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Topic: I make dumb comics sometimes  (Read 11330 times)


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I make dumb comics sometimes

Here is one of them I did earlier this year

I've mostly been just writing scripts for comics lately (Like this one) and am always happy to receive feedback...
Gyro Nifty Nif woad


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I make dumb comics sometimes #1
Another old comic I made a while ago, I'm pretty pleased with how this one turned out

Edit: Imgur is HARD now.
Nifty Nif GirlKisser420
« Last Edit: November 21, 2015, 04:34:59 pm by KingKalamari »


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I make dumb comics sometimes #2

It's coming...
Bodark Gyro Nifty Nif
« Last Edit: November 03, 2016, 08:48:29 pm by KingKalamari »


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I make dumb comics sometimes #3
So, as I vaguely alluded to at the beginning of the month I have made a new short comic! And this isn't some little self-motivated project I did for shits and giggles, it was actually an entry into a digital anthology called Premier Comics which has a bunch of other cool short comics that are really neat and you should totally read them because it would make me happy.

Here's the first three pages of my entry. Read the rest here!

Runic Nifty Nif


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I make dumb comics sometimes #4
Hey, if any of you guys happen to be in the Toronto area on May 13th or 14th you should come out to the Toronto Comic Arts Festival. This year I'm going to be printing up a bunch of copies of the last comic I did (Complete with a colour cover I commissioned from a friend of mine) and will be handing out copies as I wander around. If you can find me you get a free comic!


  • Cephalopod Enthusiast
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I make dumb comics sometimes #5

I have another story in the same anthology: Please read
lazzer grardaion? One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

lazzer grardaion?

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I make dumb comics sometimes #6

I have another story in the same anthology: Please read
KingKalamari, May 15, 2017, 10:36:53 pm

I very briefly thought I was in a different tab and that your character was yanking a pterodactyl's wiener. But upon closer inspection, it is both not suitable for pterodactyl fetishists and also very good.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2017, 10:53:33 pm by LancashireMcGee »


  • Cephalopod Enthusiast
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I make dumb comics sometimes #7
Hey, anyone interested in looking over a half-finished and probably nonsensical script I've been working on for a comic?


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I make dumb comics sometimes #8
I am!


  • Cephalopod Enthusiast
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I make dumb comics sometimes #9
I am!
Runic, July 06, 2017, 06:31:23 pm

Thank you! Check your PMs on Discord!


  • Cephalopod Enthusiast
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I make dumb comics sometimes #10
I've finished that script I was working on to the point where I'm willing to share it with random strangers on the internet. Take a gander if you're so inclined!. Comments are on if you have any feedback or would like to shout things at me.


  • Cephalopod Enthusiast
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I make dumb comics sometimes #11
So, I haven't been doing much in the way for drawing over the past few months but have been writing like a mofo. I'm aiming to actually turn the stuff I've been doing with my short comics into an actual, coherent story and tell it through a series of all ages graphic novels. While this is likely a pipe dream at the moment it's still a fun thing to keep me out of trouble.

I've got the first two stories (approximately 200 comic pages altogether) written up in script form, with plans to start thumbnailing once I've done another round of revisions. In the meantime I'm trying to come up with a good title for the series as a whole. That's where you come in, internet strangers! I've got things narrowed down to five options and want to see what other people think is the best sounding title.

Here is a Strawpoll in which you can vote for the best title!

The story itself is going to be a sort of comedic science fantasy aimed at an all ages audience, so keep that in mind when you vote!


  • Cephalopod Enthusiast
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I make dumb comics sometimes #12
Apparently I'm going to be exhibiting at TCAF this year?

 I've been meeting with some other aspiring comic-maker friends of mine on a weekly basis to chill and work on our various projects together for the past two or so years. A few months ago we ended up attending a seminar about the Toronto Comic Arts Festival and how best to apply and we decided to put together a small -press anthology for our own projects and apply with it as exhibitors at TCAF. I went along, but fully expected us to be rejected as we're pretty small time and the most prestigious credits any of our little group has are short comics in some local anthologies.

We just got the application results back today and...We were accepted.

I need to get my shit together: I've been putting aside my contribution to our anthology in favor of being a general lump and need to get some of my actual shit together so I have something to show at our table...


  • Cephalopod Enthusiast
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I make dumb comics sometimes #13
So, the Toronto Comic Arts Festival is this weekend and I'm going to be exhibiting with some friends of mine as part of the Donut Collective. In addition to a short anthology to which we all contributed I'm also going to be selling some copies of an older, 20 page comic I touched up:

If you're in Toronto this weekend head on over to the Reference Library and check it out!