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Topic: An Open Letter To Terra Snover  (Read 56551 times)

Tiny Prancer

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An Open Letter To Terra Snover #60
what will forever be cemented in my mind about Full Sail is when a then-friend of mine visited them right when they were starting out and had brought her portfolio, since, you know, that's what you DO when you apply to an art college, and they were AMAZED and THRILLED that she had brought a portfolio.

(my ex also went there and I went to florida last fall to visit him as I was then-dating him and he showed me around the campus and I noted with a certain unease that the art they had displayed around the main building looked like it had been largely been done by first-semester freshmen)


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An Open Letter To Terra Snover #61
Break time! Let me just go through my webcomic feed. How about some Two Guys and Guy?

Oh, guess the artist is taking a break. The joke was funny, but there's something oddly familiar about this crappy artwork quality...
Today’s comic is a guest strip made by Terra Snover of Mock Girl.
Ah, good old Terra Snover, you haven't changed a bit. And you do web comics now? What do those look like?


Bonus: I honestly forgot why I knew her name for a bit, so I had to google it to remind myself. These are the order in which I got the results:
(In retrospect, I should have posted to this thread after blatantly being made aware of it's existence).
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An Open Letter To Terra Snover #62
If there's one thing I know about women, it's that their elbows bend in a different direction from each other.
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Vinny Possum

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An Open Letter To Terra Snover #63
Break time! Let me just go through my webcomic feed. How about some Two Guys and Guy?

Ashto, April 15, 2016, 03:53:55 pm

The fuck is happening to his hand in the middle panel. Why are are their necks doing that. Help. I can't draw for crap and I still feel like I could do better than this. Let me link you to my patreon. Time to quit my shitty job.


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An Open Letter To Terra Snover #64
Break time! Let me just go through my webcomic feed. How about some Two Guys and Guy?

Ashto, April 15, 2016, 03:53:55 pm

haven't heard of this before, but i already know i can probably draw a cartoon better than that

come on, terra, you draw a guy eating an exploding candy and you don't show us the explosion effect? you don't have to do it like saw, you know. comedy webcomics shouldn't be like saw.


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An Open Letter To Terra Snover #65
SO something I learned from this thread: If I go to full sail, I will probably hate myself even more than when I went to SCAD, and I will probably also hate everyone I have classes with. It'll be all Terra Snovers all the time.


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An Open Letter To Terra Snover #66
Break time! Let me just go through my webcomic feed. How about some Two Guys and Guy?

Ashto, April 15, 2016, 03:53:55 pm

haven't heard of this before, but i already know i can probably draw a cartoon better than that

come on, terra, you draw a guy eating an exploding candy and you don't show us the explosion effect? you don't have to do it like saw, you know. comedy webcomics shouldn't be like saw.
STOG, April 15, 2016, 05:15:59 pm

To be fair, by not drawing the explosion, it leaves it up to the reader's interpretation, which leaves a stronger impact.


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An Open Letter To Terra Snover #67
Break time! Let me just go through my webcomic feed. How about some Two Guys and Guy?

Ashto, April 15, 2016, 03:53:55 pm

haven't heard of this before, but i already know i can probably draw a cartoon better than that

come on, terra, you draw a guy eating an exploding candy and you don't show us the explosion effect? you don't have to do it like saw, you know. comedy webcomics shouldn't be like saw.
STOG, April 15, 2016, 05:15:59 pm

To be fair, by not drawing the explosion, it leaves it up to the reader's interpretation, which leaves a stronger impact.
Ashto, April 15, 2016, 06:20:46 pm

it's all over the place, man. the guy in the first panel already looks like he's done this to several people already, given his there's something about mary style hairdo.

also there's no setup for the explosion. no warning that if he eats too much his head will explode. it's just, 'hey, want some candy?' and he's all 'sure, this looks like a good candy to try, let me just get five candy death kernels and POP'

it is like a saw movie, except everyone's a bunch of turbo idiots

"hello zepp. oh shit, did I leave the oven on? oh fuck, i need to put this out. oh shit, my entire murder dungeon is on fire!!!!!"
« Last Edit: April 15, 2016, 06:36:00 pm by STOG »


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An Open Letter To Terra Snover #68
She still can't draw hands at all, I see.


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An Open Letter To Terra Snover #69
She still can't draw hands at all, I see.
Isfahan, April 15, 2016, 08:53:25 pm
What are you talking about Isfahan? Obviously that very talented man is bouncing pop rocks off the back of his grotesque, double-jointed hand.

Amelia Blank

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An Open Letter To Terra Snover #70
SHE WENT TO ART SCHOOL?? look I'm not great, but you'd think going to art school she would improve just purely based on how much you HAVE to draw to make it through??I dunno. Argh. ><


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An Open Letter To Terra Snover #71
SHE WENT TO ART SCHOOL?? look I'm not great, but you'd think going to art school she would improve just purely based on how much you HAVE to draw to make it through??I dunno. Argh. ><
Amelia Blank, December 28, 2016, 04:00:43 pm

I can say from experience that, depending on the school you go to and the programs you take, you can get an art degree without being all that good.

I think Terra's cartoon work is sort of telling to her philosophy as an artist. Like, it's usually very easy to tell someone who draws in a less than realistic style because they want to explore things like expression or exaggeration versus someone who draws in a cartoony style because they think it's easier than drawing realistically. Ms. Snover very handily falls into the latter category: Her cartoons are very similar to her more realistic attempts at art, just with less detail to them. Like, if you look at her portfolio there are a lot of cut corners in her work.
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Amelia Blank

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An Open Letter To Terra Snover #72
SHE WENT TO ART SCHOOL?? look I'm not great, but you'd think going to art school she would improve just purely based on how much you HAVE to draw to make it through??I dunno. Argh. ><
Amelia Blank, December 28, 2016, 04:00:43 pm

I can say from experience that, depending on the school you go to and the programs you take, you can get an art degree without being all that good.

I think Terra's cartoon work is sort of telling to her philosophy as an artist. Like, it's usually very easy to tell someone who draws in a less than realistic style because they want to explore things like expression or exaggeration versus someone who draws in a cartoony style because they think it's easier than drawing realistically. Ms. Snover very handily falls into the latter category: Her cartoons are very similar to her more realistic attempts at art, just with less detail to them. Like, if you look at her portfolio there are a lot of cut corners in her work.
KingKalamari, December 28, 2016, 05:04:38 pm

I suppose that's true. I mean I have no real training and have learned cutting corners because techinique is my weak point so I'm not much better?I dunno. Its super frustrating. At least I'm better than her????


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An Open Letter To Terra Snover #73
SHE WENT TO ART SCHOOL?? look I'm not great, but you'd think going to art school she would improve just purely based on how much you HAVE to draw to make it through??I dunno. Argh. ><
Amelia Blank, December 28, 2016, 04:00:43 pm

I can say from experience that, depending on the school you go to and the programs you take, you can get an art degree without being all that good.

I think Terra's cartoon work is sort of telling to her philosophy as an artist. Like, it's usually very easy to tell someone who draws in a less than realistic style because they want to explore things like expression or exaggeration versus someone who draws in a cartoony style because they think it's easier than drawing realistically. Ms. Snover very handily falls into the latter category: Her cartoons are very similar to her more realistic attempts at art, just with less detail to them. Like, if you look at her portfolio there are a lot of cut corners in her work.
KingKalamari, December 28, 2016, 05:04:38 pm

I suppose that's true. I mean I have no real training and have learned cutting corners because techinique is my weak point so I'm not much better?I dunno. Its super frustrating. At least I'm better than her????
Amelia Blank, December 28, 2016, 09:24:55 pm

I wouldn't worry too much abut it: There's absolutely nothing wrong with being self-taught or doing stylized drawings or anything like that. Working within  a non-realiztic style is a perfectly valid choice when it comes to art, it's just that you have to remember that it has certain principles you need to understand in order to produce something that looks good. Terra...Doesn't seem to understand this.

Pretty much all of her cartoon drawings (And most of her drawings in general) show a lack of understanding of some of the basic principles of cartooning and as a result end up looking really bland and unappealing as a result. Things like line of action, expression and how she chooses to simplify anatomy are all done with little regard to how they fit into the final product. Not to mention that there are a lot of times where she uses Photoshop effects to try and replicate lighting without an understanding as to how lighting works. It all seems to be done in a really slap-dash manner.

Which sort of brings me to my main thesis about Terra's work as a whole and how it relates back to her adventures on Kickstarter: It's a consistent case of wanting the recognition of being an artist without putting the actual work into it. She expects the reward before she puts in the actual effort which is not how things work.

I've been taking some classes taught by a working comics creator and during the first lesson of each of his courses he's always imparted the same thing onto everyone in the course: Talent is bullshit. Art is a skill that you develop and work on and that anyone can be a great artist if they're willing to put the work in and make a conscious effort to improve themselves. And what I get from Terra Snover is that she does not want to develop as an artist, she wants people to pay her for her stuff now and maybe that will motivate her into doing the work later.

To your concerns about your own work: I've seen your stuff in the sketch thread and I honestly wouldn't worry about falling into the trap of Terra Snover: So long as you're putting the effort into the work you do, regardless of how stylized it is or who your teacher is, and are making a conscious effort to improve and grow as an artist you're doing a lot more than Terra Snover.

I just want to conclude this by saying that I do not want to make it seem like I consider myself god-king super artist supreme or anything: I just make silly comics for fun in my spare time with aspirations to maybe be able to do something professionally some day if I keep working at it. But I think that's sort of what irritates me so much about Terra and people like her: We're doing kind of the same thing but she has delusions that she is owed money for having a hobby.
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Amelia Blank

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An Open Letter To Terra Snover #74
Thanks KingKalimari. <3 I guess I've been having self esteem issues, especially about my art and seeing like bad web comic shit triggered some pure frustration. ><

And I think your thesis about Tera is totally right! She wants instant reward for like no effort. Its like in everything she does.