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Topic: So I'm taking a unity game development course  (Read 19150 times)

Frank West

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I tried every browser I have. It wants me to install Unity Web Player, so I did.  Then I tried the page again, and it still asks me to install Unity Web Player, so I did again.  I tried the page a third time, same message.

Boring game, jack.  Limited replay value.  Two stars.
Victor Laszlo, January 08, 2016, 04:47:39 pm

On the contrary, I think it's a fascinating game that reflects upon what the concept of a game even IS. Can the act of installing the framework for a game in itself BE a game? Are games today focusing too much on the technology involved and not leaving enough up to the imagination of the players? If we eschew narratology entirely, have we lost something on the ludological side as well? I don't pretend to know the answers, but not since Braid has a game made me question my own beliefs about video games so much. Bravo, Jack Chick.
Emperor Jack Chick Mu.

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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I'm waiting for the dlc to be bundled


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<some retort about orbs, cheevos and ethics in video-game journalism>


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I've signed up for the course.  Jack Chick, I challenge you to a metagame where we see who can make the worst games.  You are not prepared for this.

Boots Raingear Victor Laszlo Frank West Maxine Headroom Lemon junior associate faguar


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I got past the Unity Web Boss. I like how you turned the idea of ultra-chess on its head - the Pawns having the same power as the Queen makes the game a hell of a lot more entertaining. Though I don't know why you gave the same power to the King, especially since he can now teleport to another plane of existence to teleport and put the king in check.

Who did the voice for Lars Ulrich the announcer? He's good, is that Bunnybread?

Three stars, at least!
« Last Edit: January 10, 2016, 09:48:35 am by STOG »

Emperor Jack Chick

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I've signed up for the course.  Jack Chick, I challenge you to a metagame where we see who can make the worst games.  You are not prepared for this.
Healslime, January 10, 2016, 09:09:52 am

This town forum aint big enough for two awful game-makers, I reckon. I hope you got the deal where they included a shovel, because I'm going to bury you after you have dug your own grave.


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Got a little carried away with both story and the coding, But this is my take on the text adventure  (now with fixed WAIFU sequence)

You should show us what you come up with here Healslime!
« Last Edit: January 17, 2016, 10:57:38 am by Ashto »

Emperor Jack Chick

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Got a little carried away with both story and the coding, But this is my take on the text adventure

You should show us what you come up with here Healslime!
Ashto, January 16, 2016, 02:58:02 pm

Holy fuck, this is amazing. Also there is a typo at "closet w/ waifu".

After leaving w/ waifu - returning to room causes you to be in an incorrect sequence.

Emperor Jack Chick

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So I'm taking a unity game development course #23
It's been a while. How are you?

This is a 1.0 version of my Block Breaker game, which I've been working on for the last little while. Please note: this should work for everyone in chrome as it is HTML 5 instead of the unity player. If you check it out, please let me know what you think (an I PLAYED THIS GOODBYE is acceptable).

I'm a game! Click me!

Credits: Portaxx adjusted 2 triangle sprites. Sprites cribbed from a free sprites site and edited by me. Backgrounds from GIS. All sound & music by me. All level design by me. All programming by me (from the tutorial/class). Fonts from some free font site.

Notes: This is missing a number of elements that would make it quite a bit more fun. Score, lives, powerups. I don't think the levels ramp up in the way that they should either. The HTML came out super blurry and weird looking and I tried a few times to fix it and couldn't figure out why, so fuck it. Overall this was a good experience, and I've put a lot of work into this. I learned quite a bit.

Thank you very much if you play this!
Baldr Frank West


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So I'm taking a unity game development course #24
Spoiler, I suppose, but a way of tracking score and lives and all that is covered next.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2016, 12:08:57 am by Ashto »

Emperor Jack Chick

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So I'm taking a unity game development course #25
I know. I tried to hack it together myself first as a learning experience cause that's good for you.

Frank West

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So I'm taking a unity game development course #26
Priority 1 bug:

If I slam the paddle really hard into the ball from the opposite direction that the ball is coming from, I can get the ball inside the paddle before it bounces out, and this forces the ball to go slower. I can repeat this process to get an incredibly slow ball.

Please fix this, we need to ship on Monday.
Emperor Jack Chick


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So I'm taking a unity game development course #27
I hear ya, just glad they did get to it next cause I ended up throwing in the towel too after a few days.

In regards to Frank West's bug, yeah, the paddle can move too fast and clip into the ball. One possible way of fixing that would be to go into both the balls and paddle's rigidbody2d menu, and setting Collision detection from discrete to continuous. Putting the link related to the answer here cause apparently spoiler tags don't mix well with hyperlink text By the by, did you leave on the global gravity like the instructor did? Cause I personally didn't like how it made some of the bounces decay, but I kinda wanted to hear someone else's take on it.

Oh, and I'm deducting a star from my review cause I don't appreciate the rainbow in the second level; I didn't need to be preached to about gay marriage and such. You might think it's harsh, but actually it's about ethics in games journalism.

Emperor Jack Chick

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So I'm taking a unity game development course #28
Actually I have both of those set to continuous (which I did to fix another bug) detection. So yeah.


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I finally finished my text adventure.  I spent hours trying to figure out how to update the image so it changed with each room, but ultimately gave up.  I started by trying to handle it with TextController, but kept on getting errors until I realized I needed a separate script for the image.  I set one up with SpriteRender, but I couldn't get it to work without deleting the original object for the image.  After that it would never display properly, and I decided that was enough time wasted on the first game.

Anyway, I noticed a lot of people were having trouble getting Unity working on their computers, so I made a game about helping people to install it.  If you have Unity installed you should be able to play my game about installing Unity with no problems.

Here is the link!

Emperor Jack Chick Ashto Maxine Headroom