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Topic: Where do you guys meet all these weird people?  (Read 21197 times)


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They're my students.  There was the guy who rolled into class with neon-colored furry feet and a tail accessory, the guy who was on psychiatric medication and would ask great questions that made everyone else in the room uncomfortable, and the guy who would try to correct me during class while being totally wrong.  Community college is the academic equivalent of the Island of Misfit Toys.

I loved them all because they kept the day interesting. 


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My ex-gf was a furry in the sense that she draws a lot on commission and all of her online friends some of her real life friends are furries. But her and the real life friends that I've met are all reasonably normal people outside of that, but they're also all female so I don't know if that has anything to do with it. I also had one friend who is a furry that I met through a gaming community, but we've had a disastrous falling out and she's since jumped onto the radical trans 'movement' on tumblr. Since both those influences are no longer in my life I pretty much get all of my weirdness vicariously from The F Plus.
Ike, March 18, 2015, 12:32:51 pm

I intellectually understand every word in this paragraph but i still can't comprehend it
Smoking Crow, March 18, 2015, 02:39:41 pm

It boils down to the fact that when you're a teenager you're less discerning in the sort of person you become close to, I guess?

Tiny Prancer

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So the bus ran criminally late today after class and I ended up being stranded at the bus stop with a bunch of other people, and while we were hanging out there and chatting a short lady who was COMPLETELY SOAKED and was using her raincoat to wrap something up rather than keep her dry walked up to us and asked if we were students and if we were writers and so on, and opened up the raincoat to reveal several soggy binders of pages, a box of gold tinfoil sheets, and a couple of CDs with vague patterns drawn on them with marker or pencil, and started going on about doing an art project where people make things with the tinfoil and waved her CDs around and said something about her bandcamp and “the next pink floyd” and started handing out the tinfoil sheets to people. I turned it down and she went further down the line of people, but she never actually said WHERE or WHEN she expected us to get in contact with her or give her that tinfoil again, since she was expecting us to make it into something, apparently.

Pretty much everyone I was with went “what the hell just happened” and all I can think is that I feel really sorry for that lady, walking around soaking wet and expecting something to come out of her giving people gold tinfoil sheets and talking vaguely about her bandcamp

I also tried googling what she was rambling around and I think I found her bandcamp, but I feel too weird about this to try actually listening to any of the music. Someone tell me what it's like.

chai tea latte

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I also tried googling what she was rambling around and I think I found her bandcamp, but I feel too weird about this to try actually listening to any of the music. Someone tell me what it's like.
Tiny Prancer, March 23, 2015, 05:21:56 pm
it's weird synthpop but I enjoyed it and you should check them out!

I'll fill it right up by bringing you some chicken soup.
I'll bring you fuckin' chicken soup.
I'll bring you tater tots but you don't know what they are..

Are they swaggerin? Do you got a swagger?
They don't need a swagger they need something to be three.

If I wanna be your Mom I'll birth you from my hip.
If I wanna be your Mom I'll take you on a fantastic journey trip.Quote from
those are copy/pasted from the Lyrics on their bandcamp all the words get bounced against each other a bunch and aren't in that order
« Last Edit: March 23, 2015, 05:45:53 pm by chai tea latte »


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I also tried googling what she was rambling around and I think I found her bandcamp, but I feel too weird about this to try actually listening to any of the music. Someone tell me what it's like.
Tiny Prancer, March 23, 2015, 05:21:56 pm
it's weird synthpop but I enjoyed it and you should check them out!

I'll fill it right up by bringing you some chicken soup.
I'll bring you fuckin' chicken soup.
I'll bring you tater tots but you don't know what they are..

Are they swaggerin? Do you got a swagger?
They don't need a swagger they need something to be three.

If I wanna be your Mom I'll birth you from my hip.
If I wanna be your Mom I'll take you on a fantastic journey trip.Quote from
those are copy/pasted from the Lyrics on their bandcamp all the words get bounced against each other a bunch and aren't in that order
chai tea latte, March 23, 2015, 05:42:51 pm

It reminds me of Blanche Blanche Blanche and I like them so I enjoy this


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I have friends who fell down the fanfic hole, which led to the LiveJournal rabbit hole, which lead to the Tumblr rabbit hole, which led to the SJW rabbit hole .... etc etc etc until your mind bleeds out your ears. It's like the worst form of networking.

Also, being a bus rider in a relatively major city, it's hard not to see people wearing cat ears or hanging horse tails from their wheelchairs on a daily basis.

Puppy Time

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Anime club, goofy internet roleplay communities.  Basically, do nerd stuff in not-terribly-private spaces and you will encounter the weirdos. 

(It also definitely helps to be too polite/nervous to shut them down quickly.  I get most of my encounters via friend-of-a-friend stuff, though, since I've got terminal bitchface, which repels a lot of them.)

Achilles' Heelies

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I was about to ask the same question that Smoking Crow asked to start this topic, and then I saw these posts. I am someone who didn't really get into the heart of the internet until relatively recently, especially not before I ran into this podcast. When I saw posts on here talking about these bizarre internet beings that people actually knew, it was sort of hard for me to believe. When you only see the internet through these strange anecdotes, it is easier to pretend that it is all isolated, or barely exists. Then, after reading this topic, I started thinking about the people that I have come across in my life and realized that even if I didn't know it at the time, some of those people were the weirdos that this podcast is about. I've known conspiracy theorists (in my family), fetishists, achievement hunters, New Age hippies, men's rights activists, and all sorts of weird, messed up people. I especially knew men's rights activists because I am an electrical engineer. Goddamn, those guys from my college are just waiting for Boots to step down as voice of the Spearhead so that they can spew their hate even louder. So, I  guess what I am saying is that internet weirdos are all around you, Smoking Crow, even if you don't realize it yet. In fact, they are probably sitting on the bus next to you, wearing a diaper and buttplug.


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I was about to ask the same question that Smoking Crow asked to start this topic, and then I saw these posts. I am someone who didn't really get into the heart of the internet until relatively recently, especially not before I ran into this podcast. When I saw posts on here talking about these bizarre internet beings that people actually knew, it was sort of hard for me to believe. When you only see the internet through these strange anecdotes, it is easier to pretend that it is all isolated, or barely exists. Then, after reading this topic, I started thinking about the people that I have come across in my life and realized that even if I didn't know it at the time, some of those people were the weirdos that this podcast is about. I've known conspiracy theorists (in my family), fetishists, achievement hunters, New Age hippies, men's rights activists, and all sorts of weird, messed up people. I especially knew men's rights activists because I am an electrical engineer. Goddamn, those guys from my college are just waiting for Boots to step down as voice of the Spearhead so that they can spew their hate even louder. So, I  guess what I am saying is that internet weirdos are all around you, Smoking Crow, even if you don't realize it yet. In fact, they are probably sitting on the bus next to you, wearing a diaper and buttplug.
achillesheelies, August 11, 2015, 08:22:20 pm

During a student comity meeting at my university (my friend was the rep for our year) which included a number of students as well as lecturers and such from civil(my degree), electrical, and mechanical engineering a couple of the electrical guys piped up with a suggestions/request. They didn't appreciate the number of group assignments that they had been given (the way the university saw it was that as an engineer you'll pretty much never work alone so group assignments were often a thing). At this stage the head of the school piped up and said "No. You just don't like group assignments because you electrical engineers are all socially backwards". What I am saying is thanks for reinforcing that stereotype, though presumably being an outlier.

Emperor Jack Chick

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one of my coworkers the other day decided to go on a rant at lunch about how charred meat is highly toxic. so that was fun.

Achilles' Heelies

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What I am saying is thanks for reinforcing that stereotype, though presumably being an outlier.

Well, I'm still a huge geek, just not a misogynist shut-in. It wasn't even most of the people in my major, just much more than you would hope. They were just the insufferable kind of nerd that sublimates their frustration (sexual and otherwise) with women into hate. A lot of them are shit engineers too, and are the kind that would complain about having to work on teams because of course they fail at team projects. If no one can stand to talk to you, no one can work with you that well. You can't be a good engineer and not be able to work on a team, not for most jobs anyway. So yeah, that stereotype holds partially true, but I don't feel that it is completely unique to electrical engineering.

one of my coworkers the other day decided to go on a rant at lunch about how charred meat is highly toxic. so that was fun.

I now hate the words "toxic" and "toxin." Thanks to bullshit dietary "science," those words have lost all meaning. Were they referring to the trace amounts of carcinogens in ash, or were they not so specific? Not like those carcinogens matter at all, that's just the argument that I've heard against charred meat most recently.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2015, 01:17:54 am by achillesheelies »

Emperor Jack Chick

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the carcinogenic effects, as it turns out.

the conversation started up again in one of our public slack channels. he linked to wikipedia, so i promptly reviewed the sources and asked how they applied. his response was to essentially inform the whole company that he had no idea how dietary scientific studies worked since he apparently believed that the study was "we're going to inject you with dangerous substances and see how they affect your health".

and then because this story is close enough: then the office president promoted me to lead scientist and my coworker who is super cute asked me out on a date and i also won the lottery!

Achilles' Heelies

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and then because this story is close enough: then the office president promoted me to lead scientist and my coworker who is super cute asked me out on a date and i also won the lottery!
jack chick, August 12, 2015, 09:45:47 am
What an exciting day at the science factory!

Nikaer Drekin

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And Jack Chick was... Albert Einstein.


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Then Jack Chick was the demon