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Topic: Episode 138: The Sound Quality Is Inaudible  (Read 61914 times)


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Holy SHIT this Patrick82 video.  He really takes his exercise objects seriously.

Cyberventurer, June 04, 2014, 10:57:19 am

Patrick82 was waiting at the bus stop in the middle of the city. Across the street was a dirty hobo, sleeping in the mouth of the alley in his own filth, a bottle of O'Doul's in his hand.

"Crush, crush," mumbled Patrick82 as he imitated the Head Crusher from a TV show he remembered once. He carried a plastic grocery bag full of Bybee quantum purifiers and something called a 'holographic power source'. He positioned his fingers in front of his eye, pretended that the hobo was actually in his grasp, ready to be pulverized.

"I'm going to crush your head."
chai tea latte
« Last Edit: June 04, 2014, 02:23:41 pm by STOG »


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Hey! You're not allowed to use music I like for this kind of thing!

Says she knowing fully the Internet has done worse.

chai tea latte

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a plastic grocery bag full of Bybee quantum purifiers
STOG, June 04, 2014, 11:54:16 am

Bybee Quantum Purifiers operate on the quantum mechanical level to regulate the flow of electrons that make up the signal (picture a metering light regulating freeway traffic flow). Current flow within the Quantum Purifier is unimpeded and ideal (think of the unencumbered flow of traffic on a lightly traveled expressway). During transit through the Quantum Purifier, quantum noise energy is stripped off the electrons, streamlining their flow through ensuing conductors. Unwanted quantum noise energy dissipates as heat within the Quantum Purifier rather than emerging as a layer of contamination residue over the audio/video information.


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Holy god, patrick82 may be the most amazing thing I've ever seen out of the F Plus.  There are so many times where I question whether the person posting the stuff read out loud on the Fplus is true or not, but here is crystal clear proof and it is horrifying/amazing.

Also, no real curse of JimmyFranks in this episode.  Unless patrick82 is a JimmyFranks curse all on his own.

Lady Frenzy

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I don't know how I missed this, but on top of the Magic Pebbles, Patrick82 bought a LessLoss Black Body too! Here's a video of him comparing it to one of this own products...somehow.


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I just happened to have recently listened to all of the past episodes referenced in this one.

There was:

May I See Your Water Selection?
She Thinks My Sex Are Spexy
What's Louisville Got To Do With It?

As a note, these are all brilliant episodes and I heartily recommend you go check them out if you haven't already!


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Putting aside this Patrick82 character...

Isn't this selling bags of rocks, titanium-dipped springs and wall dots a bunch of—um—FRAUD? Or do all these charlatans get away with it under the whole caveat emptor loophole? I guess luxury items are okay if the person buying them is rich enough to buy into it, but I draw the line at selling pieces of garbage for outrageous prices and using some pseudoscience to explain how they improve audio quality as something of a scam, even if they are able to wrangle enough idiot customers to buy it. Maybe I have too many ethics or something.


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Isn't this selling bags of rocks, titanium-dipped springs and wall dots a bunch of—um—FRAUD? Or do all these charlatans get away with it under the whole caveat emptor loophole?Down10, June 16, 2014, 01:24:26 am
Caveat Emptor isn't a loophole, it's the standard. A claim of fraud brings with it a huge burden of proof, including intent to deceive and harm caused. You'd never be able to make a fraud case for any of this stuff, partly because they talk in intangibles. These rocks will bring a fuller bass, these springs will widen your mid-tones. You'll never prove I'm lying because we agree what I actually said. If I sold a lotion that said "This lotion reverses the aging process, if you use this lotion your body will become 5 years younger than it was previously.", that wording is going to get me into trouble. However, if I sell my lotion saying "This lotion helps fight the aging process", my only problem is the fact that I'm competing with 20 other lotions that are making the same claim. It might have sounded good if you're desperate, but I didn't actually say anything.

Tiny Prancer

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I finally listened to this episode and noticed you guys missed a really easy jab at Patrick82 during his "HEY CAN I HATCH THE EGGS IN MY FRIDGE" learning experience, because when he talked about his interest in hatching them into chickens and raising them he talked about putting them "in my cage".

You know, not "a" cage. He meant a cage he already owned.

A Meat

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I finally listened to this episode and noticed you guys missed a really easy jab at Patrick82 during his "HEY CAN I HATCH THE EGGS IN MY FRIDGE" learning experience, because when he talked about his interest in hatching them into chickens and raising them he talked about putting them "in my cage".

You know, not "a" cage. He meant a cage he already owned.
Tiny Prancer, June 17, 2014, 03:52:57 am

Didn't he want to put them in the same cage he kept his rabbits?

I recall him talking about having a cage of rabbits at some point.


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"Rabbits" is what he calls his victims.
Sherman Tank


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Isn't this selling bags of rocks, titanium-dipped springs and wall dots a bunch of—um—FRAUD? Or do all these charlatans get away with it under the whole caveat emptor loophole?Down10, June 16, 2014, 01:24:26 am
Caveat Emptor isn't a loophole, it's the standard. A claim of fraud brings with it a huge burden of proof, including intent to deceive and harm caused. You'd never be able to make a fraud case for any of this stuff, partly because they talk in intangibles. These rocks will bring a fuller bass, these springs will widen your mid-tones. You'll never prove I'm lying because we agree what I actually said. If I sold a lotion that said "This lotion reverses the aging process, if you use this lotion your body will become 5 years younger than it was previously.", that wording is going to get me into trouble. However, if I sell my lotion saying "This lotion helps fight the aging process", my only problem is the fact that I'm competing with 20 other lotions that are making the same claim. It might have sounded good if you're desperate, but I didn't actually say anything.
Lemon, June 16, 2014, 09:39:14 am
So it's not really fraud then, it just matters how ambiguous and optimistically vague yet intangible the language is in the product description.

Though I have to admit that I'm impressed with the descriptions on the LessLoss.com products. They should get an award for the sheer amount of world-class bullshit they shovel out. All sales are final, I presume.


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I searched 'skeptic' on Patrick82's Youtube channel and was not disappointed.


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Episode 138: The Sound Quality Is Inaudible #43
I went back and listened to this one, then I checked out Patrick82's channel. Holy shit, there's so many videos. Which is the one that he showed that woman? It's like looking for a needle in a stack of syringes.

Lady Frenzy

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Episode 138: The Sound Quality Is Inaudible #44
I went back and listened to this one, then I checked out Patrick82's channel. Holy shit, there's so many videos. Which is the one that he showed that woman? It's like looking for a needle in a stack of syringes.
Muffinator, November 12, 2014, 09:11:12 pm

The original chat transcript's in the doc and has the link: