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Topic: F PLUS LIVE! F PLUS LIVE! F PLUS LIVE! F PLUS LIVE!  (Read 75188 times)


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Every morning, I go into itunes and click 'refresh'.

My podcast queue is empty. FPlus Live is not there. My heart is sick with grief, and longing. I wander the moors at night, howling like a wounded animal, tearing at my clothes until I stand naked before only God, and I curse him for his coldness. FPlus Live, oh, FPlus Live, where are you? There is an emptyness that beats within my chest, which only organised drunken mockery can fill.


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I think you might be underestimating the work it takes to convert "a dozen mostly drunk people shouting in a bar" into something listenable.


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After about the fifth pass of the highly-specialized "Reduce Slurring" filter in Audacity, the audio starts to take on a shrill, tinny quality.


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Well I for one can't wait to hear the finished result. Hopefully I can be there for the next F+ live!


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Ok, first I would like to give thanks to ....

Kumquatxop for jello sports and making sure that ours was the definitive version of T.U.R.T.L.E. Power.
Cuddlesquid for making devilschnapps (it was actually quite good) and a F+ worthy cake that I vaguely remember serving to some people.
Frank West for allowing me to do to his body what his book did to our souls.
Jack Chick for wearing that hat and educating me about the not-too-distant future sport of biker ball.
Isfahan for educating me about the gay werewolf menace
Johnny Toast for finally taking the plunge and allowing some roleplaying in our sex life
Jimmyfranks for helping me with backup dancer choreography on the fly in addition to our adaptive hip-hoperations. (and for just being fuckin great in general)
Stog for being so goddamn stoggerific (and for doing a spot on impression of ... I don't want to spoil it)
Bump for teaching all of us how dark gods work.  (I never learned that in Sunday school)
Bozarth for sharing the gift of song (and taking some beautiful photos.  You may be a more consumate art connoisseur than that one guy in that one book)
Portaxx for being such a great fuckin wingman when we double teamed those bitches and then high fived and did keg stands afterwards.  Shit was fuckin awesome!  Beta Kappas 4fuckinEver!
Healslime for helping me to remember why Mariokart can suck a dick.  (we'll just hire some ladies to carry us around and fan us with palm fronds, next time)
Big Baby Bootsy for working his ass off in preparation for this (and getting me to reconsider my master's in paleontology)
Sweet luscious Lemon for hosting/prepping like a motherfucker (and making me reconsider getting my master's in birthday clowning)

Apologies to....
everyone that heard me or interacted with me.
I had been working every day for the past two weeks straight and averaging about three hours of sleep per night.  That shit is actually true.  Then I decided that the best thing for me to do was drink a bitchload and scream all Saturday night.  I had thought about doing some voices/impressions before, for my 'book', but the only impression that I could get close to was "Bunnybread-at-the-age-of-80-with-a-head-cold"  I normally feel/look/sound better than I did so I am sorry about whatever the hell I did and how I came off.  God almighty.  It was nice meeting whatever three people I chatted with after the festivities. 

And I'm really looking forward to the recording, too, as I need it to make some sense of my patchwork memories.


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I was one of probably three or four completely sober people at the event, so I'd like to help anyone's patchwork memories by saying that Frank West's reading was the audio equivalent of the bus scene in Hobo with a Shotgun.

Emperor Jack Chick

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I was hammered off my ass, and Frank West's reading is burned into my fucking brain.


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Sorry for the delay in editing the live audio, I've been sick as hell with the jackchick virus since returning from MN. The audio (or as I like to call it, "The evidence") will be coming very, very soon.

Jack Chick, you are a fucking demon.

Emperor Jack Chick

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well, yeah

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

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I'll just amuse myself by watching the videos I took over and over and over again, sighing wistfully whenever Jimmy's on camera

Victor Laszlo

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I'll just amuse myself by watching the videos I took over and over and over again, sighing wistfully whenever Jimmy's on camera
portaxx, October 18, 2014, 07:20:33 pm
You have a paper towel-related assignment you should be working on.  Quit slacking and get animating!

chai tea latte

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Frank West's reading is burned into my fucking brain.
jack the ripper chick, October 12, 2014, 11:00:36 am


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Hey, let's talk about something that is not Frank West's fucking horrid Piers Anthony-inspired book and look at Adam's art instead!

I bought it to feel like a TRUE ART MAN WITH ART TASTE (and more importantly, to help Adam get to The F Plus Live Reading), but I felt bad for having it for a month straight and not having anything to keep or put it in other than a tube. So I went to a hobby shop and got it framed with a custom matte and a cheap frame! (It took me an entire week to get the work that they said would happen in two days!)

The result:

And just for good measure, here is a picture of a beer I was drinking in an Arizona airport at 7:30 in the morning. The Nexus 7 2013 edition does not take good pictures. :

P.S.: Adam runs a very nice Etsy outfit and gave me free Left Handed Radio buttons with my order along with a card that said GOD BLESS YOU WATER WOMAN. My co-workers do not give a shit about what a Skeleton Warehouse is, because they do not enjoy alternative sketch comedy.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2014, 12:12:54 am by Type 2 STOGabetes »

Adam Bozarth

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Aww, thanks, Stog! I aim to please.