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June 02, 2024, 06:29:48 am

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Topic: EPISODE 100  (Read 63497 times)


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EPISODE 100 #30
the daily affirmations of timecube and the aftermath
holy shit i laughed so hard
so good you guys
so good


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EPISODE 100 #31
I'm curious.  Which of the classics was everyone already familiar with? 
I was only vaguely aware of Timecube and Ulillilia and that about covers it for me.  And Portaxx obviously committed the entire internet to memory a long time ago.  I'm guessing that most Ballpitters had already seen and read a lot of this material.  Is that the case?


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EPISODE 100 #32
Timecube represents the word salad days of my youth.


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EPISODE 100 #33
I was familiar with most of these either through SomethingAwful or Encyclopedia Dramatica.

Alpha Starsquatch

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EPISODE 100 #34
With the exception of the Elven Holocaust, this was my first time encountering the classics. Most of them predate my family owning a computer.


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EPISODE 100 #35
Ulililia is pretty great.  Here he is degreasing his cheese pizza.  Here he is talking about how he enjoys his music.  This is him volunteering in Fargo to help with some flooding.  He also is making his own game, Platform Masters.  It's all about jumping and watching numbers and parallax scrolling.


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EPISODE 100 #36
Most of these were new to me, with the exception of 2 the Ranting Gryphon and Dave Hopkins (But even then, I'd never seen the articles you'd read there before now).

Also, Ska-speed You! Black Emperor sounds like an amazing project, I want to hear their take on BBF3.


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EPISODE 100 #37
Man this was great, especially the endless ska puns. As for what parts I've heard of before, mostly just timecube and hopkins.

chai tea latte

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EPISODE 100 #38
I recognized ulillillia, timecube, justinrpg, governmentgetsgirlfriends, and the pinku bento box. The ones I didn't, though - wow, what a fucking episode. Gonna listen to this one several times at least.

Emperor Jack Chick

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EPISODE 100 #39
Oh no, I've actually done the "play music back at different tempos" thing when I'm bored.  It never dawned on me how bizarre it must be until I heard you guys laughing about it during the Ulillillia segment.  :(

It's a weird feeling to find that something you know shows up in an episode, but at least it's something benign instead of fantasizing about eating Reshiram's shit...right?
Cyberventurer, June 03, 2013, 07:12:54 am

Its not so much listening to music at different speeds, but more exclusively listening to music that is incredibly long loops of music at different speeds.

Confession - I once spent time trying to figure out the logic of the timecube (and I think succeeded).

Goose Goose Honk At Me Now

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EPISODE 100 #40
Confession - I once spent time trying to figure out the logic of the timecube (and I think succeeded).
jack-chick, June 03, 2013, 01:31:00 pm

How hammered were you? Be honest.


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EPISODE 100 #41
Does anyone know if the Timecube guy flips out if anyone points out that a cube has six sides, not four?

I knew about most of these people beforehand, but justinRPG, the pinku bento box and 2 the Ranting Gryphon were things I'd never heard of. I thank my stars for that, I think my ear infection was completely caused by having to listen to that god-awful Reshiram song.


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EPISODE 100 #42
Yay! The F Plus is back! (And so am I, but I won't get into it.)

I'm only partway through Part I, but there are so many all-time greats on here, and a several new ones to me as well. Time Cube is classic Internet crazy, as is Dave Gonterman. I discovered Time Cube back in 1998 when I had a gig looking for fun and/or weird web sites for ZDTV, and it still delivers the crazy, all these years later.

2 the Ranting Gryphon is what I've always considered the unpleasant combination of Furry fandom and cocaine, so I'm glad someone else noticed. Don't listen to his recordings if you have sharp objects nearby, for your own safety.


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EPISODE 100 #43
I was familiar with a few of these. governmentgetsgirlfriends, Justinrpg, Nekobe, timesquare, and the Elvin holocaust. most of these I heard about from digging the original watchful entity archive, or from ballpit, but I think nekobe I found trolling on lulz.net for furry drama years ago. Lulz.net is not a safe place and I do not advise you go there. Surprisingly never heard of 2 the griffon despite spending far too much time enjoying the fruits of furry insanity.

Alpha Starsquatch

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EPISODE 100 #44
Speaking of W-E! I wish there was a way to get in touch with them, because Wayback Machine has them archived as recently as January 26th of this year.

They also archived the old fandom wank wiki, which pretty much made my day. Yay for Snapewives and Usagiko.