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Topic: Episode 4: You're Not Yelping  (Read 6818 times)


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Episode 4: You're Not Yelping

Think you know what it takes to write a review? Got some constructive criticism that needs to be heard? Can you write succinctly and avoid referencing popular media? If you answered yes to all these questions, congrats: you’re far too over-qualified to write an internet review!

Yelp is a aggregate review site where people post their thoughts about local shops and restaurants, at least in theory. In practice, users pointlessly complain about staff and other customers, while sharing pointless details about their boring outings. This week on Extra Credit, we break out the British accents.

READERS: Amelia Blank, Taylor, Sherman Tank, and feat. Adam Bozarth!
ART BY: Dr. Activisionary

1: Yelp Reviews
2: Michael “Nickname” P.

JGalvin10 – The Yelp! Song
South Park – The Yelper Special

znarf Ganymede Nifty Nif


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Episode 4: You're Not Yelping #1
I am studying to be a reverse scientologist.

Sherman Tank

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Episode 4: You're Not Yelping #2
Adam Bozarth has an amazing ability to wring every last drop of humor out of his readings. It's fucking intimidating.
Amelia Blank Ganymede Corn Syrup znarf

Silent Liver Disease

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Episode 4: You're Not Yelping #3
This was excellent. I really like having one ridiculist cameo in each ep.
Amelia Blank Ganymede


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Episode 4: You're Not Yelping #4
For someone who claims they are from Yorkshire you certainly have a strong Bristolian accent, Taylor! As a fellow pedantic Brit I tutted fairly loudly at that.
tayroc122 Sherman Tank


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Episode 4: You're Not Yelping #5
For someone who claims they are from Yorkshire you certainly have a strong Bristolian accent, Taylor! As a fellow pedantic Brit I tutted fairly loudly at that.
MyFaceBeHi, August 23, 2016, 02:16:29 am

When I moved stateside and started teaching I had to shed a lot of the Yorkshire so people could actually understand me. Now I get shit for it when I go home... :|