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Topic: F Plus dream team?  (Read 29242 times)

Boy Horny

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F Plus dream team?
What would be your ultimate set of Ridiculists for an episode?  Try to keep it to a reasonable number - seven or less, I think - or it's meaningless.

I'd go with:

Lemon (As the official host, he really ties everyone together, and he's essentially the "face" of the podcast for me.)
John Toast (Excellent straight man; keeps things grounded.  The Tom Servo of the podcast, if I may be so bold.)
Bunnybread (Kickass voice and a refreshingly non-Internet sense of humor.)
Portaxx (Queen of the nerds!  Funny voices, too, and she's usually able to explain what the hell is going on when the subject matter gets really geeky.)
Acierocolotl (Funniest damn voice ever, hilarious when he gets mad.)
Squiddy McEnnui (For "My Malleable Mannequin" alone I want her to read every female - or "female" - section.)
Jimmyfranks (Great "announcer" and absolutely necessary for any fiction reading.)

It was tough having to leave out so many awesome Ridiculists, but it was a nice excuse to gush like a fanboy.  :P  Looking forward to what else people come up with!

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F Plus dream team? #1
Your dream team is missing Jack Chick, Boots and/or bumpgrrl, and Bozarth. But then I'm a "the more, the merrier" type.

Boots Raingear

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F Plus dream team? #2
Victor Laszlo.
That is is.

Emperor Jack Chick

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F Plus dream team? #3
Victor Laszlo.
That is is.
Boots Raingear, October 07, 2013, 10:16:20 pm

Yay Victor!
Victor Laszlo

chai tea latte

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F Plus dream team? #4

First, I've got to pick lemon - man you can't go wrong with lemon. perhaps a controversial choice but i think one that, with time, will become obvious
Second choice has absolutely got to be lemon - he's a lemon. Enough said!
In third, I eventually decided on lemon - he writes comments on thefpl.us sometimes and they make me smile or whatever. This guy's a definite include!
4. lemon - the dark horse in my dream team, lemon is a relative unknown who i think will be scoring some major points this pro season.
fifthly, gotta bow to tradition and close out this list with lemon.

seriously i think all the ridiculists are kind of rad and if I had a 'dream team' I think I'd get disappointed when it stayed a dream! I like seeing the way different hosts change the podcast up, and they're all pretty rad dudes and dudettes.
cube abuser Lemon count_actuala
« Last Edit: October 07, 2013, 10:25:13 pm by kal-elk »


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F Plus dream team? #5
Depends on what's being read, AO's ability to read terrible writing(shit punctuation, etc.) exactly as-written without missing a beat is pretty glorious for some things. Portaxx's meltdowns can be pretty hilarious as well. So I guess if it's some sort of really, really shit Pokémon fanfic, I want those two on it.

Meanwhile the rest of the cast does excellent voices when reading the posts and opinions of the crazy and creepy.

Emperor Jack Chick

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F Plus dream team? #6
and they're all pretty rad dudes and dudettes.
kal-elk, October 07, 2013, 10:22:44 pm

Can't go anywhere on this forum without CIS PRIVILEGE showing its ugly face! :(

chai tea latte

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F Plus dream team? #7
and they're all pretty rad dudes and dudettes.
kal-elk, October 07, 2013, 10:22:44 pm

Can't go anywhere on this forum without CIS PRIVILEGE showing its ugly face! :(
jack-chick, October 08, 2013, 12:01:22 am

I am a goddamn OPPRESSOR. alternately i didn't think there were any non-binary-identified ridiculists.


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F Plus dream team? #8
isfahan's pretty cool
Acierocolotl Runic Alpha Starsquatch Chai zmonbobbo Cleft Uppercut

Alpha Starsquatch

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F Plus dream team? #9
My F+ dream team is everybody imitating Jack Chick's anime voice.
Navigator chai tea latte


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F Plus dream team? #10
Maaaan, if I'm not included in any list my sensitive feelings get all hurt, and I wouldn't want to put anybody else through that wringer.


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F Plus dream team? #11
One day I hope I get to hear an episode consisting of Lemon, Portaxx, Nutshell Gulag, Montrith, Bumpgrrl, and Squiddy McEnnui.


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F Plus dream team? #12
One day I hope I get to hear an episode consisting of Lemon, Portaxx, Nutshell Gulag, Montrith, Bumpgrrl, and Squiddy McEnnui.
sherlockian, October 08, 2013, 12:13:38 pm
I dunno which situation sounds sexier: The one where I'm surrounded by ladies, or the one where I'm surrounded by clones of myself.

No wait, clones of myself.


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F Plus dream team? #13
I'd pay good money to hear an F+ episode with nothing but slug voice and anime voice arguing about anime.


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F Plus dream team? #14
and they're all pretty rad dudes and dudettes.
kal-elk, October 07, 2013, 10:22:44 pm

Can't go anywhere on this forum without CIS PRIVILEGE showing its ugly face! :(
jack-chick, October 08, 2013, 12:01:22 am
That's not even what that means! ):<

ETA: Bunnybread put through whatever awful machinery made the new jingle.