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June 02, 2024, 04:50:38 am

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May 17 12:46am
I stan Gleipnir. He turns into a fursuit and she gets inside and fights.
May 16 05:31pm
I hope that BBoy360 got a writing credit on Low Tier Character Tomozaki-kun, really jacked a lot of ideas from Cheevos: The Movie
May 16 04:39pm
Out of everything mentioned on this episode Onimai is probably the worst thing because it sparked a bunch of stupid discourse about whether it was trans positive or not when the main character's main motivation is to turn back into a boy because the female orgasm will kill him
May 16 03:04pm
Despite everything these people are probably some of the most net positive people in their local area in terms of suffering inflicted on children. Probably a focus group to be subsidized by the anti-natalist lobbying groups (if that is a thing that exists).
May 16 02:19pm
Thank you for expanding my Kate Bush knowledge. I would watch a John Carpenter horror movie where Kate Bush is a sonic monster.
May 16 05:54am
If the Kate Bush song about sonic weapons wasn’t a Cloudbusting joke, I need to know what song it is.
VaMpIrESoFtWaRe, May 15, 2024, 09:36:14 pm
May 16 02:36am
If the Kate Bush song about sonic weapons wasn’t a Cloudbusting joke, I need to know what song it is.

Edit: This was referenced in the second episode, not this one.
May 16 01:46am
I updated my Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes. I am considering it a dragon for the purposes of this thread. If you haven't drawn a dragon yet, DRAW IT AND POST IT, COWARD!!!
One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes, May 14, 2024, 06:10:50 pm
is this an "AI generated" style blastoise/heracross mashup?
Shell Game, May 15, 2024, 02:10:19 am

I... think so? I recall someone (I thought it was you but maybe I'm misremembering) found an early AI site that generated Pokemon based on whatever text you input, though half the time the "Pokemon" were just circles filled with geometric patterns because it was averaging all Vivillons' wings together. At one point you(?) said it finally spit out a Pokemon with the prompt "Portaxx" + some fiddling with the settings, and gave me the resulting gibberish:

Early AI slop used to be funny-ugly imho. I still like the neck ears or whatever the hell those are supposed to be.

(NOTE: AI slop dragons in and of themselves do not count as "drawing a dragon" for the purposes of this thread. Gotta draw it yourself, everyone!)
One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes, May 15, 2024, 06:33:24 pm
That was me yes!
May 15 11:33pm
I updated my Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes. I am considering it a dragon for the purposes of this thread. If you haven't drawn a dragon yet, DRAW IT AND POST IT, COWARD!!!
One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes, May 14, 2024, 06:10:50 pm
is this an "AI generated" style blastoise/heracross mashup?
Shell Game, May 15, 2024, 02:10:19 am

I... think so? I recall someone (I thought it was you but maybe I'm misremembering) found an early AI site that generated Pokemon based on whatever text you input, though half the time the "Pokemon" were just circles filled with geometric patterns because it was averaging all Vivillons' wings together. At one point you(?) said it finally spit out a Pokemon with the prompt "Portaxx" + some fiddling with the settings, and gave me the resulting gibberish:

Early AI slop used to be funny-ugly imho. I still like the neck ears or whatever the hell those are supposed to be.

(NOTE: AI slop dragons in and of themselves do not count as "drawing a dragon" for the purposes of this thread. Gotta draw it yourself, everyone!)
May 15 12:13pm
I rate this episode not a lunchtime listen out of ten.
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