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Topic: Episode 138: The Sound Quality Is Inaudible  (Read 61909 times)


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Also he has another channel where he give pool tips while wearing a gas mask.
Old_Zircon, July 25, 2019, 08:04:40 pm

I think he kept filming videos after his apartment burned down, hence the gas mask. You gotta admire this man's commitment to posting. He exemplifies the mantra of "Never Stop Posting"
Wrought Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop SHAMBA~1.SBB chai tea latte GirlKisser420 Sherman Tank


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Episode 138: The Sound Quality Is Inaudible #91
The scamming of audiophiles continues to grow more and more brazen. Behold: audiophile.rocks
chai tea latte Mr. Hunky Academia

Vinny Possum

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Episode 138: The Sound Quality Is Inaudible #92
The scamming of audiophiles continues to grow more and more brazen. Behold: audiophile.rocks
Neal, October 27, 2019, 11:52:33 pm

That's Patrick82's own site
Mr. Hunky Academia


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Episode 138: The Sound Quality Is Inaudible #93
The scamming of audiophiles continues to grow more and more brazen. Behold: audiophile.rocks
Neal, October 27, 2019, 11:52:33 pm

That's Patrick82's own site
Vinny Possum, October 28, 2019, 04:01:58 am

Indeed. We are now in the second generation of audiophile grifters. The pupil has become the master.

Shell Game

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Episode 138: The Sound Quality Is Inaudible #94
I believe this is what they call... language grift.
chai tea latte


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Episode 138: The Sound Quality Is Inaudible #95
The actual "About Us" page is very, very good.


Mr. Hunky Academia

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Episode 138: The Sound Quality Is Inaudible #96
If you can whisper the forbidden words you can also find the about page of Patrick82 himself

Member of World Genius Directory, Glia and Synaptiq IQ societies. My IQ is at the 99.9997th percentile which is 1 in 300,000 people.

My highest IQ score:
168 OASIS (Dorsey)

My skills

My greatest hobby is taking IQ tests which I do every day, trying to beat my old record of 168. Even though my speech is retard slow, I have world class 393 APM gaming speed. I'm a pro level pool billiards player, Class A level in both chess and iRacing, but I quit them since I get more enjoyment from IQ tests. Throughout my years I have improved my EQ (Emotional intelligence) and it has become quite high which is rare to have among high IQ people (it's either one or the other). My Myers-Briggs personality type is INTJ Architect.

I eat 2 liters of home made ice cream every day (frozen bananas + protein powder), and I don't wear a jacket during the winter for some cold therapy. I also do bodybuilding but it's not going well since I don't sleep enough, I rather stay up late doing IQ tests.
GirlKisser420 SHAMBA~1.SBB Sorrel KingKalamari Immoral Filth A Meat Shigan


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Episode 138: The Sound Quality Is Inaudible #97
Member of World Genius Directory, Glia and Synaptiq IQ societies. My IQ is at the 99.9997th percentile which is 1 in 300,000 people.

Now, I'm not a member of the World Genius Directory or anything, but I'm pretty sure that math doesn't work out the way he says it does.
chai tea latte SHAMBA~1.SBB


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Episode 138: The Sound Quality Is Inaudible #98
Now, I'm not a member of the World Genius Directory or anything, but I'm pretty sure that math doesn't work out the way he says it does.KingKalamari, October 29, 2019, 09:13:34 am
It actually does.  That's not why it's stupid.  (Meant to quote, not bulb.)


  • Cephalopod Enthusiast
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Episode 138: The Sound Quality Is Inaudible #99
Now, I'm not a member of the World Genius Directory or anything, but I'm pretty sure that math doesn't work out the way he says it does.KingKalamari, October 29, 2019, 09:13:34 am
It actually does.  That's not why it's stupid.  (Meant to quote, not bulb.)
SHAMBA~1.SBB, October 29, 2019, 05:02:42 pm

I think it actually works out to be closer to 350,000, which is kind of surprising because I'd have expected Patrick82 to have given the actual, non-rounded figure, given his usual...way of being.

Also: Robble robble, I have stolen another bulb!

Ugly In The Morning

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Episode 138: The Sound Quality Is Inaudible #100
Who wants a 1000 dollar ethernet cable? Audiophiles do!


This is presumably the reason why an Ethernet cable will change the sound of your system. In fact, even if you’re not streaming music through an Ethernet cable – as long as it’s connected to your music server – it’ll change the sound of your music files stored on disk.
I... what? Why would that create any change that the human ear is remotely able to detect?


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Episode 138: The Sound Quality Is Inaudible #101
It wouldn't change anything, detectable or otherwise.


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Episode 138: The Sound Quality Is Inaudible #102
Who wants a 1000 dollar ethernet cable? Audiophiles do!


This is presumably the reason why an Ethernet cable will change the sound of your system. In fact, even if you’re not streaming music through an Ethernet cable – as long as it’s connected to your music server – it’ll change the sound of your music files stored on disk.
I... what? Why would that create any change that the human ear is remotely able to detect?
Ugly In The Morning, December 01, 2019, 08:52:15 am
Audiophiles not even remotely understanding how digital sound works will never stop being funny to me. The whole point of digital is you can run the signal through the worst cable imaginable and won’t get any distortion, provided you don’t lose bits randomly. If your Ethernet cable was crappy enough to affect your streaming music you wouldn’t even be able to connect to the internet.
chai tea latte