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June 02, 2024, 03:17:22 pm

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Topic: 267: We Resentfully Attend  (Read 24282 times)


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267: We Resentfully Attend #45
The experience was so positive that she thinks it could be helpful for other people, especially women, going through breakups or divorce. "I fully believe women would be better off paying other women to do this work with them rather than trying to do it with random dudes who are just trying to get fucked."

"Working out some really heavy personal shit? Hire a BDSM sex worker to be your fuck-therapist! Sex workers love doing emotional labor for their clients, and this absolutely will not get weird!"
Wrought Dawnswalker chai tea latte Sherman Tank

Shell Game

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267: We Resentfully Attend #46
SHAMBA~1.SBB ViviVixen GirlKisser420 Antivehicular Boots Raingear


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267: We Resentfully Attend #47
Shell Game, February 05, 2020, 01:14:51 pm

You can tell it's a really special occasion for the groom because he wore his least dingy generic white t-shirt for the engagement shoot.
Shell Game


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267: We Resentfully Attend #48
The pictures of them in the downtown park (?) afterward honestly look so much better than the FHQ pics.


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267: We Resentfully Attend #49
To be fair, if they had taken pictures at the local garbage dump, it also would have looked better than the FHQ pics.
Dawnswalker Angora Gomorrah Shell Game