dome Secret Gaygent 69

adrenochrome dome

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334: Doing The Robot #19
the new Battlestar Galactica.
adrenochrome dome, September 09, 2020, 08:40:52 pm
The one that started over 15 years ago?
Agent Coop Time!, September 09, 2020, 09:33:35 pm

Yes. We already know the '79 models are sexy.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop chai tea latte KingKalamari Salubrious Rex Vinny Possum Corn Syrup

chai tea latte

  • TheftBot is, simply put, a fully sentient robot for stealing automatic teller machines
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334: Doing The Robot #20
Real answer is that the Caprica Sixes of the world will never be as hot to a robot fetishist as Westworld style humanistic robots with mechanical CPU-brains
adrenochrome dome Secret Gaygent 69 Penultimatum Yavuz


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334: Doing The Robot #21
this is the first time a fetish story has left my underwhelmed. if you're going to hype up an ass bomb at least talk about the explosion. make it cool
Seth "Slimy" Rollins, September 08, 2020, 07:31:36 pm
Seriously, I can't get over that; it makes the whole thing read like a shaggy-dog story. I guess the author got off just before the explosion and wrapped it up fast so he could go wash his hands?

Also, my first thought upon hearing "ASFR" was "oh god, now they made ASMR, But For Ladies?"
Puppy Time

Captain Fargle

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334: Doing The Robot #22
Because Lemon brought it up as a joke I feel I should mention, as a guy who once contributed a CYOC doc, that the donkey bit in Pinocchio is a whole massive fetish scene all on it's own. It and rip offs of American Werewolf In London are the two most common things in transformation fetish stuff. You could make an entire doc entirely out of different "Pleasure Island" stories if they weren't all exactly the fuckinv same.
Puppy Time Penultimatum Yavuz Salubrious Rex RoeCocoa Corn Syrup

Great Joe

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334: Doing The Robot #23
Wait, didn't Motley Crue make a song about a woman who ticks?

Captain Fargle

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334: Doing The Robot #24
I also felt it was worth mentioning that the attitudes about the subject you guys discuss at the end of the episode aren't even remotely exclusive to straight guys.

There's a lot of the same shit in there but it's all kinda twisted around slightly if that makes sense? Like you still have the racist shit but it's directed at different sterotypes and so forth. Kinda fascinating really.
Puppy Time Penultimatum chai tea latte

Dr. Buttplug

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334: Doing The Robot #25
I was kind of hoping that these people would be a follow on from Foundation and Earth aka Isaac Asimov's horniest novel. I guess these guys can't deal with the idea of a woman or woman like robot that is more intelligent and capable than they are.


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334: Doing The Robot #26
I thought the episode was hysterical, all I could think of at the end was Tom Rowland's Nothing But Pleasure which is kind of appropriate. That song kind of fizzles out without an explosion too because its not about anyone else's fun except the writers. Literary onanism with robots. *snerk*
« Last Edit: September 10, 2020, 08:59:49 am by blunge »

Puppy Time

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334: Doing The Robot #27
Because Lemon brought it up as a joke I feel I should mention, as a guy who once contributed a CYOC doc, that the donkey bit in Pinocchio is a whole massive fetish scene all on it's own. It and rip offs of American Werewolf In London are the two most common things in transformation fetish stuff. You could make an entire doc entirely out of different "Pleasure Island" stories if they weren't all exactly the fuckinv same.
Captain Fargle, September 10, 2020, 02:46:28 am

Someone in this doc mentions it, but currently the theory in psychology is "It looks like there are times in development where the brain imprints on what sex is, and if it doesn't get exposed to actual sex, it'll just glom onto whatever."  Which, since the Victorians started with their idea that children catching a glimpse of fuckin' would irrevocably destroy their little minds, has led to more fetishes.

So it's no surprise that a lot of people imprinted on various bizarre, emotionally charged scenes in childhood media.  It's the brain going, "OK, it's Learn About Sex O' Clock, so where's the sex?  ... ... ...is that it? I guess it must be. Sex learned, break time!"

This doesn't explain the urge to get together in communities to share and evangelize their weird fetishes.
Penultimatum Corn Syrup ViviVixen chai tea latte


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334: Doing The Robot #28
This doesn't explain the urge to get together in communities to share and evangelize their weird fetishes.
Puppy Time, September 10, 2020, 09:10:48 am
Nah, that's just internet nerds. As evidenced by the flashlight and squirtgun episodes, nerds will publically discuss and evangelize their obsession regardless of what it is. For a certain type of thirsty nerd their fetish just becomes their hobby.
KingKalamari Puppy Time Salubrious Rex


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334: Doing The Robot #29
This doesn't explain the urge to get together in communities to share and evangelize their weird fetishes.
Puppy Time, September 10, 2020, 09:10:48 am
Nah, that's just internet nerds. As evidenced by the flashlight and squirtgun episodes, nerds will publically discuss and evangelize their obsession regardless of what it is. For a certain type of thirsty nerd their fetish just becomes their hobby.
Friend Anemone, September 10, 2020, 11:27:46 am

I think it's the case with weird fetish shit specifically that these are the sort of interests they wouldn't be able to talk to other people about in their day to day life both because of how niche a topic it is and because this kind of sex stuff is generally not the sort of thing you discuss in polite company. The internet gives them a platform to connect with other, like-minded people who share their fetish and establishes an environment where talking about it isn't a faux pas, giving them an outlet for all the fetish talk they've bottled up.

Then, past a certain point, I feel like it becomes less about the fetish itself for these people and more about the community and connections they've built with other people around this fetish.
adrenochrome dome Puppy Time Salubrious Rex Corn Syrup