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Topic: F Plus Live: January 18th, 2020  (Read 111888 times)

Shell Game

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F Plus Live: January 18th, 2020 #240
extra credit is also good you should listen to that too Bobguinary Novel, January 21, 2020, 07:59:54 am
Ah fuck.

Yeah! Do that! Please? I probably should've uh. Plugged it at some point? Eh, whatever. If ya want it, it's there. https://thefmin.us


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F Plus Live: January 18th, 2020 #241
Lemon: You made an entire board, and even gambled against the Javascript gods and won.
Bobguinary Novel, January 21, 2020, 07:59:54 am

if the man writes javascript for you, that's love
chai tea latte Dr. Buttplug Macho Masc Sangy Savage


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F Plus Live: January 18th, 2020 #242
How To Ignore Your Husband's Visual Basic Window He Left Open During The Final Round
Big Stinky


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F Plus Live: January 18th, 2020 #243
I had a shitty last few months for some personal reasons that don't need delving into.  This whirlwind tour of alcoholism and giggles really helped to distract and re-focus so let me echo everyone else and say that was delightful.

This might just be an emotional breakdown from a near-lethal lack of sleep. However, I am touched that so many folks had such a good time and everyone gets along beautifully at these things. It is heartwarming to see a bunch of folks from all over the damn world have a good time and hug the hell out of each other.  I'm glad Ballpit exists for nice nerds to connect with other nice nerds and build relationships that might have never happened, otherwise.I selfishly go to these so I can be the real me for a couple days and see some bros. 
Ten years ago, I was terrified to even meet Boots and Bump in Chicago.  I thought internet people were going to chloroform me and put me in a dungeon no matter how nice they seemed when chatting online.  Now, I count y'all amongst my realest and bestest real-life bros.  Consider this post a big old verbal hug (and grope) from Bunny.

Now, I wrote all the intros for our competitors and, because I like writing stupid shit, I overdid it.  I wrote for alternates. I wrote for the bonus round.  I wrote some in case we selected anybody from the audience.  There were WAY more than this but I thought I'd re-purpose a few to represent the folks I enjoyed meeting (or seeing again) over the weekend. I was drunk as fuck, of course, so please excuse me if I got your name wrong. I'm doing my best by piecing things together from this thread.

~She's the Lead Taste-Tester for BadDragon.com's lube division. From Whip and NaeNae, Vermont, ViviVixen, Come on Down!!!

~He's the content mediator for SissyKiss.com.  From LoadingBigOldAnimeTittiesMod, Delaware, welcome to the stage, GUY-WHO-HAS-MY-BELT-NOW!!!

~Currently serving on her 3 year proselytizing mission for the church of Pastafari. This competitor comes to us from the dumpster behind that KFC down the street. Let's give a warm welcome to Ganymede!!

~She's a caricature artist who works exclusively in glitter, legos and semen.  From WilhelmScream, New Mexico please welcome ChaiTeaLatte!!!!

~ When he's not serving as a body double for Zoe Saldana, this competitor is co-president of the "Fallout 76" fan club.  From AwwHellNotOnTheRug, Florida, Turtle come on down!!!! 

 ~Welcome to the stage, the Founder and Co-owner of the Pussy-Popping-Handstand-Dance-Academy-for-Boys, Hux!!!!

~Currently serving as Sous-Chef for Soylent, LLC,  From FrogChlamydia, Wyoming, let's welcome to the stage, LoveLadel! 

I also loved meeting the cool old bearded dude who has good taste in karaoke rock.  You may have said your name but, as mentioned, I was pretty damn drunk.

Now let me give some specific thanks to folks I love. This isn't everyone but it does cover a good deal of what I can remember.

Bootsy- Thank you for being the bestest goddamn Karaoke master and worstest cocktease when it comes to kisses. I hope to catch you at some point later this year.

Bumpy- Thank you for taking it easy on me during arm wrestling. I know how goddamn ripped you've gotten and I appreciate you preserving my fragile male ego.

Lemony- Thank you for the beautiful, shiny, divine jacket.  I got a LOT of compliments throughout the night.  You should consider all of them vicariously yours.  Especially the 'Nice Jacket' whispered to me by some random dude while he grabbed my dick. It made my cold wait for the cab a little more interesting.

JimmyFranksy- Thanks for making it possible to hear everything. Some may disagree but I think the audio component of a podcast is pretty damn important.  Also, I need that one pic you took with me in the jacket.  I'm gonna be jerkin pretty hard to that.

Bozarthy- Thank you for your continued support (both financial and spiritual) of the Mayor Pete -2020 campaign.  I feel it, baby.  We're gonna do it this year!!

FrankyWest- Thank you for performing a perfect Wavedash for the filthy fucking Casuals in the audience.  Semper Games, bro.

Squiddy - Thank you for being my shoulder to almost cry on.  Relatedly, Thank you for having that sound machine. I would have somehow gotten even less sleep if not for that. 

JackChick - Muchas gracias por cantar conmigo. Buena suerte con tu nueva vida y tu nueva esposa.

Achilles - Thank you for unearthing that old indie folk record we somehow both knew.  However, you stole a rightful VICTORy from a certain someone.  And you did it with the cheapest move. Toplessness.  You should be ashamed.

Kumquat - Thank you so goddamn much for the new belt.  That shit was flossy as hell and functional as fuck.  My pants would've been around my ankles the whole night, otherwise. You are easily in the top ten XFL cosplayers of all time.

STOG - Thank you for deciding the House of a thousand weirdos was the optimal time and place for you to experiment with drugs. But really, just thank you for stayin as Stog as possible.


Everyone who participated, attended or had anything to do with the past weekend is O fuckin K as far as I'm concerned. I know I missed folks because I'm very tired and very stupid.

Y'all are great.
Dr. Buttplug Achilles' Heelies Adam Bozarth Turtle Boots Raingear chai tea latte Macho Masc Sangy Savage Sitting Here Big Stinky Ganymede Shell Game Hux Turbo Sexaphonic Vampire Bunnybread Jr. Fatty Bo Batty Macaroniandbrie
« Last Edit: January 21, 2020, 03:08:33 pm by Bunnybread »

Shell Game

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F Plus Live: January 18th, 2020 #244
Achilles - Thank you for unearthing that old indie folk record we somehow both knew.  However, you stole a rightful VICTORy from a certain someone.  And you did it with the cheapest move. Toplessness.  You should be ashamed.
Bunnybread, January 21, 2020, 03:01:21 pm
Yeah! I was within 10% of kumquat! How dare you?!


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F Plus Live: January 18th, 2020 #245
I like you people so much I paid ten dollars to talk to you.

As a sort of Old Weird Outsider to this whole mess, I was pretty gobsmacked by how engaged, funny and absolutely p*o*s*i everybody was in Portland. I've played shows to extremely uninterested audiences and it's deeply painful and this was the absolute opposite of that. What a great experience and I'm so delighted that I was able to be a part of it. Y'all great. If anybody tried to make conversation with me and didn't get the response they might have expected, I apologize: I have a sensory processing disorder and sometimes "That Shit Don't Work, Hoss!" but it's no reflection on you as a person. Just... That Shit Don't Work, Hoss! I couldn't turn what you were saying into words!

V. eager to hear the recording and get all the jokes I missed.
Boots Raingear Dr. Buttplug A Meat chai tea latte Zekka Macho Masc Sangy Savage Big Stinky Mr. Hunky Academia sea hag Ganymede Shell Game Hux Emperor Jack Chick Kumquatxop

sea hag

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F Plus Live: January 18th, 2020 #246
Thank you to all the Rudiculists for putting on such an amazing show, even though I don't remember the last part. This community is totally amazing and I'm so glad I paid up my tenbux to get in touch with everyone.

Special shout-out and thank you to Zekka, my temporary mom Chai, weedcat, Hux, Gaynmede, Zoeytrope, and Turtle. You guys rule and were so much fun to wander around Portland with, and I hope we can do it again someday!
chai tea latte Zekka Angora Gomorrah Big Stinky Ganymede Hux Boots Raingear

Angora Gomorrah

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F Plus Live: January 18th, 2020 #247
Here chiming in with the choir.
Thanks for making something I have fun listening to and hosting such an amazing event.
Spending time with some of you on Sunday was a highlight. So was failing to roll around on a stage in front of you kind strangers.
Big Stinky sea hag Ganymede Hux

Sitting Here

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F Plus Live: January 18th, 2020 #248
Hello, another denizen of the Loud Table Up Front here, popping over from the SA thread to say thank you for another amazing show.  I can't get over how nice you guys are and how much care you put into making the audience experience something truly exceptional. 

highlights include finally being brave enough to hug bunnybread and getting way more f plus swag than i paid for.

sadly victor was not able to supply me with a drink recommendation this year, as he proclaimed it was all crap.  Nonetheless i did manage to get drunk, though it took a lot of bravery

I love all you weirdos
Big Stinky ViviVixen Hux


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F Plus Live: January 18th, 2020 #249
I didn't hug anyone because I'm a shy motherfucker but I supplied a healthy dose of hearty handshakes and leftover pizza.

Best trip I've had in ages, y'all. Thanks for giving us a reason to get out of Texas for a day or two. Looking forward to the recording getting released because I got deadass blasted.
Dr. Buttplug Hux Big Stinky


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F Plus Live: January 18th, 2020 #250
I was really worried, since I'm a bit distant and don't post here very often, that I'd feel i like an outsider among the community at my first F+ Live, and I was completely wrong.  I've never been in a room where I was so excited to meet every individual person, and instead of a collection of people with a common interest this now feels like a giant network of friends that I've just scratched the surface of, and I can't really adequately explain to people who weren't there what a powerful, positive experience it was (I've tried!).  Sorry if I came off a little dumbfounded at any point, I get tonguetied when I'm meeting people sometimes.  I hope this is an experience we can share with others for many more years to come, because you're all too incredible to experience in just two days.
Achilles' Heelies sea hag Hux ViviVixen Big Stinky Wrought Boots Raingear Dr. Buttplug Shell Game

Turbo Sexaphonic Vampire Bunnybread Jr.

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F Plus Live: January 18th, 2020 #251
I got called Bunnybread Jr., and I think it changed my life. I promise to be responsible with my new powers.
Macho Masc Sangy Savage Hux Emperor Jack Chick ViviVixen chai tea latte Macaroniandbrie Bunnybread


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F Plus Live: January 18th, 2020 #252
If we've got photos of the event to share, I figure we should email them to [email protected], but is there any format (Google Photos, Dropbox folder, etc) that's most convenient?

Also are the [merch spoilers? can you have spoilers for merch?] machine-washable?
Hux Lemon

Emperor Jack Chick

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F Plus Live: January 18th, 2020 #253
If we've got photos of the event to share, I figure we should email them to [email protected], but is there any format (Google Photos, Dropbox folder, etc) that's most convenient?

Also are the [merch spoilers? can you have spoilers for merch?] machine-washable?
THE CURSE OF THE WITCH OF THE MUMMY'S TOMB, January 21, 2020, 08:50:09 pm

yeah dude! you can totally put the pint glasses in the dishwasher.
EYE OF ZA chai tea latte Lemon


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F Plus Live: January 18th, 2020 #254

i also have footage, but only of karaoke night.

if anyone got video of my beautiful performance, please send it to me!
ViviVixen Dr. Buttplug