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September 20, 2024, 08:09:14 pm

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Topic: Completely pointless Thought Of The Day thread  (Read 2018725 times)


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They should write 'Roflmaoita' next, the last one wasn't that funny.

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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Long live king charlie

Edit: oh shit hes real old too
« Last Edit: September 08, 2022, 12:45:24 pm by unregistered hypercum 2 »


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Thinking the important thoughts today, like "can you write 'cockhead' as one word?"


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Thinking the important thoughts today, like "can you write 'cockhead' as one word?"
Antivehicular, September 08, 2022, 06:36:39 pm

I think there's a definitive answer for this one.

As of this post, a Literotica search for "cock head" will yield 41,280 results.
Whereas a search for cockhead gets you 27,154 results

Therefore, the word "cockhead" is a less common but acceptable variant.

If we search not within the stories section, but instead decide it's time for poetry, then "cock head" will give us titles like...
- Pussy dreams
- The Belly Of Mad Man
- Ass Beat-Poetry

Whereas cockhead will give us titles like...
- Breasts, Ode to the Globes
- Prim and Prissy Missy P
- (My) Tongue & (your) clit
and of course...
- Twas the Night Before Christmas

So, point for cockhead, clearly.
Boots Raingear chai tea latte Antivehicular A Meat Great Joe Dr. Buttplug Achilles' Heelies Mr. Hunky Academia Salubrious Rex ikaribattousai cat_examiner Emperor Jack Chick


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That is the most beautiful message board post I have ever seen and I am truly blessed


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We're doing CBT.
But this time you get to choose:
Cock and Ball Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Torture

Dr. Buttplug

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The Shitty Life of a Poop* Cop: a Memoir

Edit: It was supposed to say Poop Cop, this is what I get for shitposting past my bedtime.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2022, 12:11:23 pm by Dr. Buttplug »


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Serious Organised Cringe and Police Act 2005

A Meat

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Devo's songs almost all fall into one or more of these categories:
  • Songs about sociopolitical issues, usually with an anarchist or socialist view, sung earnestly
  • Songs where they sing about the same kind of thing as above but play the character of a bigot or cultist of some sort
  • Songs where they just play a weird character for no real reason
  • Songs that are metaphors for genitals or fucking
  • Songs about unhealthy relationships
  • Covers of songs that are very different from their originals
Lemon Antivehicular


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You ever find a meme you know you made 5 years ago reposted somewhere you don't expect it to be? Like damn, I fucking photoshopped that shit and someone cared enough to repost it and I'm glad people are still enjoying it.
Salubrious Rex xX_sp00ks_Xx Sauce

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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these are the voyages of the starship enterprise rent-a-car
Great Joe


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Devo's songs almost all fall into one or more of these categories:
  • Songs about sociopolitical issues, usually with an anarchist or socialist view, sung earnestly
  • Songs where they sing about the same kind of thing as above but play the character of a bigot or cultist of some sort
  • Songs where they just play a weird character for no real reason
  • Songs that are metaphors for genitals or fucking
  • Songs about unhealthy relationships
  • Covers of songs that are very different from their originals
A Meat, September 13, 2022, 03:22:45 am

Which of those categories is Peek-A-Boo?

I can see you
And I know what you do

So put your hands on your face
And cover up your eyes
Don't look until I signal

Ha ha ha ha
Ha ha ha ha


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Obviously that's a song about an unhealthy relationship, come on.

I can see you?
And I know what you do?

Obviously a controlling asshole.

A Meat

  • Artificial Man Pop Seasoning
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Lemon, September 14, 2022, 12:36:55 pm
I personally interpret this song as being about people who quickly forget about the past and ignore the world whenever they're given a new stimulus, like a baby who doesn't have object permanence yet. It is written from the perspective of the powers that be, telling people to close their eyes and ignore the rest.

Laugh if you want to, or say you don't care
If you cannot see it, you think it's not there
It doesn't work that way
Dr. Buttplug Salubrious Rex Lemon


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I have nowhere else to put this, but I work at a sports bar that, obviously, airs sports and sport-adjacent things on its TVs, and the other day I was delighted to catch parts of the "world BBOY battle," and because my brain is broken I had to run here and tell you all, because my immediate thought was of Bboy360, I've listened to the cheevos episode too many times and it's sunk into my brain
Dr. Buttplug RoeCocoa